• Hotmail after 15th September

    From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 3 15:51:38 2024
    SSB1c2UgQmV0dGVyYmlyZCB0byBhY2Nlc3MgYSBob3RtYWlsIGFjY291bnQuIFdoYXQgc2hv dWxkIEkgZG8gYWZ0ZXIgbWlkIA0KU2VwdGVtYmVyPyAoc2VlIGJlbG93IC0gZW1haWwgZnJv bSBNUykNCkknbSBob3BpbmcgdGhhdCBCQiB3aWxsIGluY29ycG9yYXRlIHdoYXQgTVMgY2Fs bHMgIm1vZGVybiBhdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiANCm1ldGhvZHMiLg0KDQpFZA0KDQoiVGhlIHNh ZmV0eSBhbmQgc2VjdXJpdHkgb2YgeW91ciBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBpcyB0b3AgcHJpb3JpdHkg Zm9yIA0KTWljcm9zb2Z0LiBUbyBoZWxwIGtlZXAgeW91ciBhY2NvdW50IHNlY3VyZSwgTWlj cm9zb2Z0IHdpbGwgbm8gbG9uZ2VyIA0Kc3VwcG9ydCB0aGUgdXNlIG9mIHRoaXJkLXBhcnR5 IGVtYWlsIGFuZCBjYWxlbmRhciBhcHBzIHdoaWNoIGFzayB5b3UgdG8gDQpzaWduIGluIHdp dGggb25seSB5b3VyIE1pY3Jvc29mdCBBY2NvdW50IHVzZXJuYW1lIGFuZCBwYXNzd29yZC4g VG8ga2VlcCANCnlvdSBzYWZlIHlvdSB3aWxsIG5lZWQgdG8gdXNlIGEgbWFpbCBvciBjYWxl bmRhciBhcHAgd2hpY2ggc3VwcG9ydHMgDQpNaWNyb3NvZnTigJlzIG1vZGVybiBhdXRoZW50 aWNhdGlvbiBtZXRob2RzLiBJZiB5b3UgZG8gbm90IGFjdCwgeW91ciANCnRoaXJkLXBhcnR5 IGVtYWlsIGFwcHMgd2lsbCBubyBsb25nZXIgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBhY2Nlc3MgeW91ciANCk91 dGxvb2suY29tLCBIb3RtYWlsIG9yIExpdmUuY29tIGVtYWlsIGFkZHJlc3Mgb24gU2VwdGVt YmVyIDE2dGguIg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 3 15:56:52 2024
    RWQgQ3J5ZXIgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEkgdXNlIEJldHRlcmJpcmQgdG8gYWNjZXNzIGEgaG90bWFp bCBhY2NvdW50LiBXaGF0IHNob3VsZCBJIGRvIGFmdGVyIG1pZCANCj4gU2VwdGVtYmVyPyAo c2VlIGJlbG93IC0gZW1haWwgZnJvbSBNUykNCj4gSSdtIGhvcGluZyB0aGF0IEJCIHdpbGwg aW5jb3Jwb3JhdGUgd2hhdCBNUyBjYWxscyAibW9kZXJuIGF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uIA0KPiBt ZXRob2RzIi4NCj4gDQo+IEVkDQo+IA0KPiAiVGhlIHNhZmV0eSBhbmQgc2VjdXJpdHkgb2Yg eW91ciBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBpcyB0b3AgcHJpb3JpdHkgZm9yIA0KPiBNaWNyb3NvZnQuIFRv IGhlbHAga2VlcCB5b3VyIGFjY291bnQgc2VjdXJlLCBNaWNyb3NvZnQgd2lsbCBubyBsb25n ZXIgDQo+IHN1cHBvcnQgdGhlIHVzZSBvZiB0aGlyZC1wYXJ0eSBlbWFpbCBhbmQgY2FsZW5k YXIgYXBwcyB3aGljaCBhc2sgeW91IHRvIA0KPiBzaWduIGluIHdpdGggb25seSB5b3VyIE1p Y3Jvc29mdCBBY2NvdW50IHVzZXJuYW1lIGFuZCBwYXNzd29yZC4gVG8ga2VlcCANCj4geW91 IHNhZmUgeW91IHdpbGwgbmVlZCB0byB1c2UgYSBtYWlsIG9yIGNhbGVuZGFyIGFwcCB3aGlj aCBzdXBwb3J0cyANCj4gTWljcm9zb2Z04oCZcyBtb2Rlcm4gYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb24gbWV0 aG9kcy4gSWYgeW91IGRvIG5vdCBhY3QsIHlvdXIgDQo+IHRoaXJkLXBhcnR5IGVtYWlsIGFw cHMgd2lsbCBubyBsb25nZXIgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBhY2Nlc3MgeW91ciANCj4gT3V0bG9vay5j b20sIEhvdG1haWwgb3IgTGl2ZS5jb20gZW1haWwgYWRkcmVzcyBvbiBTZXB0ZW1iZXIgMTZ0 aC4iDQoNClBvc3RlZCBhY2NpZGVudGFsbHkgdG8gd3JvbmcgZ3JvdXAuDQpMb29rIGluIGEu Yy5zLnRodW5kZXJiaXJkKQ0KDQpFZA0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ted Weiner@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Wed Jul 3 20:05:50 2024
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    I use Betterbird to access a hotmail account. What should I do after mid September? (see below - email from MS)
    I'm hoping that BB will incorporate what MS calls "modern authentication methods".


