• Linux Program

    From Murray@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 05:45:31 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Kettlewell@21:1/5 to Murray on Sun Jul 28 10:59:01 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    Murray <noreply@hhhhh.com> writes:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    Ask the author?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Murray on Sun Jul 28 14:07:39 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 2024-07-28 07:45, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    You are asking people on internet to run a unknown program which could
    be a trojan?

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Carlos E.R. on Sun Jul 28 08:34:31 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/28/2024 8:07 AM, Carlos E.R. wrote:

    You are asking people on internet to run a unknown program which could
    be a trojan?

    That was my first thought. A file on Google Drive that someone
    wants people to open and execute. Nothing about the post
    makes sense...

    Well, except the possibility that someone might
    write a Linux program where you enter a number and it shows you
    a bunch of other numbers. I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation. The program for
    drawing curves for no reason. Console windows... :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 08:41:11 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/28/24 08:34 AM, Newyana2 wrote:
    On 7/28/2024 8:07 AM, Carlos E.R. wrote:

    You are asking people on internet to run a unknown program which could be a trojan?

      That was my first thought. A file on Google Drive that someone
    wants people to open and execute. Nothing about the post
    makes sense...

        Well, except the possibility that someone might
    write a Linux program where you enter a number and it shows you
    a bunch of other numbers. I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation. The program for
    drawing curves for no reason. Console windows... :)

    How about the choo choo train that runs across the terminal screen.
    Linux Mint 21.3, Cinnamon 6.0.4, Kernel 5.15.0-117-generic

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Murray on Sun Jul 28 09:01:45 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sun, 7/28/2024 1:45 AM, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    printf("Sum 2+2=5\n");
    printf("Product 3*3=42\n");
    12MB more lines... Etc Etc.
    Would be a decent sized table.

    Strawman checks. Plausible premise.

    It's a Linux program with strings like this. Almost
    like I'm looking at a Windows App manifest for something
    being injected.

    numbers.dll <=== Yes, in a Linux program. Seems "plausible". Could happen. System.Collections.Immutable.dll

    and this detection in it:

    Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion::System Checks [T1497.001]

    System Checks T1497.001
    reference anti-VM strings targeting Xen
    reference anti-VM strings targeting VirtualBox
    reference anti-VM strings targeting VMWare

    ( https://github.com/mandiant/capa-rules/blob/master/anti-analysis/anti-vm/vm-detection/reference-anti-vm-strings-targeting-virtualbox.yml )

    A table-of-numbers program would not need that kind of checking in it.

    And it is sent to exactly two news groups. Am I using
    a Windows Host and a Linux Guest, and a girl jumps out of a cake ?
    Or is the package supposed to reject Linux Guest operation
    and only run in a Linux Host and then some <unknown> thing happens
    (my Windows dual boot is attacked) ?

    What could it be ?

    A Surprise Cake ??? A 12MB POC Surprise Cake ?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Kettlewell@21:1/5 to Paul on Sun Jul 28 17:06:22 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    Paul <nospam@needed.invalid> writes:
    It's a Linux program with strings like this. Almost
    like I'm looking at a Windows App manifest for something
    being injected.

    numbers.dll <=== Yes, in a Linux program. Seems "plausible". Could happen. System.Collections.Immutable.dll

    That makes it a .Net program (and I think there’s an entire CLR runtime
    in there). Not particularly common in the Linux world but not an attack signature in its own right.


    and this detection in it:

    Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion::System Checks [T1497.001]

    System Checks T1497.001
    reference anti-VM strings targeting Xen
    reference anti-VM strings targeting VirtualBox
    reference anti-VM strings targeting VMWare

    ( https://github.com/mandiant/capa-rules/blob/master/anti-analysis/anti-vm/vm-detection/reference-anti-vm-strings-targeting-virtualbox.yml )

    A table-of-numbers program would not need that kind of checking in it.

    A language runtime might well inspect details of the platform (to select optimizations, quirk workarounds, etc), but that’s nevertheless a lot
    more suspicious.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From David W. Hodgins@21:1/5 to Paul on Sun Jul 28 12:37:33 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sun, 28 Jul 2024 09:01:45 -0400, Paul <nospam@needed.invalid> wrote:
    What could it be ?

    A Surprise Cake ??? A 12MB POC Surprise Cake ?

    It is an ELF exectuable.
    $ file numbers
    numbers: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=6a2dbcf02501d226c1f4a63708dc055a48fc158b, stripped

    Looking at "strings numbers", one of the error messages is
    "Failed to initialize PAL layer", which based on what I can find in searches
    is most likely due to a problem trying to flash the firmware on a pre uefi system.

    Given that and the strings for error messages related to UEFI, combined with the With the vm blocking, it looks like a ploy to see if they can find any linux users dumb enough to install a root kit on their hardware.

