• Re: Ctrl + X : CORRECTION

    From Terry Pinnell@21:1/5 to Terry Pinnell on Sat Oct 12 10:19:16 2024
    Terry Pinnell <me@somewhere.invalid> wrote:

    "...winston" <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:

    Terry Pinnell wrote:
    Paul <nospam@needed.invalid> wrote:

    On Fri, 10/11/2024 7:03 AM, Terry Pinnell wrote:
    I posted the following in TenForums a day or so ago but despite some >>>>> helpful replies there the quirk described so far remains unsolved. Most >>>>> recently I've confirmed that it continues in either Safe Mode and a new >>>>> user account. Hardly a big deal, but it bugs me...


    A few days ago an annoying issue arose. With a file or folder selected >>>>> in File Explorer, Ctl + x no longer works. Or Right click > Cut. On any >>>>> keyboard. Yet it does work in text apps or editors, like Notepad, Word, >>>>> etc.

    I can work around it by doing the FE cut in steps: copy, paste to
    target, select original again, delete.

    But it's had me spending hours trying to fix it, in vain. I could
    retrace and list here as many of those attempts as I can remember
    (including obscure ones like removing redundant versions of Visual C++ >>>>> Redistributables, or uninstalling Acrobat Reader!). But any advice
    meanwhile which might add to my repertoire would be much appreciated >>>>> please

    Terry, UK

    If you hold your mouse cursor over
    the scissors icon on the right-click context menu entry for a file,
    it says that the shortcut is Cut (Ctrl+X) and neither that shortcut, >>>> nor the scissors icon, works.

    Many thanks Paul, very interesting. I'm sure your suggestion is right,
    in which case my efforts were bound to fail.

    Can any Win 10 user here can reproduce my problem please?


    Win10 Pro 22H2 full updated through Oct. 2024

    This is how I understood Control X on different objects.

    Control X on a folder or file holds the contents in memory.

    Yes, the Clipboard!

    Control X is not a delete option(at least not immediately)

    Of course not, but it should immediately delete the selected file of
    folder from display

    SORRY, I checked again and you're right about that, it does **not**
    delete immediately. Only after the Paste command.

    - After selecting a folder or file, and then pasting it >>elsewhere(different location), the file or folder are
    created(pasted/moved) to the new location, the file or folder no longer >>present(deleted/removed) in the original location.

    Control X does not copy a folder or file to the clipboard.

    Yes, it does, always has AFAIK. And that should happen at once. The
    clipboard is also a section of 'memory'. Or call it a 'virtual
    clipboard if you want to make some sort of distinction.

    - the clipboard afiak is not designed(nor is it capable of accepting a >>file or folder with a Control X command


    Control X does accept selected text cut from within a file
    - it also does accept selected text from a file name(click filename or >>click filename and select filename and its extension), then Control X,

    You can see the clipboard status/results of any of the above by:
    - selecting a folder or file,then press Window key V(=> clipboard void
    of folder or file)
    - selecting text in a file or of a filename/filename.ext, then Windows
    key V(clipboard contains the selected text)

    Note: To view Clipboard content, the 'Clipboard History' feature setting >>needs to be enabled(Settings/Clipboard/Clipboard History)

    i.e. maybe all those extra steps depending upon your objective are not >>neccessary ??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Terry Pinnell on Sat Oct 12 06:57:04 2024
    On 10/12/2024 5:19 AM, Terry Pinnell wrote:

    Of course not, but it should immediately delete the selected file of
    folder from display

    SORRY, I checked again and you're right about that, it does **not**
    delete immediately. Only after the Paste command.

    That's been true at least since XP. The icons display like hidden
    files until you paste. Presumably that's meant to be a visual
    reminder that you're not done yet, so that you don't lose the
    files altogether.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)