    Your answer was already in that email you received from MS. Have you
    read the rest of that email yet?

    Scroll down that MS email to the sub-heading "How can you set up your
    Gmail, Apple Mail, or other third-party mail application?". Read that paragraph.

    Click on the link "Modern Authentication Methods now needed to continue
    syncing Outlook Email in non-Microsoft email apps."

    Scroll down the web page to where it says "If you use Mozilla
    Thunderbird:". Follow the instructions for Thunderbird.

    If Thunderbird has this setting, so does Betterbird. Betterbird is a "fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird", with some fixes not yet in Thunderbird. But you already knew this when you switched to Betterbird.


    "The safety and security of your information is top priority for
    Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer
    support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to
    sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep
    you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your
    Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 3 20:15:10 2024
    VGVkIFdlaW5lciB3cm90ZToNCj4gRWQgQ3J5ZXIgd3JvdGU6DQo+IA0KPj4gSSB1c2UgQmV0 dGVyYmlyZCB0byBhY2Nlc3MgYSBob3RtYWlsIGFjY291bnQuIFdoYXQgc2hvdWxkIEkgZG8g YWZ0ZXIgbWlkDQo+PiBTZXB0ZW1iZXI/IChzZWUgYmVsb3cgLSBlbWFpbCBmcm9tIE1TKQ0K Pj4gSSdtIGhvcGluZyB0aGF0IEJCIHdpbGwgaW5jb3Jwb3JhdGUgd2hhdCBNUyBjYWxscyAi bW9kZXJuIGF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uDQo+PiBtZXRob2RzIi4NCj4+DQo+PiBFZA0KPiANCj4g WW91ciBhbnN3ZXIgd2FzIGFscmVhZHkgaW4gdGhhdCBlbWFpbCB5b3UgcmVjZWl2ZWQgZnJv bSBNUy4gSGF2ZSB5b3UNCj4gcmVhZCB0aGUgcmVzdCBvZiB0aGF0IGVtYWlsIHlldD8NCj4g DQo+IFNjcm9sbCBkb3duIHRoYXQgTVMgZW1haWwgdG8gdGhlIHN1Yi1oZWFkaW5nICJIb3cg Y2FuIHlvdSBzZXQgdXAgeW91cg0KPiBHbWFpbCwgQXBwbGUgTWFpbCwgb3Igb3RoZXIgdGhp cmQtcGFydHkgbWFpbCBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbj8iLiBSZWFkIHRoYXQNCj4gcGFyYWdyYXBoLg0K PiANCj4gQ2xpY2sgb24gdGhlIGxpbmsgIk1vZGVybiBBdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiBNZXRob2Rz IG5vdyBuZWVkZWQgdG8gY29udGludWUNCj4gc3luY2luZyBPdXRsb29rIEVtYWlsIGluIG5v bi1NaWNyb3NvZnQgZW1haWwgYXBwcy4iDQo+IA0KPiBTY3JvbGwgZG93biB0aGUgd2ViIHBh Z2UgdG8gd2hlcmUgaXQgc2F5cyAiSWYgeW91IHVzZSBNb3ppbGxhDQo+IFRodW5kZXJiaXJk OiIuIEZvbGxvdyB0aGUgaW5zdHJ1Y3Rpb25zIGZvciBUaHVuZGVyYmlyZC4NCj4gDQo+IElm IFRodW5kZXJiaXJkIGhhcyB0aGlzIHNldHRpbmcsIHNvIGRvZXMgQmV0dGVyYmlyZC4gQmV0 dGVyYmlyZCBpcyBhDQo+ICJmaW5lLXR1bmVkIHZlcnNpb24gb2YgTW96aWxsYSBUaHVuZGVy YmlyZCIsIHdpdGggc29tZSBmaXhlcyBub3QgeWV0IGluDQo+IFRodW5kZXJiaXJkLiBCdXQg eW91IGFscmVhZHkga25ldyB0aGlzIHdoZW4geW91IHN3aXRjaGVkIHRvIEJldHRlcmJpcmQu DQo+IA0KPiA8L/CfpYQ+DQo+IA0KPj4gIlRoZSBzYWZldHkgYW5kIHNlY3VyaXR5IG9mIHlv dXIgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24gaXMgdG9wIHByaW9yaXR5IGZvcg0KPj4gTWljcm9zb2Z0LiBUbyBo ZWxwIGtlZXAgeW91ciBhY2NvdW50IHNlY3VyZSwgTWljcm9zb2Z0IHdpbGwgbm8gbG9uZ2Vy DQo+PiBzdXBwb3J0IHRoZSB1c2Ugb2YgdGhpcmQtcGFydHkgZW1haWwgYW5kIGNhbGVuZGFy IGFwcHMgd2hpY2ggYXNrIHlvdSB0bw0KPj4gc2lnbiBpbiB3aXRoIG9ubHkgeW91ciBNaWNy b3NvZnQgQWNjb3VudCB1c2VybmFtZSBhbmQgcGFzc3dvcmQuIFRvIGtlZXANCj4+IHlvdSBz YWZlIHlvdSB3aWxsIG5lZWQgdG8gdXNlIGEgbWFpbCBvciBjYWxlbmRhciBhcHAgd2hpY2gg c3VwcG9ydHMNCj4+IE1pY3Jvc29mdOKAmXMgbW9kZXJuIGF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uIG1ldGhv ZHMuIElmIHlvdSBkbyBub3QgYWN0LCB5b3VyDQo+PiB0aGlyZC1wYXJ0eSBlbWFpbCBhcHBz IHdpbGwgbm8gbG9uZ2VyIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gYWNjZXNzIHlvdXINCj4+IE91dGxvb2suY29t LCBIb3RtYWlsIG9yIExpdmUuY29tIGVtYWlsIGFkZHJlc3Mgb24gU2VwdGVtYmVyIDE2dGgu Ig0KPiANCg0KV2h5IGRvIHRoYXQsIHdoZW4gSSBoYXZlIE9BdXRoMiBpbiBCQj8gQXMgdGhl IHBvc3QgYWJvdmUgeW91cnMgcG9pbnRzIA0Kb3V0LCB0aGF0IGlzIE1TLXN1ZmZpY2llbnQu DQoiTW9kZXJuIGF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uIG1ldGhvZHMiIHNlZW0gdG8gaG9ub3VyIHRoYXQu DQoNCkVkDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wasbit@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Jul 5 09:49:50 2024
    On 03/07/2024 15:51, Ed Cryer wrote:
    I use Betterbird to access a hotmail account. What should I do after mid September? (see below - email from MS)
    I'm hoping that BB will incorporate what MS calls "modern authentication methods".