    I'm surprised they didn't bother encrypting the executable, not that it would help convince anyone to run the untrusted executable.

    The user posting as Murry is either hoping for a few stupid readers dumb enough to run the program as root, or Murry is testing our response to AI generated malware.

    The strings output does have some stuff that looks like AI generated filler.

    My guess is Murry asked an AI to generate a linux root kit with a size specified.

    Regards, Dave Hodgins

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Big Al on Sun Jul 28 12:42:29 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/28/2024 8:41 AM, Big Al wrote:

         Well, except the possibility that someone might
    write a Linux program where you enter a number and it shows you
    a bunch of other numbers. I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation. The program for
    drawing curves for no reason. Console windows... :)

    How about the choo choo train that runs across the terminal screen.

    Made out of punctuation marks, I suppose? How did I miss
    something like that? Sometimes I feel my life has been wasted
    on boring trivia when I could have been really living.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 13:20:02 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sun, 7/28/2024 8:34 AM, Newyana2 wrote:

    I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation.

    That never happens :-)



    Give that a couple more years, and you won't be able
    to do that any more. Enjoy it while you can.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From VanguardLH@21:1/5 to Murray on Sun Jul 28 02:35:25 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    Murray <noreply@hhhhh.com> wrote:

    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    You are trying to install or run a Linux program on Windows (and not in
    a VM running Linux using a VMM that runs on Windows)?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Paul on Sun Jul 28 15:33:43 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/28/2024 1:20 PM, Paul wrote:
    On Sun, 7/28/2024 8:34 AM, Newyana2 wrote:

    I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation.

    That never happens :-)



    Give that a couple more years, and you won't be able
    to do that any more. Enjoy it while you can.

    Yeah... well... It's not for me to judge how you get
    your kicks. :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MR@21:1/5 to Murray on Mon Jul 29 01:20:44 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    I didn't find any tables on my machine!


    I just ran the program without entering any parameters. Are there any parameters required? There is no help file in the zip and the zip file
    was not encrypted. Google must have inspected the file to see if it is a malware. It downloaded for me and Windows didn't complain either about
    it before I uploaded the file on to my virtual box.

    If you tell me what are you trying to do then I can write a program for
    you in C, C++, Python (by Anaconda) or C#. You need to post your
    question on some programming newsgroups. I find "free.c" or
    "alt.comp.lang.c" good places to post questions but they are very quiet.
    You don't get insults for asking simple questions.

    On 28/07/2024 06:45, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 17:18:12 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sun, 7/28/2024 3:33 PM, Newyana2 wrote:
    On 7/28/2024 1:20 PM, Paul wrote:
    On Sun, 7/28/2024 8:34 AM, Newyana2 wrote:

    I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation.

    That never happens :-)



    Give that a couple more years, and you won't be able
    to do that any more.   Enjoy it while you can.

      Yeah... well... It's not for me to judge how you get
    your kicks. :)

    That's like GLXGears. It's a test case.

    Once X11 is kicked to the curb, there will be
    no more little Eyes to follow you around.
    Wayland is unlikely to have much silly-string demos.

    GLXGears is popular with people, because it is
    available more often, and it works. There are
    other purpose-built benches that bail (refuse to
    run after sniffing the graphics revision), and don't

    GLXGears examples:

    WSLg 800 FPS (obviously an unaccelerated graphics stack) <=== where picture taken
    Wayland 12000 FPS (assumes a good graphics card)
    X11 20000 FPS (assumes same good graphics card and driver)

    GLXGears is likely "saturated/non-linear" above 20000,
    so it is dangerous to assume linearity above 20000, or
    that there could even be a card at 40000. I've never
    seen a table, a bake-off of expensive cards.

    ATI made a 3D demo for their Linux driver, and that
    one is a rotating cube like DxDiag, except with a
    little more complex motion. You remember the DxDiag
    test cases, right ? The simple tests, are the
    ones that tend to run.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Paul on Tue Jul 30 04:10:51 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 2024-07-28 15:01, Paul wrote:
    On Sun, 7/28/2024 1:45 AM, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    printf("Sum 2+2=5\n");
    printf("Product 3*3=42\n");
    12MB more lines... Etc Etc.
    Would be a decent sized table.

    Strawman checks. Plausible premise.

    It's a Linux program with strings like this. Almost
    like I'm looking at a Windows App manifest for something
    being injected.

    numbers.dll <=== Yes, in a Linux program. Seems "plausible". Could happen.

    You can write Linux native programs that use the wine libraries. This
    allows you to program thinking of Windows, but actually writing Linux
    native code.

    It is not the same as running a program.exe in wine. That's a windows
    native program running under an emulator in Linux.

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Carlos E.R. on Tue Jul 30 00:21:27 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Mon, 7/29/2024 10:10 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
    On 2024-07-28 15:01, Paul wrote:
    On Sun, 7/28/2024 1:45 AM, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    printf("Sum 2+2=5\n");
    printf("Product 3*3=42\n");
    12MB more lines... Etc Etc.
    Would be a decent sized table.

