• Hello Arlen; reveal yourself

    From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 14 20:36:31 2024
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting
    them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Will I Am@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Wed Feb 14 23:22:30 2024
    On 14/02/2024 20:36, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and
    putting them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some
    convenient invisible troll to blame it all on.

    He writes tutorials mainly for young boys he meets in YMCA where he is
    working. He likes to meet them in private in his room so that he can
    teach them well. If you have young boys or even young girls then you
    could introduce them to this Arlen Guy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From micky@21:1/5 to invalid@invalid.invalid on Wed Feb 14 19:34:29 2024
    In alt.comp.os.windows-10, on Wed, 14 Feb 2024 23:22:30 +0000, Will I Am <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

    On 14/02/2024 20:36, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and
    putting them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some
    convenient invisible troll to blame it all on.

    He writes tutorials mainly for young boys he meets in YMCA where he is

    Do you know which branch?

    working. He likes to meet them in private in his room so that he can
    teach them well. If you have young boys or even young girls then you
    could introduce them to this Arlen Guy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Thu Feb 15 07:33:58 2024
    On 2/14/2024 3:36 PM, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting them down.
    But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    So how's it going Ed ?

    Check your Windows Update history, and see if '4441 has failed.
    That's something to work on, as a hobby maintenance item.

    It's a crisp bright morning here, and for once, the temperature is normal. Climate change took the day off.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Paul on Thu Feb 15 19:05:57 2024
    Paul wrote:
    On 2/14/2024 3:36 PM, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting them down.
    But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    So how's it going Ed ?

    Check your Windows Update history, and see if '4441 has failed.
    That's something to work on, as a hobby maintenance item.

    It's a crisp bright morning here, and for once, the temperature is normal. Climate change took the day off.


    You follow these threads more closely than I, Paul; so tell me what all
    those references to Arlen and his multiple personae are all about.

    I don't want to encourage trolls, but if I had seen a ghost parading on
    the walls of Elsinore castle, then I would have inquired further.

    Me and Hamlet, kiddo; seekers after knowledge and truth rather than
    Sicilian vengeance.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Slootweg@21:1/5 to winstonmvp@gmail.com on Thu Feb 15 20:48:57 2024
    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    "Ed Cryer" <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk> wrote in message news:uqj894$2q8pg$1@dont-email.me...
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    Did your avatar post this(above) to the correct group?
    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
    - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

    Huh!? We just pinpointed at least two aliases only two days ago. Not
    that two is much, because he has tens and tens (anywhere up to 90)
    to choose from.

    And FTR, most are not stocking posts, but - AFAICT - some are.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From micky@21:1/5 to this@ddress.is.invalid on Thu Feb 15 19:47:32 2024
    In alt.comp.os.windows-10, on 15 Feb 2024 20:48:57 GMT, Frank Slootweg <this@ddress.is.invalid> wrote:

    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    "Ed Cryer" <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk> wrote in message
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >> > them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    Did your avatar post this(above) to the correct group?
    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
    - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

    Huh!? We just pinpointed at least two aliases only two days ago. Not
    that two is much, because he has tens and tens (anywhere up to 90)
    to choose from.

    And FTR, most are not stocking posts, but - AFAICT - some are.