    "The safety and security of your information is top priority for
    Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer
    support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to
    sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep
    you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your
    Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."

    "What do you need to do?
    If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or
    calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to connect to
    your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade your
    third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports modern authentication methods."

    I presume the above is not true as Thunderbird, OE Classic & Fossamail
    can all use OAuth2 for authentication yet that authentication fails when swapped from Normal Password to OAuth2 but is accepted when reverted to
    Normal Password.
    From my trials it seems that Microsoft is only accepting authentication
    from email clients when they are configured automatically but as usual
    there is scant information for end users.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wasbit@21:1/5 to ...winston on Fri Jul 19 13:31:16 2024
    On 05/07/2024 16:18, ...winston wrote:
    wasbit wrote:
    On 03/07/2024 15:51, Ed Cryer wrote:
    I use Betterbird to access a hotmail account. What should I do after
    mid September? (see below - email from MS)
    I'm hoping that BB will incorporate what MS calls "modern
    authentication methods".


    "The safety and security of your information is top priority for
    Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer
    support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you
    to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To
    keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which
    supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not
    act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access
    your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."

    "What do you need to do?
    If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or
    calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to connect
    to your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade your
    third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports modern
    authentication methods."

    I presume the above is not true as Thunderbird, OE Classic & Fossamail
    can all use OAuth2 for authentication yet that authentication fails
    when swapped from Normal Password to OAuth2 but is accepted when
    reverted to Normal Password.
     From my trials it seems that Microsoft is only accepting
    authentication from email clients when they are configured
    automatically but as usual there is scant information for end users.