    Strawman checks. Plausible premise.

    It's a Linux program with strings like this. Almost
    like I'm looking at a Windows App manifest for something
    being injected.

    numbers.dll  <=== Yes, in a Linux program. Seems "plausible". Could happen.

    You can write Linux native programs that use the wine libraries. This allows you to program thinking of Windows, but actually writing Linux native code.

    It is not the same as running a program.exe in wine. That's a windows native program running under an emulator in Linux.

    How would this look in the output of "ldd" ?
    Are the WINE libraries statically linked, or dynamically linked ?

    The dynamic libraries for the ELF (as listed by ldd) are
    pretty spartan. Consistent with a simple program that prints
    out numbers. But there is way way too much junk-in-the-trunk.

    ldd ./numbers

    libpthread.so.0 <==== I just copied the list from Virustotal for now libdl.so.2

    Name: numbers
    Size: 13,425,417 bytes (12 MiB)
    SHA256: 1D8295C889E87AB90356239C06DE59F6A4B3F0961E386408866904A52E2662FA


    For some reason, these can be seen, even though the program is stripped.

    <Main>$ <<Main>$>g__print_odd|0_0 <<Main>$>g__print_even|0_1

    This is a double byte string, with every second byte removed.

    #Hello Newsgroups!#The time now is: G#The numbers are: -The even Numbers are: +The Odd Numbers are: a** Hope you enjoyed this short exercise . . . **/##### Bye for now #####

    Do you know whether WINE can run Metro.Apps ? Or Universal Windows Programs ? Even Windows can't always run the latter ones :-)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Paul on Tue Jul 30 13:51:26 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 2024-07-30 06:21, Paul wrote:
    On Mon, 7/29/2024 10:10 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
    On 2024-07-28 15:01, Paul wrote:
    On Sun, 7/28/2024 1:45 AM, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    All  get is a bunch of numbers without anything else such as sum,
    product etc etc.

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    printf("Sum 2+2=5\n");
    printf("Product 3*3=42\n");
    12MB more lines... Etc Etc.
    Would be a decent sized table.

    Strawman checks. Plausible premise.

    It's a Linux program with strings like this. Almost
    like I'm looking at a Windows App manifest for something
    being injected.

    numbers.dll  <=== Yes, in a Linux program. Seems "plausible". Could happen.

    You can write Linux native programs that use the wine libraries. This allows you to program thinking of Windows, but actually writing Linux native code.

    It is not the same as running a program.exe in wine. That's a windows native program running under an emulator in Linux.

    How would this look in the output of "ldd" ?

    I don't know if I have a program doing this currently, to have a look.

    Are the WINE libraries statically linked, or dynamically linked ?

    Can be both, I think. Same as any other Linux binary.

    The dynamic libraries for the ELF (as listed by ldd) are
    pretty spartan. Consistent with a simple program that prints
    out numbers. But there is way way too much junk-in-the-trunk.

    ldd ./numbers

    libpthread.so.0 <==== I just copied the list from Virustotal for now libdl.so.2

    Name: numbers
    Size: 13,425,417 bytes (12 MiB)
    SHA256: 1D8295C889E87AB90356239C06DE59F6A4B3F0961E386408866904A52E2662FA


    For some reason, these can be seen, even though the program is stripped.

    <Main>$ <<Main>$>g__print_odd|0_0 <<Main>$>g__print_even|0_1

    This is a double byte string, with every second byte removed.

    #Hello Newsgroups!#The time now is: G#The numbers are: -The even Numbers are: +The Odd Numbers are: a** Hope you enjoyed this short exercise . . . **/##### Bye for now #####

    Do you know whether WINE can run Metro.Apps ? Or Universal Windows Programs ? Even Windows can't always run the latter ones :-)

    I don't know.

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Paul on Tue Jul 30 08:43:15 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/30/2024 12:21 AM, Paul wrote:

    #Hello Newsgroups!#The time now is: G#The numbers are: -The even Numbers are: +The Odd Numbers are: a** Hope you enjoyed this short exercise . . . **/##### Bye for now #####

    This is a shame. I could have used some extra numbers.

    Do you know whether WINE can run Metro.Apps ? Or Universal Windows Programs ? Even Windows can't always run the latter ones :-)

    I worked with the WINE people very briefly, looking into adapting
    Windows VB6 software to WINE. The redirect Windows calls (Shim?
    Some kind of shepherding? I don't understand that part.) Over the
    years the WINOs have adapted specific Win32 API calls to coorelate
    WINE libraries. Unfortunately, it's not a 1-to-1 correlation. One user32 function might be in one library while the next one is in another
    library. And of course, no docs to speak of. Real coders don't speak

    I didn't last long with the WINE people because they had no interest
    in sharing information about how I could code to accommodate WINE.
    They only wanted me to test my software and report bugs. Then I was
    to be in charge of that bug until it was resolved by WINO lackeys --
    temporary college student coders. (I had no idea that geeks were so
    often paramilitary in their social structures.)