    What are stocking posts? Are they like stocking stuffers?
    Or hitching posts?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 16 09:34:22 2024
    bWlja3kgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEluIGFsdC5jb21wLm9zLndpbmRvd3MtMTAsIG9uIDE1IEZlYiAy MDI0IDIwOjQ4OjU3IEdNVCwgRnJhbmsgU2xvb3R3ZWcNCj4gPHRoaXNAZGRyZXNzLmlzLmlu dmFsaWQ+IHdyb3RlOg0KPiANCj4+IC4uLnfCocOxwqfCscKkw7EgPHdpbnN0b25tdnBAZ21h aWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZToNCj4+PiAiRWQgQ3J5ZXIiIDxlZEBzb21ld2hlcmUuaW4udGhlLnVr PiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlDQo+Pj4gbmV3czp1cWo4OTQkMnE4cGckMUBkb250LWVtYWls Lm1lLi4uDQo+Pj4+IFdobydzIHRoaXMgQXJsZW4gZ3V5PyBIZSBzdGFsa3MgdGhpcyBncm91 cCwgaW5zdWx0aW5nIHBlb3BsZSBhbmQgcHV0dGluZw0KPj4+PiB0aGVtIGRvd24uIEJ1dCB3 ZSBuZXZlciBzZWUgaGltLiBIZSdzIGp1c3QgYSBnaG9zdCwgc29tZSBjb252ZW5pZW50DQo+ Pj4+IGludmlzaWJsZSB0cm9sbCB0byBibGFtZSBpdCBhbGwgb24uDQo+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gTWF5 YmUgSSdtIGFuIEFybGVuIGF2YXRhci4gTWF5YmUgZXZlcnlvbmUgaGVyZSBpcyBhbiBBcmxl biBhdmF0YXIuDQo+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gRWQNCj4+Pg0KPj4+IERpZCB5b3VyIGF2YXRhciBwb3N0 IHRoaXMoYWJvdmUpIHRvIHRoZSBjb3JyZWN0IGdyb3VwPw0KPj4+IE5vdCBmaWx0ZXJpbmcg YW55dGhpbmcgb24gdHdvIGRpZmZlcmVudCBuZXdzcmVhZGVycw0KPj4+ICAgIC0gaS5lLiBu b3Qgc2VlaW5nIHN0b2NraW5nIHBvc3RzIGZyb20gJ2hpbScgaW4gdGhpcyBncm91cC4NCj4+ DQo+PiAgIEh1aCE/IFdlIGp1c3QgcGlucG9pbnRlZCBhdCBsZWFzdCB0d28gYWxpYXNlcyBv bmx5IHR3byBkYXlzIGFnby4gTm90DQo+PiB0aGF0IHR3byBpcyBtdWNoLCBiZWNhdXNlIGhl IGhhcyB0ZW5zIGFuZCB0ZW5zIChhbnl3aGVyZSB1cCB0byA5MCkNCj4+IHRvIGNob29zZSBm cm9tLg0KPj4NCj4+ICAgQW5kIEZUUiwgbW9zdCBhcmUgbm90IHN0b2NraW5nIHBvc3RzLCBi dXQgLSBBRkFJQ1QgLSBzb21lIGFyZS4NCj4gDQo+IFdoYXQgYXJlIHN0b2NraW5nIHBvc3Rz PyAgIEFyZSB0aGV5IGxpa2Ugc3RvY2tpbmcgc3R1ZmZlcnM/DQo+ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICBPciBoaXRjaGluZyBwb3N0cz8NCg0KSSB0aGluayB0aGV5J3JlIHBs YWNlcyB3aGVyZSB5b3UgaGFuZyB5b3VyIFhtYXMgc3RvY2tpbmcgZm9yIEZhdGhlciBYbWFz IA0KdG8gZmlsbCB3aXRoIGdpZnRzLg0KDQpFZA0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From R.Wieser@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 16 10:50:48 2024

    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
    - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

    I see you are posting using eternal september. That server does filter
    quite a bit. Including all HTML posts, causing another poster to disappear (used aioe before it went poof). Spam posters seem to get weeded out quite quickly too.

    As I check newsgroups for new messages (local high-water rmark subtracted
    from the servers high-water mark), I often see that there are a number of
    new posts, but when I than go to the newsgroup there are less than that present.

    Rudy Wieser

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Feb 16 05:15:02 2024
    On 2/16/2024 4:34 AM, Ed Cryer wrote:
    micky wrote:
    In alt.comp.os.windows-10, on 15 Feb 2024 20:48:57 GMT, Frank Slootweg
    <this@ddress.is.invalid> wrote:

    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    "Ed Cryer" <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk> wrote in message
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >>>>> them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    Did your avatar post this(above) to the correct group?
    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
       - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

      Huh!? We just pinpointed at least two aliases only two days ago. Not
    that two is much, because he has tens and tens (anywhere up to 90)
    to choose from.

