• Blackouts

    From Newyana2@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 24 12:09:25 2024
    This problem is so odd and specific that I thought maybe
    someone might recognize it: Twice now, for no apparent reason,
    the screen has blacked out momentarily and come back with
    shadows (3D effects) on the desktop font used for labels
    under icons. (Yes, I have those settings disabled.) I reboot
    and it's fine again, with plain white font. No crash. No sign of
    weird programs running. Though this time I start Task Manager
    and briefly got a screen that said "preparing security options".

    I haven't had any display problems and I've got the latest
    dipsplay driver.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 24 18:27:07 2024
    TmV3eWFuYTIgd3JvdGU6DQo+ICDCoCBUaGlzIHByb2JsZW0gaXMgc28gb2RkIGFuZCBzcGVj aWZpYyB0aGF0IEkgdGhvdWdodCBtYXliZQ0KPiBzb21lb25lIG1pZ2h0IHJlY29nbml6ZSBp dDogVHdpY2Ugbm93LCBmb3Igbm8gYXBwYXJlbnQgcmVhc29uLA0KPiB0aGUgc2NyZWVuIGhh cyBibGFja2VkIG91dCBtb21lbnRhcmlseSBhbmQgY29tZSBiYWNrIHdpdGgNCj4gc2hhZG93 cyAoM0QgZWZmZWN0cykgb24gdGhlIGRlc2t0b3AgZm9udCB1c2VkIGZvciBsYWJlbHMNCj4g dW5kZXIgaWNvbnMuIChZZXMsIEkgaGF2ZSB0aG9zZSBzZXR0aW5ncyBkaXNhYmxlZC4pIEkg cmVib290DQo+IGFuZCBpdCdzIGZpbmUgYWdhaW4sIHdpdGggcGxhaW4gd2hpdGUgZm9udC4g Tm8gY3Jhc2guIE5vIHNpZ24gb2YNCj4gd2VpcmQgcHJvZ3JhbXMgcnVubmluZy4gVGhvdWdo IHRoaXMgdGltZSBJIHN0YXJ0IFRhc2sgTWFuYWdlcg0KPiBhbmQgYnJpZWZseSBnb3QgYSBz Y3JlZW4gdGhhdCBzYWlkICJwcmVwYXJpbmcgc2VjdXJpdHkgb3B0aW9ucyIuDQo+IA0KPiAg wqAgSSBoYXZlbid0IGhhZCBhbnkgZGlzcGxheSBwcm9ibGVtcyBhbmQgSSd2ZSBnb3QgdGhl IGxhdGVzdA0KPiBkaXBzcGxheSBkcml2ZXIuDQo+IA0KPiANCg0KSSd2ZSBzZWVuIHNpbWls YXIgc29tZSB0aW1lIGFnby4gSXQgd2FzIHNvbHZlZCBieSB0aW5rZXJpbmcgd2l0aCANClBl cmZvcm1hbmNlIE9wdGlvbnMNCg0KV2luZG93cyBrZXkgKyBSLCBTeXN0ZW1Qcm9wZXJ0aWVz UGVyZm9ybWFuY2UuZXhlLg0KRG8geW91IGhhdmUgIkxldCBXaW5kb3dzIGNob29zZSAuLi4u Li4uIiB0aWNrZWQ/DQoNCkVkDQoNCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Wed Apr 24 14:00:44 2024
    On 4/24/2024 1:27 PM, Ed Cryer wrote:

    > I've seen similar some time ago. It was solved by tinkering with
    Performance Options

    Windows key + R, SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe.
    Do you have "Let Windows choose ......." ticked?

    No. I think those settings are uninvolved. I double-checked
    both the setting for drop shadows on icon labels (currently
    unchecked) and the Registry setting that corresponds, the
    first time this happened. I've never used those drop shadows.

    That's why I specifically said that
    I have those settings disabled -- suspecting the obscure
    performance settings would naturally be the first inclination.