    An example: I had used a quick hack in the ChooseColor function.
    I'd never had any use for the color pallette that could be saved at
    the bottom left of the colorpicker window. The lpCustomColors member
    of the CHOOSECOLOR structure is supposed to take an array of long
    integers to represent 24-bit colors for the grid. For whatever reason,
    VBers were using an array of string pointers, which worked fine on
    Windows if the custom colors were never used. In WINE those
    details got lost in translation and the string array cause a crash.
    The WINOs were adamant that I shouldn't code such things better.
    They didn't want me to strain my little brain. They actually didn't want
    me to unsderstand.They just wanted me to keep track of bugs until
    a coder fixed them on the Linux side.

    I don't claim to be able to program anywhetre near the level of
    low-level detail that those people can, but they could have cooperated.

    WINE is mostly geared toward running Photoshop and video games.
    The WINOs wanted Microsoft games. Which is an important point. It
    was never about bringing Windows software to Linux. The primary
    motivation was to bring video games and maybe MSOffice to Linux geeks.

    They'll take up the
    challenge of whatever interests them. Then they have a chart showing
    not how well the WinAPI is supported but rather the quality of support
    for specific software. Put Cortana in a tight, transistor-festooned
    bodysuit and hose her down, then put her in a Metro app,
    and you can bet you'll get more WINE Metro support. Or at least
    more WINE Cortana-all-wet-in-a-bodysuit support.

    When I tried WINE maybe 15 years ago it was very spotty. For
    example, Irfan View worked OK but had gaps in the GUI. Just
    missing window areas. Odd glitches. Years later it seemed more polished,
    though I tried my own software and WINE couldn't see subclassed windows
    at all. I have an editor with a system richedit window and the richedit
    just doesn't show up. On Windows there's also notable difference
    between versions of richedit, with various little things. So you can
    imagine how WINE would do it. They'd give you a Linux equivalent
    and map some or most of the richedit messages to the Linux window,
    with a shoehorn if necessary.

    So the Windows version needs to be thoroughly orthodox, the
    specific APIs used must be supported, and a Linux equivalent must
    be adequate as a substitute for the Windows function. Thus, WINE might
    support all sorts of things, such as .Net and Metro, but will likely
    never support any of them fully.

    I imagine you probably know all this, but it's an interesting topic
    and probably most people haven't looked into how WINE works.
    I ended up deciding that any idea of moving to Linux without leaving
    behind favorite software was not realistic and never would be realistic. (Lately I've had enough trouble just adapting richedit50 to what I
    expect from richedit20. So how could I expect WINE to match the
    expected behavior in the Linux equivalent?)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Gaines@21:1/5 to v8an4k$11id8$1@dont-email.me on Tue Jul 30 13:27:06 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 30/07/2024 in message <v8an4k$11id8$1@dont-email.me> Newyana2 wrote:

    I have an editor with a system richedit window and the richedit
    just doesn't show up. On Windows there's also notable difference
    between versions of richedit, with various little things. So you can
    imagine how WINE would do it. They'd give you a Linux equivalent
    and map some or most of the richedit messages to the Linux window,
    with a shoehorn if necessary.

    Although I have one Linux box I tend to live in Windows, specifically in
    Visual Studio and C#. I have my own RTF editor and asked in a Windows
    forum if anybody could tell me what key functions were standard in a RichTextBox and the only answer I got was "it differs between versions".

    Did you ever find any definitive documentation for the differences between versions?

    Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
    Thanks for teaching me the meaning of plethora, it means a lot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Jeff Gaines on Tue Jul 30 12:40:59 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/30/2024 9:27 AM, Jeff Gaines wrote:

    Although I have one Linux box I tend to live in Windows, specifically in Visual Studio and C#. I have my own RTF editor and asked in a Windows
    forum if anybody could tell me what key functions were standard in a RichTextBox and the only answer I got was "it differs between versions".

    Did you ever find any definitive documentation for the differences
    between versions?

    That's a tough one. And the versions are all over the place.
    At one time there were 3 completely different richedits, all with
    the same version, that could be distinguished only by file size!

    I have docs somewhere that I've downloaded that detail updates,
    such as find backward being added in RE 2, if I remember right.
    VB6 RichTextBox is actually based on RE1, but I'm using msftedit.dll,
    which is richedit50w. Then there are separate versions involved with
    MSO. It's very nutty. I've also read that some people think RE2
    is faster/better than RE5. I haven't found that to be true. In tests
    of RE2 and RE5 on the same computer, I've found that RE5 is generally
    about twice as fast, but that the two were comparable in some cases.
    As near as I can tell, RE2 is slower processing complex richtext encoding,
    but as it gets simpler the two show less difference.