      And FTR, most are not stocking posts, but - AFAICT - some are.

    What are stocking posts?   Are they like stocking stuffers?
                                Or hitching posts?

    I think they're places where you hang your Xmas stocking for Father Xmas to fill with gifts.


    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

    But they were rather big stockings, by stocking standards.

    And you only hung the one stocking, the other one was mysteriously "missing".

    Once the stocking was filled, it was way too heavy for its
    original resting point, so it went on the sofa. But that part
    is not recorded in any rhyme.

    And a hitching post, I thought that was the building you
    went to, to get a marriage license.

    You can tell the horse isn't too pleased with this modern version.




    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Slootweg@21:1/5 to winstonmvp@gmail.com on Fri Feb 16 14:39:48 2024
    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    Frank Slootweg wrote on 2/15/24 1:48 PM:
    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    "Ed Cryer" <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk> wrote in message
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >>> them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    Did your avatar post this(above) to the correct group?
    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
    - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

    Huh!? We just pinpointed at least two aliases only two days ago. Not that two is much, because he has tens and tens (anywhere up to 90)
    to choose from.

    And FTR, most are not stocking posts, but - AFAICT - some are.

    Hi, Frank.
    Thanks for the info.

    Must have missed it.
    Can you provide the Subject or Title of the thread(s).

    The thread is "Can I watch the superbowl free on Android or Windows
    this Sunday?", but it's quite long.

    The fun starts when 'rdb' pops up in this post of February 13:

    Message-ID: <uqgg4h$1d8t$1@paganini.bofh.team>

    Using SeaMonkey now - and wouldn't be the first time threads on showing
    up when no filtering exists.

    Does SeaMonkey perhaps filter crossposts by default?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Slootweg@21:1/5 to micky on Fri Feb 16 15:55:36 2024
    micky <NONONOmisc07@fmguy.com> wrote:
    In alt.comp.os.windows-10, on 15 Feb 2024 20:48:57 GMT, Frank Slootweg <this@ddress.is.invalid> wrote:

    ...w¡ñ§±¤ñ <winstonmvp@gmail.com> wrote:
    "Ed Cryer" <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk> wrote in message
    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >> > them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    Did your avatar post this(above) to the correct group?
    Not filtering anything on two different newsreaders
    - i.e. not seeing stocking posts from 'him' in this group.

    Huh!? We just pinpointed at least two aliases only two days ago. Not
    that two is much, because he has tens and tens (anywhere up to 90)
    to choose from.

    And FTR, most are not stocking posts, but - AFAICT - some are.

    What are stocking posts? Are they like stocking stuffers?
    Or hitching posts?

    I just used Winston's wording and interpreted it in the IMO most
    logical way. So take out your Secret Decoder Ring and just think of another/similar word for 'stocking'.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Piper@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Feb 16 16:24:26 2024
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting
    them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    You can find Arlen in the thread archived here: <https://www.usenetarchives.com/view.php?id=alt.comp.os.windows-10&mid=PHJ0YjI1MSQ2MG0kMUBkb250LWVtYWlsLm1lPg>

    He has not used the nym "Arlen" for close to 3 years, because he is a
    serial nymshifter/morpher. But people still refer to him as "Arlen".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Peter Piper on Fri Feb 16 17:49:17 2024
    Peter Piper wrote:
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting
    them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    You can find Arlen in the thread archived here: <https://www.usenetarchives.com/view.php?id=alt.comp.os.windows-10&mid=PHJ0YjI1MSQ2MG0kMUBkb250LWVtYWlsLm1lPg>

    He has not used the nym "Arlen" for close to 3 years, because he is a
    serial nymshifter/morpher. But people still refer to him as "Arlen".

    How do you recognise his various monikers?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Will I Am@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Feb 16 19:07:35 2024
    On 16/02/2024 17:49, Ed Cryer wrote:

    How do you recognise his various monikers?