    This is also a sudden change that comes after the brief
    monitor blackout, and clears up after rebooting. I also doubt
    the display driver comes into it. As I mentioned, I have the
    latest. But I also don't see any way that a funky display
    driver might have a bug that changes a specific display

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 24 14:35:09 2024
    On 4/24/2024 2:00 PM, Newyana2 wrote:
    On 4/24/2024 1:27 PM, Ed Cryer wrote:

    I've seen similar some time ago. It was solved by tinkering with
    Performance Options

    Windows key + R, SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe.
    Do you have "Let Windows choose ......." ticked?

      No. I think those settings are uninvolved. I double-checked
    both the setting for drop shadows on icon labels (currently
    unchecked) and the Registry setting that corresponds, the
    first time this happened. I've never used those drop shadows.

        That's why I specifically said that
    I have those settings disabled -- suspecting the obscure
    performance settings would naturally be the first inclination.

      This is also a sudden change that comes after the brief
    monitor blackout, and clears up after rebooting. I also doubt
    the display driver comes into it. As I mentioned, I have the
    latest. But I also don't see any way that a funky display
    driver might have a bug that changes a specific display

    The short black blanking, is a VPU Recover, but as for
    the rest of it, just make up an excuse :-)

    Remember, I'm the guy that had dancing icons on my taskbar,
    and that's traceable to some subsystem running out of RAM.
    The icons dance so fast, you cannot reliably use your task bar
    and your only choice is shutdown (alt-f4 method).

    You know, some day, they're going to make an architectural diagram
    for these OSes... Some day.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Paul on Wed Apr 24 18:34:44 2024
    On 4/24/2024 2:35 PM, Paul wrote:

    The short black blanking, is a VPU Recover, but as for
    the rest of it, just make up an excuse :-)

    Thanks. You seem pretty sure of that. I've never heard
    of a VPU Recover before. That means the graphics chip

    I just had browser and email open. Nothing special. In
    a cold room, so not heating up. (HWMonitor says 86F
    for CPU and 108F for PCH.)

    I went for years on XP with no glitches. On Win10 I seem
    to have a glitch every two days. Do you think it makes sense
    to get a separate graphics card? I've used onboard graphics
    for years with no problems, but this is the first Intel board
    I've ever bought.

    Remember, I'm the guy that had dancing icons on my taskbar,
    and that's traceable to some subsystem running out of RAM.

    Dancing icons? Is that what I have to look forward to with
    Win10?... Things going batty because they're starving on
    32 GB RAM?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 24 18:38:10 2024
    The hardware, by the way:

    MSI Pro B760M-P motherboard with onboard
    "Intel UHD 730" graphics.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 24 20:44:58 2024
    On 4/24/2024 6:38 PM, Newyana2 wrote:
    The hardware, by the way:

    MSI Pro B760M-P motherboard with onboard
    "Intel UHD 730" graphics.

    I don't think you will see these in a Reliability Monitor.
    Yes, it could be a graphics crash.

    perfmon /rel

    Things like graphics can have "watchdog timers". Any time
    a command sits in queue for several seconds, and the GPU does
    not respond, the watchdog trips and indicates to the other
    software that the graphics should have a "mini-reset" so that
    the command queue will become responsive again.

    A watchdog method, is intended to cover off more than one fault
    type as a root cause. And it works the way it does, to make
    the hardware "seem more reliable". Only the giveaway black period
    is supposed to tell you something is amiss.

    The video card in my other machine, cost $600-$700 or so. Every
    time that stupid thing starts during boot, it does not respond
    properly. This seems to be a hardware bug (perhaps every identical
    chip like it, does the same thing). The NVidia driver burps a few times (watchdog, and during boot), and starts OK. The Linux Nouveau driver
    did not have a provision for the behavior, and I got "stuck" a
    number of times. But over the years, the card today "mostly starts". Manufacturers never admit to bumbling and they're not about to
    replace things like this that were released in a hurry. During
    runtime there is not a problem -- it's just cold start that
    has some weird issue.