    Last week I was dealing with an odd problem that's typical. I have
    a Find function that selects the found word. In RE2 the word
    stays selected with focus on my Find window. With RE5 the selection disappeared. Not goo. But I finally found a simple solution: I use the EM_HIDESELECTION message just after selecting the found word. But
    looking up the MS docs it said hiding the selection was the default action. They don't mention that it's only a recent change.

    Another glitch in RE5: When pasting text, the caret gets moved willy
    nilly after all operations are ceased. That doesn't happen in RE2. The
    solution I found was to track EN_SELCHANGE and put the caret back
    after the RE is done screwing around.

    So I might be able to offer help on specific things but I don't have
    any exhaustive list of issues. I also don't use .Net, so I don't know which
    RE you're using. I'm creating it directly from msftedit.dll
    and subclassing it. Interestingly, it produces RTF files that say
    richedit20 in the header. But spy++ recognizes it as richedit50w. (There's
    no A version in richedit50, as I understand it, so I've had to rework
    string functions.)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Gaines@21:1/5 to v8b52c$1439r$1@dont-email.me on Tue Jul 30 18:41:56 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 30/07/2024 in message <v8b52c$1439r$1@dont-email.me> Newyana2 wrote:

    That's a tough one. And the versions are all over the place.
    At one time there were 3 completely different richedits, all with
    the same version, that could be distinguished only by file size!

    [snipped but copied to my help file!]

    Many thanks, that's more than I've ever found anywhere else :-)

    NET is only a wrapper round the API and some of the controls are garbage -
    the ListView being worst because it paints itself every time anybody looks
    at it so flickers like mad.

    Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
    Indecision is the key to flexibility

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Jeff Gaines on Tue Jul 30 17:28:13 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 7/30/2024 2:41 PM, Jeff Gaines wrote:

    Many thanks, that's more than I've ever found anywhere else :-)

    NET is only a wrapper round the API and some of the controls are garbage
    - the ListView being worst because it paints itself every time anybody
    looks at it so flickers like mad.

    I'm glad if it helps. A few more tidbits that might save you some hair
    and time:

    Here's the link for the docs. They're old, but they go up to RE 4.1. riched20.dll on Win10 is RE v. 3.1. Riched32 is RE v. 1. Msftedit.dll
    is v. 5 but on older systems it's v. 4.1. Then the specialized
    versions with MSO or other software go up to 7 or 9 or some such.


    riched20 can do backward search. The FR_* FINDTEXT
    constants used for options with EM_FINDTEXT just drop 1
    for backward search So forward FR_WHOLEWORD, for example,
    should be 3, then drop it to 2 for backward search. If I remember
    correctly, 2 was originally forward search. So it's a bit tricky.

    RichEdit from at least 4.1 can handle UTF-8. The way I do it is to
    use a short function to look for UTF-8 bytes in a file. If they're
    found then I load it as UTF-8. But if I remember correctly, that was undocumented or the docs were wrong.
    Here's what I have for handling it:

    Public Sub LoadFile(ByVal sFile As String, AsRTF As Boolean, AsUTF8 As
    Dim hFile As Long
    Dim LRet As Long, LType As Long
    On Error Resume Next

    hFile = CreateFile(sFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, ByVal 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)
    If (hFile <> 0) Then
    If (AsRTF = True) Then
    LType = SF_RTF
    LType = SF_TEXT
    End If
    If AsUTF8 = True Then LType = LType Or SF_USECODEPAGE Or
    TS.dwCookie = hFile
    TS.pfnCallback = AddressOfPointer(AddressOf StreamInCallBack)
    TS.dwError = 0
    ' The text will be streamed in though the LoadCallback function:
    LRet = SendMessageLongW(hRTB, EM_STREAMIN, ByVal LType, VarPtr(TS))
    CloseHandle hFile
    End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveFile(ByVal sFile As String, AsRTF As Boolean, AsUTF8 As
    Dim hFile As Long
    Dim LRet As Long, LType As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    hFile = CreateFile(sFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, ByVal 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0)
    If (hFile <> 0) Then
    If (AsRTF = True) Then
    LType = SF_RTF
    LType = SF_TEXT
    End If
    If AsUTF8 = True Then LType = LType Or SF_USECODEPAGE Or
    TS.dwCookie = hFile
    TS.pfnCallback = AddressOfPointer(AddressOf StreamOutCallBack)
    TS.dwError = 0
    LRet = SendMessageLongW(hRTB, EM_STREAMOUT, ByVal LType, VarPtr(TS))
    CloseHandle hFile
    End If
    End Sub

    I don't know whether this will make sense as VB6. It's using the inherent RE functions to open and save. They're incredibly fast but must be used
    with a callback. Note the line "If AsUTF8..." I'm testing the text first
    with a
    small function to look for utf-8 markers.