    His style of writing and the cross-posts to useless newsgroups such as
    Android or FreeWare. The guy has been filtered no matter what nym he
    uses because I don't visit Android or FreeWare newsgroups so anything in crossposts relating to these two newsgroups is filtered no matter who is
    the real poster.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Peter Piper on Fri Feb 16 20:59:50 2024
    On 2024-02-16 17:24, Peter Piper wrote:
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting
    them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    You can find Arlen in the thread archived here: <https://www.usenetarchives.com/view.php?id=alt.comp.os.windows-10&mid=PHJ0YjI1MSQ2MG0kMUBkb250LWVtYWlsLm1lPg>

    He has not used the nym "Arlen" for close to 3 years, because he is a
    serial nymshifter/morpher. But people still refer to him as "Arlen".

    It is the alias he has used most time "recently". At least for a year.

    Then he claimed that someone had menaced his life and thus he had to
    hide and stop using that alias. Said he told the FBI. Or something of
    the sort.

    But that is as reliable as he calling me a racist this month.

    So the Arlen name is easy to remember, but he used others before.

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Feb 16 21:09:13 2024
    On 2024-02-16 18:49, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Peter Piper wrote:
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >>> them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    You can find Arlen in the thread archived here:

    He has not used the nym "Arlen" for close to 3 years, because he is a
    serial nymshifter/morpher. But people still refer to him as "Arlen".

    How do you recognise his various monikers?

    If some new or unknown name suddenly says I am a racist, that's Arlen in
    a new name (because Arlen has accused me of that, the only person that
    did, and has not provided a cite). That's how I found "rdb", an alias
    that he used first a year before.

    Then, a new name in alt.free.newsservers mentioned having to divide a
    post in three parts because it would not go through, and I knew he had
    that precise trouble in another group, so instantly that alias was blown (although I said nothing till somebody else sang him out).

    He hates being contradicted. When you do that, he starts insulting. He
    can be praising you in one post and insulting in the next.

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Will I Am@21:1/5 to micky on Fri Feb 16 19:21:39 2024
    On 16/02/2024 00:47, micky wrote:
    What are stocking posts? Are they like stocking stuffers?
    Or hitching posts?
    Probably he meant to say stalking posts. We had a chap called David
    Brooks who was fascinated by people responding to him and so he was
    going out of his way to find out everything about the responders
    including personal emails, residential addresses and phone numbers.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Feb 16 16:33:18 2024
    On 2/16/2024 12:49 PM, Ed Cryer wrote:
    Peter Piper wrote:
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Who's this Arlen guy? He stalks this group, insulting people and putting >>> them down. But we never see him. He's just a ghost, some convenient
    invisible troll to blame it all on.

    Maybe I'm an Arlen avatar. Maybe everyone here is an Arlen avatar.


    You can find Arlen in the thread archived here:

    He has not used the nym "Arlen" for close to 3 years, because he is a
    serial nymshifter/morpher. But people still refer to him as "Arlen".

    How do you recognise his various monikers?


    You must be joking.

    Writing style and subject matter, or attitudes, or expressions.

    Even an AI has a writing style.

    Basically, the longer a posting is, the more opportunities to
    leave clues in the post, as to who or what you are.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Char Jackson@21:1/5 to Will I Am on Fri Feb 16 17:18:47 2024
    On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:21:39 +0000, Will I Am <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

    On 16/02/2024 00:47, micky wrote:
    What are stocking posts? Are they like stocking stuffers?
    Or hitching posts?
    Probably he meant to say stalking posts. We had a chap called David
    Brooks who was fascinated by people responding to him and so he was
    going out of his way to find out everything about the responders
    including personal emails, residential addresses and phone numbers.