    Automatic, when available, in an email client(desktop, laptop, tablet,
    phone) validates the client as registered or previously registered for OAuth2, configures the account to support the Exchange protocol and
    depending upon the client prompts or informs the user of the items to be synced.
     - Not all email accounts will or can sync everything(mail, contacts, calendar, etc.)
     - Not all clients setup automatically with OAuth2 for Exchange will
    prompt or inform the synced items. e.g. Outlook 365[1] for an
    Outlook.com type account(Outlook/Live/Hotmail/MSn.com and 3rd party
    email accounts configured to be a Microsoft account)
     [1] Applies to Outlook stand-alone editions(2013 through 2021, 2022)
    and subscription editions(e.g. Outlook 365[aka Microsoft 365 Outlook]Personal, Family, Enterprise)

    Simple explanation:
    With OAuth2 and Exchange in place, the authorization validates the username/pw but prior to connection returns an access token which
    authorizes the connection, then permits the client to access the

    By changing the setting in an email client from the simple username/pw
    combo the registration of the client and authorization of the app does
    not occur.

    I suspect(please inform if otherwise), your test of changing the Normal Password to OAuth2 in an Outlook.com type account was done in a POP3 or
    IMAP email account - which as you probably already known are different protocols than the required Exchange protocol.
     i.e. the account protocol, afaik, can not be changed to Exchange in an existing account using POP3 or IMAP.

    Finally, not to be confused with and 'App Password'
     - App passwords grant permissions to access(one time use in lieu of
    the password). OAuth2 only grants access that was previously authorized, validated and confirmed.

    Sorry, lost your reply. Thanks for the input.

    No apps. No contacts. No calendar. Just email.
    It doesn't explain why a working email address used in a Windows email
    client (Thunderbird authenticates one minute, then fails, then
    some time later authenticates again. This has been going on for a number
    of months.
    It mainly happens with one email address but sometimes others. That
    email address can normally be accessed via a browser.
    It hasn't happened with email addresses in other clients (Fossamail) &
    it hasn't happened with Gmail/EMClient.

    Just reporting the facts.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wasbit@21:1/5 to ...winston on Sat Jul 20 09:56:40 2024
    On 19/07/2024 16:33, ...winston wrote:
    wasbit wrote:
    On 05/07/2024 16:18, ...winston wrote:
    wasbit wrote:
    On 03/07/2024 15:51, Ed Cryer wrote:
    I use Betterbird to access a hotmail account. What should I do
    after mid September? (see below - email from MS)
    I'm hoping that BB will incorporate what MS calls "modern
    authentication methods".


    "The safety and security of your information is top priority for
    Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no
    longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which
    ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and
    password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar
    app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If
    you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able
    to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on
    September 16th."

    "What do you need to do?
    If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or
    calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to
    connect to your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade
    your third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports
    modern authentication methods."

    I presume the above is not true as Thunderbird, OE Classic &
    Fossamail can all use OAuth2 for authentication yet that
    authentication fails when swapped from Normal Password to OAuth2 but
    is accepted when reverted to Normal Password.
     From my trials it seems that Microsoft is only accepting
    authentication from email clients when they are configured
    automatically but as usual there is scant information for end users.

    Automatic, when available, in an email client(desktop, laptop,
    tablet, phone) validates the client as registered or previously
    registered for OAuth2, configures the account to support the Exchange
    protocol and depending upon the client prompts or informs the user of
    the items to be synced.
      - Not all email accounts will or can sync everything(mail,
    contacts, calendar, etc.)
      - Not all clients setup automatically with OAuth2 for Exchange will
    prompt or inform the synced items. e.g. Outlook 365[1] for an
    Outlook.com type account(Outlook/Live/Hotmail/MSn.com and 3rd party
    email accounts configured to be a Microsoft account)
      [1] Applies to Outlook stand-alone editions(2013 through 2021,
    2022) and subscription editions(e.g. Outlook 365[aka Microsoft 365
    Outlook]Personal, Family, Enterprise)

    Simple explanation:
    With OAuth2 and Exchange in place, the authorization validates the
    username/pw but prior to connection returns an access token which
    authorizes the connection, then permits the client to access the

    By changing the setting in an email client from the simple
    username/pw combo the registration of the client and authorization of
    the app does not occur.

    I suspect(please inform if otherwise), your test of changing the
    Normal Password to OAuth2 in an Outlook.com type account was done in
    a POP3 or IMAP email account - which as you probably already known
    are different protocols than the required Exchange protocol.
      i.e. the account protocol, afaik, can not be changed to Exchange in
    an existing account using POP3 or IMAP.