    Then I track whether that file is UTF-8. If it is then I use the
    UTF-8 flag
    with open and save. It works flawlessly, but some operations can be
    tricky. For example, when I do a cut or paste I track the end for the
    caret position:

    new selstart should be selstart + length paste. A cut or paste of richtext
    may be, say, 60 characters, while the plain text is, say, 46. The RE tracks visible characters. So to check how much you've pasted you need to know
    the plain text string length, not the richtext string length.

    Private Const SF_TEXT = &H1
    Private Const SF_RTF As Long = &H2
    Public Const SF_USECODEPAGE = &H20&
    Public Const CP_UTF8_HIGH = &HFDE90000

    Finally, the selchange event, in case you don't have that. This is
    sent to the parent window as a WM_NOTIFY message. So it
    needs to be in a subclass of the parent window. You have to
    check the first part to see if it's an EN_SELCHANGE message.
    If so then you read the whole SELCHANGE structure. This is
    returning sel-st, sel-end and sel-type.

    Case WM_NOTIFY '-- get selection change event.
    CopyMemory NM, ByVal lParam, Len(NM)
    If (NM.code = EN_SELCHANGE) Then
    CopyMemory SC, ByVal lParam, Len(SC)
    RaiseEvent OnSelChange(SC.chrg.cpMin, SC.chrg.cpMax,
    End If

    Then in the OnSelChange event for the RE window I've
    been tracking what the selstart SHOULD be after a paste.
    So if that value is not 0 then I set the selstart to that value
    and then set it to 0. That way I'm only acting after the
    caret changing bug has aleady happened. I couldn't make it work
    any other way. Whatever causes the glitch is happening after
    I've already done a paste and set selstart. Then the RE changes
    the selstart by a cause I haven't figured out. But that, then,
    triggers an OnSelChange event that's happening after I'm done
    pasting and have set the tracking value.

    Somewhat confusing, probably, but it should make sense if
    you read it through.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Gaines@21:1/5 to v8blsu$16ubt$1@dont-email.me on Wed Jul 31 07:12:45 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 30/07/2024 in message <v8blsu$16ubt$1@dont-email.me> Newyana2 wrote:

    On 7/30/2024 2:41 PM, Jeff Gaines wrote:

    Many thanks, that's more than I've ever found anywhere else :-)

    NET is only a wrapper round the API and some of the controls are garbage
    - the ListView being worst because it paints itself every time anybody >>looks at it so flickers like mad.

    I'm glad if it helps. A few more tidbits that might save you some hair and >time:


    Somewhat confusing, probably, but it should make sense if
    you read it through.

    Many thanks again :-)

    I will use it as the basis for a test app and see how I get on!

    Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
    Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jasen Betts@21:1/5 to newyana@invalid.nospam on Sat Aug 3 13:39:12 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 2024-07-28, Newyana2 <newyana@invalid.nospam> wrote:
    On 7/28/2024 8:41 AM, Big Al wrote:

         Well, except the possibility that someone might
    write a Linux program where you enter a number and it shows you
    a bunch of other numbers. I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation. The program for
    drawing curves for no reason. Console windows... :)

    How about the choo choo train that runs across the terminal screen.

    Made out of punctuation marks, I suppose? How did I miss
    something like that? Sometimes I feel my life has been wasted
    on boring trivia when I could have been really living.

    The package "steam-locomotion" exists to prank you when you type "sl"
    instead of "ls".

    🇺🇦 Слава Україні

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 3 15:05:14 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sun, 7/28/2024 12:42 PM, Newyana2 wrote:
    On 7/28/2024 8:41 AM, Big Al wrote:

         Well, except the possibility that someone might
    write a Linux program where you enter a number and it shows you
    a bunch of other numbers. I've seen dumber Linux programs.
    (The eyes that follow the mouse animation. The program for
    drawing curves for no reason. Console windows... :)

    How about the choo choo train that runs across the terminal screen.

       Made out of punctuation marks, I suppose? How did I miss
    something like that? Sometimes I feel my life has been wasted
    on boring trivia when I could have been really living.

    We made extensive usage of "curses" and GOTOXY back when
    in my computing project. The network status screen I made
    for keeping an eye on network problems, it was full of GOTOXY
    because the screen was an array needing "random access" to
    update status. If you simply repainted the screen with 24*80
    characters, that would have been slow as blazes, and ugly.
    (Terminals connected via RS232 or some other slow standard.)

    I'm surprised you did not go through such a phase while programming.
    Today, you can position widgets in your window at random locations,
    without any expensive protocol to do it :-)

    GOTOXY is a protocol that a 24x80 terminal understands. It was
    originally a target for programmers, because that's all we had.
    We did not have a frame buffer and a graphical subsystem for the
    computer. The result is, when you wanted to do animations or
    clever things on an ADM3 say, you would squirt out a GOTOXY(23,79)
    and a putchar() or equivalent. The terminal took that sequence
    as an instruction on where to place the cursor for the next character(s).