    David Brooks is still up to his old stalking and sliming tricks, but fortunately
    not in this group, for the most part. David Brooks is not Arlen, for the record.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sten deJoode@21:1/5 to Carlos E.R. on Fri Feb 16 16:44:42 2024
    On Fri, 16 Feb 2024 20:59:50 +0100, Carlos E.R. wrote:
    Then he claimed that someone had menaced his life


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From micky@21:1/5 to invalid@invalid.invalid on Sat Feb 17 09:17:20 2024
    In alt.comp.os.windows-10, on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:21:39 +0000, Will I Am <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

    On 16/02/2024 00:47, micky wrote:
    What are stocking posts? Are they like stocking stuffers?
    Or hitching posts?
    Probably he meant to say stalking posts. We had a chap called David

    Ah, that makes sense.

    Brooks who was fascinated by people responding to him and so he was
    going out of his way to find out everything about the responders
    including personal emails, residential addresses and phone numbers.

    Wow. thanks

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Oscar Mayer@21:1/5 to Frank Slootweg on Sat Feb 17 12:54:08 2024
    On 2/16/2024 4:55 PM, Frank Slootweg wrote:
    I just used Winston's wording and interpreted it in the IMO most
    logical way. So take out your Secret Decoder Ring and just think of another/similar word for 'stocking'.

    You're the stalker here.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Harry S Robins@21:1/5 to robin_listas@es.invalid on Sat Feb 17 13:19:17 2024
    In article <news:a0s4akx7kj.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>, "Carlos E.R." <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

    (although I said nothing till somebody else sang him out).

    He hid nothing in that recent a.f.n thread you are referring to.

    He gave you the message IDs to all of his own posts in that message body.
    Then you snicker you "figured it out" in classic Dunning Kruger fashion?

    What kind of moron does that?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E.R.@21:1/5 to Harry S Robins on Sun Feb 18 02:44:19 2024
    On 2024-02-17 20:19, Harry S Robins wrote:
    In article <news:a0s4akx7kj.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>, "Carlos E.R." <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

    (although I said nothing till somebody else sang him out).

    He hid nothing in that recent a.f.n thread you are referring to.

    He gave you the message IDs to all of his own posts in that message body. Then you snicker you "figured it out" in classic Dunning Kruger fashion?

    What kind of moron does that?

    Who are you?

    Your name is new. And insulting on your first post, ever.

    Hi, Arlen! :-)

    Cheers, Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Carlos E.R. on Sat Feb 17 22:03:54 2024
    On 2/17/2024 8:44 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
    On 2024-02-17 20:19, Harry S Robins wrote:
    In article <news:a0s4akx7kj.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>, "Carlos E.R."
    <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

    (although I said nothing till somebody else sang him out).

    He hid nothing in that recent a.f.n thread you are referring to.

    He gave you the message IDs to all of his own posts in that message body.
    Then you snicker you "figured it out" in classic Dunning Kruger fashion?

    What kind of moron does that?

    Who are you?

    Your name is new. And insulting on your first post, ever.

    Hi, Arlen! :-)

    This stuff is 4D chess.

    I hope Ed is learning from your lesson :-)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Paul on Sun Feb 18 11:52:47 2024
    Paul wrote:
    On 2/17/2024 8:44 PM, Carlos E.R. wrote:
    On 2024-02-17 20:19, Harry S Robins wrote:
    In article <news:a0s4akx7kj.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>, "Carlos E.R."
    <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

    (although I said nothing till somebody else sang him out).

    He hid nothing in that recent a.f.n thread you are referring to.

    He gave you the message IDs to all of his own posts in that message body. >>> Then you snicker you "figured it out" in classic Dunning Kruger fashion? >>>
    What kind of moron does that?

    Who are you?

    Your name is new. And insulting on your first post, ever.

    Hi, Arlen! :-)

    This stuff is 4D chess.

    I hope Ed is learning from your lesson :-)


    I'm still learning 2D chess, Paul. I'm nowhere near advanced enough to
    figure out a ghost walking the battlements of Elsinore castle.