    You could see if the Intel site has an update for the driver.
    Normally, the WU versions of drivers should be working for this.
    But if you want to fiddle with it, you can try your hand.


    "How to Install an Intel Graphics Driver in Windows 10 & Windows 11"



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Paul on Wed Apr 24 22:35:23 2024
    On 4/24/2024 8:44 PM, Paul wrote:

    The video card in my other machine, cost $600-$700 or so. Every
    time that stupid thing starts during boot, it does not respond
    properly. This seems to be a hardware bug (perhaps every identical
    chip like it, does the same thing). The NVidia driver burps a few times (watchdog, and during boot), and starts OK. The Linux Nouveau driver
    did not have a provision for the behavior, and I got "stuck" a
    number of times. But over the years, the card today "mostly starts". Manufacturers never admit to bumbling and they're not about to
    replace things like this that were released in a hurry. During
    runtime there is not a problem -- it's just cold start that
    has some weird issue.

    You could see if the Intel site has an update for the driver.
    Normally, the WU versions of drivers should be working for this.
    But if you want to fiddle with it, you can try your hand.


    "How to Install an Intel Graphics Driver in Windows 10 & Windows 11"


    Thanks. The driver is the latest. I don't deal with Windows
    Update. I go direct. In this case I got the latest from Intel
    recently and it seems fine except for this quirk. And the problem
    doesn't manifestat boot. Both times it's seemed random,
    after running for some time.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Hall@21:1/5 to mayayana@invalid.nospam on Thu Apr 25 09:56:28 2024
    In message <v0baud$2dl9e$1@dont-email.me>, Newyana2
    <mayayana@invalid.nospam> writes
    This problem is so odd and specific that I thought maybe
    someone might recognize it: Twice now, for no apparent reason,
    the screen has blacked out momentarily and come back with
    shadows (3D effects) on the desktop font used for labels
    under icons. (Yes, I have those settings disabled.) I reboot
    and it's fine again, with plain white font. No crash. No sign of
    weird programs running. Though this time I start Task Manager
    and briefly got a screen that said "preparing security options".

    I haven't had any display problems and I've got the latest
    dipsplay driver.

    I've had the same problem for years. It's disconcerting when it happens,
    but doesn't seem to have any ill-effects apart from putting the shadows
    on the desktop icon labels, so I don't bother to reboot afterwards. It
    was happening under Windows 7 as well, before I got Windows 10. My
    monitor is an Acer V173 and the graphics card is an Intel HD Graphics
    4400, running at 60Hz.
    John Hall
    "Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
    from coughing."
    Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to John Hall on Thu Apr 25 08:02:52 2024
    On 4/25/2024 4:56 AM, John Hall wrote:

    I've had the same problem for years. It's disconcerting when it happens,
    but doesn't seem to have any ill-effects apart from putting the shadows
    on the desktop icon labels, so I don't bother to reboot afterwards. It
    was happening under Windows 7 as well, before I got Windows 10. My
    monitor is an Acer V173 and the graphics card is an Intel HD Graphics
    4400, running at 60Hz.

    Thanks for that info. It's very odd and seems to be
    increasing in frequency. The errors seem to mention
    DWM and the Intel driver. (In my case it's the UHD 730,
    coming from the CPU.)

    But this didn't happen for the past 2 months. It's only
    in the past few days. I'm wondering about my UPS. I just
    downloaded the latest driver -- though I get the sense that
    Intel just adds a number to the driver version each day. I
    just updated it not long ago.

    If it keeps up or increases I may just go and buy an
    NVidia card. I wonder now what possessed me to switch
    to Intel after 20+ years of good luck with AMD.

    And the icons... How strange. I've found similar reports
    of the same symptoms online, but none with that exact

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)