    Later, when graphics showed up, the Terminal session, there was a $TERM
    or equivalent (a declaration of the terminal type emulated in the session).
    If a GOTOXY was emitted, it still worked. There are other effects
    available today, such as colored text for making a royal mess of
    a terminal session (selecting a royal blue color perilously close to black).

    So when the notion of a Terminal session came along,
    some of our toys continued to work.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to vallor on Sat Aug 3 14:40:25 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Sat, 8/3/2024 2:24 PM, vallor wrote:
    On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 01:20:44 +0100, MR <MR@invalid.invalid> wrote in <v86npc$5hb7$1@dont-email.me>:

    I didn't find any tables on my machine!


    I just ran the program without entering any parameters. Are there any
    parameters required? There is no help file in the zip and the zip file
    was not encrypted. Google must have inspected the file to see if it is a
    malware. It downloaded for me and Windows didn't complain either about
    it before I uploaded the file on to my virtual box.

    If you tell me what are you trying to do then I can write a program for
    you in C, C++, Python (by Anaconda) or C#. You need to post your
    question on some programming newsgroups. I find "free.c" or
    "alt.comp.lang.c" good places to post questions but they are very quiet.
    You don't get insults for asking simple questions.

    On 28/07/2024 06:45, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?


    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    I hope you're kidding. If not:

    Tiger-team your installation, then read the newsgroup
    thread about how this is someone trying to get you
    to run malicious software.

    Never, ever run software from untrusted sources, unless
    you know precisely what you're doing: sandbox it and
    isolate it for starters. Better yet: don't run it,
    but use a disassembler (objdump will do it) to see what
    it's trying to do.

    Heck, I don't even know if drive.google.com gives file owners
    statistics on who is downloading their files...so I won't even
    download it.

    Be more paranoid!

    So far, the best summary of the program is via "readELF".


    It seems to show this is a Linux program, with statically added dotNET
    library. However, it still does not explain the Windows manifest file
    apparent near the end of the 12MB file (mentions "numbers.dll"), and
    how could that be part of the compute path, when there is no sign
    of WINE libraries.

    At least the exercise is allowing me to see what toolage exists
    for analysis. Even if I can't figure out how the program works.
    Parts of it are stripped of symbols, other parts not so much.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From vallor@21:1/5 to MR@invalid.invalid on Sat Aug 3 18:24:52 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 01:20:44 +0100, MR <MR@invalid.invalid> wrote in <v86npc$5hb7$1@dont-email.me>:

    I didn't find any tables on my machine!


    I just ran the program without entering any parameters. Are there any parameters required? There is no help file in the zip and the zip file
    was not encrypted. Google must have inspected the file to see if it is a malware. It downloaded for me and Windows didn't complain either about
    it before I uploaded the file on to my virtual box.

    If you tell me what are you trying to do then I can write a program for
    you in C, C++, Python (by Anaconda) or C#. You need to post your
    question on some programming newsgroups. I find "free.c" or
    "alt.comp.lang.c" good places to post questions but they are very quiet.
    You don't get insults for asking simple questions.

    On 28/07/2024 06:45, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?

    <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ynbGxad-7In-OpYEg09dnwZMdlMvcH2b/ view?usp=sharing>

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.

    I hope you're kidding. If not:

    Tiger-team your installation, then read the newsgroup
    thread about how this is someone trying to get you
    to run malicious software.

    Never, ever run software from untrusted sources, unless
    you know precisely what you're doing: sandbox it and
    isolate it for starters. Better yet: don't run it,
    but use a disassembler (objdump will do it) to see what
    it's trying to do.

    Heck, I don't even know if drive.google.com gives file owners
    statistics on who is downloading their files...so I won't even
    download it.

    Be more paranoid!

    -v System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
    OS: Linux 6.11.0-rc1 Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 258G
    ""Scotty, beam us aboard." "Aye, sir. Will a 2x4 do?""

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John G@21:1/5 to vallor on Sun Aug 4 04:55:46 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 03/08/2024 19:24, vallor wrote:
    On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 01:20:44 +0100, MR <MR@invalid.invalid> wrote in <v86npc$5hb7$1@dont-email.me>:

    I didn't find any tables on my machine!


    I just ran the program without entering any parameters. Are there any
    parameters required? There is no help file in the zip and the zip file
    was not encrypted. Google must have inspected the file to see if it is a
    malware. It downloaded for me and Windows didn't complain either about
    it before I uploaded the file on to my virtual box.

    If you tell me what are you trying to do then I can write a program for
    you in C, C++, Python (by Anaconda) or C#. You need to post your
    question on some programming newsgroups. I find "free.c" or
    "alt.comp.lang.c" good places to post questions but they are very quiet.
    You don't get insults for asking simple questions.