    "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark", and it seems to be
    due to any stranger coming and acting unmannerly.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 19 20:21:22 2024
    RWQgQ3J5ZXIgd3JvdGU6DQo+IFBhdWwgd3JvdGU6DQo+PiBPbiAyLzE3LzIwMjQgODo0NCBQ TSwgQ2FybG9zIEUuUi4gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4gT24gMjAyNC0wMi0xNyAyMDoxOSwgSGFycnkg UyBSb2JpbnMgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+IEluIGFydGljbGUgPG5ld3M6YTBzNGFreDdrai5sbjJA VGVsY29udGFyLnZhbGlub3I+LCAiQ2FybG9zIEUuUi4iDQo+Pj4+IDxyb2Jpbl9saXN0YXNA ZXMuaW52YWxpZD4gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiAoYWx0aG91Z2ggSSBzYWlkIG5vdGhp bmcgdGlsbCBzb21lYm9keSBlbHNlIHNhbmcgaGltIG91dCkuDQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+IEhlIGhp ZCBub3RoaW5nIGluIHRoYXQgcmVjZW50IGEuZi5uIHRocmVhZCB5b3UgYXJlIHJlZmVycmlu ZyB0by4NCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gSGUgZ2F2ZSB5b3UgdGhlIG1lc3NhZ2UgSURzIHRvIGFsbCBv ZiBoaXMgb3duIHBvc3RzIGluIHRoYXQgbWVzc2FnZSANCj4+Pj4gYm9keS4NCj4+Pj4gVGhl biB5b3Ugc25pY2tlciB5b3UgImZpZ3VyZWQgaXQgb3V0IiBpbiBjbGFzc2ljIER1bm5pbmcg S3J1Z2VyIA0KPj4+PiBmYXNoaW9uPw0KPj4+Pg0KPj4+PiBXaGF0IGtpbmQgb2YgbW9yb24g ZG9lcyB0aGF0Pw0KPj4+DQo+Pj4gV2hvIGFyZSB5b3U/DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBZb3VyIG5hbWUg aXMgbmV3LiBBbmQgaW5zdWx0aW5nIG9uIHlvdXIgZmlyc3QgcG9zdCwgZXZlci4NCj4+Pg0K Pj4+IEhpLCBBcmxlbiEgOi0pDQo+Pj4NCj4+DQo+PiBUaGlzIHN0dWZmIGlzIDREIGNoZXNz Lg0KPj4NCj4+IEkgaG9wZSBFZCBpcyBsZWFybmluZyBmcm9tIHlvdXIgbGVzc29uIDotKQ0K Pj4NCj4+IMKgwqDCoCBQYXVsDQo+IA0KPiBJJ20gc3RpbGwgbGVhcm5pbmcgMkQgY2hlc3Ms IFBhdWwuIEknbSBub3doZXJlIG5lYXIgYWR2YW5jZWQgZW5vdWdoIHRvIA0KPiBmaWd1cmUg b3V0IGEgZ2hvc3Qgd2Fsa2luZyB0aGUgYmF0dGxlbWVudHMgb2YgRWxzaW5vcmUgY2FzdGxl Lg0KPiANCj4gDQo+ICJUaGVyZSdzIHNvbWV0aGluZyByb3R0ZW4gaW4gdGhlIHN0YXRlIG9m IERlbm1hcmsiLCBhbmQgaXQgc2VlbXMgdG8gYmUgDQo+IGR1ZSB0byBhbnkgc3RyYW5nZXIg