    Finally, not to be confused with and 'App Password'
      - App passwords grant permissions to access(one time use in lieu of
    the password). OAuth2 only grants access that was previously
    authorized, validated and confirmed.

    Sorry, lost your reply. Thanks for the input.

    No apps. No contacts. No calendar. Just email.
    It doesn't explain why a working email address used in a Windows email
    client (Thunderbird authenticates one minute, then fails,
    then some time later authenticates again. This has been going on for a
    number of months.
    It mainly happens with one email address but sometimes others. That
    email address can normally be accessed via a browser.
    It hasn't happened with email addresses in other clients (Fossamail) &
    it hasn't happened with Gmail/EMClient.

    Just reporting the facts.

    Tested and works fine on all these TBird versions.
    128.00.0 ESR

    Note: Users looking for 115.13.0 may have to go here to obtain it. <https://releases.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/115.13.0/win64/en-US/>

    The main web site download option is only providing 128 ESR. The release notes for each indicates the reason for 115.13 not being available

    Sorry, my Thunderbird is version 102.15.1 (not Thinking about
    it it may be the portable version.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wasbit@21:1/5 to wasbit on Sun Jul 21 10:26:54 2024
    On 19/07/2024 13:31, wasbit wrote:
    On 05/07/2024 16:18, ...winston wrote:
    wasbit wrote:
    On 03/07/2024 15:51, Ed Cryer wrote:
    I use Betterbird to access a hotmail account. What should I do after
    mid September? (see below - email from MS)
    I'm hoping that BB will incorporate what MS calls "modern
    authentication methods".


    "The safety and security of your information is top priority for
    Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no
    longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which
    ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and
    password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar
    app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you >>>> do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to
    access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on
    September 16th."

    "What do you need to do?
    If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or
    calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to connect
    to your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade your
    third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports modern
    authentication methods."

    I presume the above is not true as Thunderbird, OE Classic &
    Fossamail can all use OAuth2 for authentication yet that
    authentication fails when swapped from Normal Password to OAuth2 but
    is accepted when reverted to Normal Password.
     From my trials it seems that Microsoft is only accepting
    authentication from email clients when they are configured
    automatically but as usual there is scant information for end users.

    Automatic, when available, in an email client(desktop, laptop, tablet,
    phone) validates the client as registered or previously registered for
    OAuth2, configures the account to support the Exchange protocol and
    depending upon the client prompts or informs the user of the items to
    be synced.
      - Not all email accounts will or can sync everything(mail, contacts,
    calendar, etc.)
      - Not all clients setup automatically with OAuth2 for Exchange will
    prompt or inform the synced items. e.g. Outlook 365[1] for an
    Outlook.com type account(Outlook/Live/Hotmail/MSn.com and 3rd party
    email accounts configured to be a Microsoft account)
      [1] Applies to Outlook stand-alone editions(2013 through 2021, 2022)
    and subscription editions(e.g. Outlook 365[aka Microsoft 365
    Outlook]Personal, Family, Enterprise)

    Simple explanation:
    With OAuth2 and Exchange in place, the authorization validates the
    username/pw but prior to connection returns an access token which
    authorizes the connection, then permits the client to access the

    By changing the setting in an email client from the simple username/pw
    combo the registration of the client and authorization of the app does
    not occur.

    I suspect(please inform if otherwise), your test of changing the
    Normal Password to OAuth2 in an Outlook.com type account was done in a
    POP3 or IMAP email account - which as you probably already known are
    different protocols than the required Exchange protocol.
      i.e. the account protocol, afaik, can not be changed to Exchange in
    an existing account using POP3 or IMAP.

    Finally, not to be confused with and 'App Password'
      - App passwords grant permissions to access(one time use in lieu of
    the password). OAuth2 only grants access that was previously
    authorized, validated and confirmed.

    Sorry, lost your reply. Thanks for the input.

    No apps. No contacts. No calendar. Just email.
    It doesn't explain why a working email address used in a Windows email
    client (Thunderbird authenticates one minute, then fails, then
    some time later authenticates again. This has been going on for a number
    of months.
    It mainly happens with one email address but sometimes others. That
    email address can normally be accessed via a browser.
    It hasn't happened with email addresses in other clients (Fossamail) &
    it hasn't happened with Gmail/EMClient.

    Just reporting the facts.

    It's still happening. One email address failed to authenticate a number
    of times over the space of a morning, yet after lunch it authenticated
    then failed again. This morning that email authenticated but another one failed.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)