    On 28/07/2024 06:45, Murray wrote:
    Does anybody know what could be wrong with this Linux Program?

    I have unzipped the program and in terminal I type:


    The author says it should provide a table of sums.
    I hope you're kidding. If not:

    Tiger-team your installation, then read the newsgroup
    thread about how this is someone trying to get you
    to run malicious software.

    Never, ever run software from untrusted sources, unless
    you know precisely what you're doing: sandbox it and
    isolate it for starters. Better yet: don't run it,
    but use a disassembler (objdump will do it) to see what
    it's trying to do.

    Heck, I don't even know if drive.google.com gives file owners
    statistics on who is downloading their files...so I won't even
    download it.

    Be more paranoid!
    Linux is the most secure Operating system around. Top 500 Super
    Computers are using Linux but I'm still a Windoze user!!.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 29 14:42:05 2024
    XPost: alt.os.linux

    On 2024-07-30 14:43, Newyana2 wrote:
    On 7/30/2024 12:21 AM, Paul wrote:

    #Hello Newsgroups!#The time now is: G#The numbers are: -The even
    Numbers are: +The Odd Numbers are: a** Hope you enjoyed this short
    exercise . . . **/##### Bye for now #####

    This is a shame. I could have used some extra numbers.

    Do you know whether WINE can run Metro.Apps ? Or Universal Windows
    Programs ?
    Even Windows can't always run the latter ones :-)

       I worked with the WINE people very briefly, looking into adapting Windows VB6 software to WINE. The redirect Windows calls (Shim?
     Some kind of shepherding? I don't understand that part.) Over the
    years the WINOs have adapted specific Win32 API calls to coorelate
    WINE libraries. Unfortunately, it's not a 1-to-1 correlation. One user32 function might be in one library while the next one is in another
    library. And of course, no docs to speak of. Real coders don't speak

      I didn't last long with the WINE people because they had no interest
    in sharing information about how I could code to accommodate WINE.
    They only wanted me to test my software and report bugs. Then I was
    to be in charge of that bug until it was resolved by WINO lackeys -- temporary college student coders. (I had no idea that geeks were so
    often paramilitary in their social structures.)

      An example: I had used a quick hack in the ChooseColor function.
    I'd never had any use for the color pallette that could be saved at
    the bottom left of the colorpicker window. The lpCustomColors member
    of the CHOOSECOLOR structure is supposed to take an array of long
    integers to represent 24-bit colors for the grid. For whatever reason,
    VBers were using an array of string pointers, which worked fine on
    Windows if the custom colors were never used. In WINE those
    details got lost in translation and the string array cause a crash.
    The WINOs were adamant that I shouldn't code such things better.
    They didn't want me to strain my little brain. They actually didn't want
    me to unsderstand.They just wanted me to keep track of bugs until
    a coder fixed them on the Linux side.

      I don't claim to be able to program anywhetre near the level of
    low-level detail that those people can, but they could have cooperated.

      WINE is mostly geared toward running Photoshop and video games.
    The WINOs wanted Microsoft games. Which is an important point. It
    was never about bringing Windows software to Linux. The primary
    motivation was to bring video games and maybe MSOffice to Linux geeks.

       They'll take up the
    challenge of whatever interests them. Then they have a chart showing
    not how well the WinAPI is supported but rather the quality of support
    for specific software. Put Cortana in a tight, transistor-festooned
    bodysuit and hose her down, then put her in a Metro app,
    and you can bet you'll get more WINE Metro support. Or at least
    more WINE Cortana-all-wet-in-a-bodysuit support.

      When I tried WINE maybe 15 years ago it was very spotty. For
    example, Irfan View worked OK but had gaps in the GUI. Just
    missing window areas. Odd glitches. Years later it seemed more polished, though I tried my own software and WINE couldn't see subclassed windows
    at all. I have an editor with a system richedit window and the richedit
    just doesn't show up. On Windows there's also notable difference
    between versions of richedit, with various little things. So you can
    imagine how WINE would do it. They'd give you a Linux equivalent
    and map some or most of the richedit messages to the Linux window,
    with a shoehorn if necessary.

      So the Windows version needs to be thoroughly orthodox, the
    specific APIs used must be supported, and a Linux equivalent must
    be adequate as a substitute for the Windows function. Thus, WINE might support all sorts of things, such as .Net and Metro, but will likely
    never support any of them fully.

      I imagine you probably know all this, but it's an interesting topic
    and probably most people haven't looked into how WINE works.
    I ended up deciding that any idea of moving to Linux without leaving
    behind favorite software was not realistic and never would be realistic. (Lately I've had enough trouble just adapting richedit50 to what I
    expect from richedit20. So how could I expect WINE to match the
    expected behavior in the Linux equivalent?)

    I think I knew about this, but probably because you mentioned it before
    on another post :-)

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)