Y29taW5nIGFuZCBhY3RpbmcgdW5tYW5uZXJseS4NCj4gDQo+IEVkDQo+IA0KDQpTdHVkZW50 cyBvZiBoaXN0b3J5IGZpbmQgdGhhdCBzcGVjaWZpYyBhZ2VzIGhhdmUgc3BlY2lmaWMgcGhl bm9tZW5hIG9mIA0KaHVtYW4gYmVoYXZpb3VyLg0KQSBmZXcgZXhhbXBsZXMgd2lsbCByZXZl YWwgdGhlIG1lY2hhbmlzbS4NCkluIGFuY2llbnQgR3JlZWNlLCBaZXVzIChraW5nIG9mIHRo ZSBPbHltcGlhbiBnb2RzLCBhbmQgdmVyeSByYW5keSkgd2FzIA0KZXZlcnl3aGVyZSBhbW9u ZyBtb3J0YWwgZ2lybHMuIEhlIHNlZHVjZWQgdGhlbSBpbiBob3JkZXM7IHVzdWFsbHkgDQpk aXNndWlzZWQsIGFzIGEgYnVsbCwgb3IgYSBzd2FuLCBvciBldmVuIGEgc2hvd2VyIG9mIGdv bGQuDQpJbiB0aGUgbWlkZGxlIGFnZXMgd2hlbiB0aGUgQ2hyaXN0aWFuIENodXJjaCBjYWxs ZWQgdGhlIHNob3RzLCBkZXZpbHMgDQp3ZXJlIHNlZW4gZXZlcnl3aGVyZS4gVGhleSBjbHVu ZyB0byByYWZ0ZXJzIGluIGJ1aWxkaW5ncywgc2F0IGh1bmNoZWQgYXQgDQp0aGUgZG9vcndh eXMsIGxpdHRsZSBpbXAtbGlrZSByZXB0aWxpYW4gZmlndXJlcyBmcmVzaCBmcm9tIHJvYXN0 aW5nIHRoZSANCnNvdWxzIG9mIHNpbm5lcnMgaW4gaGVsbC4NCkFmdGVyIG51Y2xlYXIgcG93 ZXIgYW5ub3VuY2VkIGl0c2VsZiBpbiB3YXItdGltZSBKYXBhbiAoZHJvcHBlZCBmcm9tIA0K QW1lcmljYW4gcGxhbmVzKSwgcGVvcGxlIGluIEFtZXJpY2Egc3RhcnRlZCBnZXR0aW5nIGFi ZHVjdGVkIGJ5IGFsaWVucy4gDQpGbHlpbmctc2F1Y2Vycywgc2xpdC1leWVkIGhhaXJsZXNz IGhvbWluaWRzLCB0aGUgQmVybXVkYSB0cmlhbmdsZSwgDQpjb3JuLWNyb3AgY2lyY2xlcy4g QWxpZW5zIGV2ZXJ5d2hlcmUuDQoNClBzeWNob2xvZ2lzdHMgbG92ZSB0aGluZ3MgbGlrZSB0 aGF0LiBTdWJ1cmJhbiBwYXJhbm9pYSAoc29tZSBzdHVwaWQga2lkIA0Kc21hc2hlcyBhIHdp bmRvdzsgdGhlIGhvdXNlLW93bmVyIHRoaW5rcyBpdCdzIHRoZSBndXkgd2hvIGxpdmVzIA0K b3Bwb3NpdGUsIGFuZCBzdGFydHMgYSB3YXIpOyBldmVyeWJvZHkgZ2V0cyBkcmFnZ2VkIGlu IChsaWtlIGluIHRoYXQgDQptb3ZpZSAiVGhlIEJ1cmJzIiB3aXRoIFRvbSBIYW5rcykgdW50 aWwgc29tZSBpbm5vY2VudCB2aWN0aW0gaXMgZm91bmQuDQoNClJlYXNvbiBnZXRzIHR1cm5l ZCBiYWNrIHRvIGZyb250LiBJbnN0ZWFkIG9mICJwcm92ZSBpdCdzIHRydWUiIHlvdSBoZWFy IA0KInByb3ZlIGl0J3Mgbm90IHRydWUiOyBndWlsdHkgYmVmb3JlIGlubm9jZW50Lg0KDQpS ZWNvZ25pc2UgdGhlIHBhdHRlcm5zIEkndmUgbGFpZCBvdXQ/DQpJJ20gc3VyZSB5b3UgZG8u IEl0J3Mgc28gdmVyeSBodW1hbiwgYW5kIHByZXZhbGVudCBhbGwgb3ZlciB0aGUgd29ybGQu DQoNCkVkDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)