• Re: New version of Adobe reader

    From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 17 21:13:35 2023
    T24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjA4IFBNLCBrbnV0dGxlIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBUaGUgb3RoZXIgZGF5 IEkgb3BlbmVkIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQyBhbmQgaXQgd2VudCBpbnRvIGFuIGF1dG9tYXRp YyANCj4gdXBkYXRlLsKgIFRoZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbiBhcHBlYXJlZCB0byBpbnN0YWxsIHBy b3Blcmx5LCBidXQgdGhpbmcgd2VyZSANCj4gbWVzc2VkIHVwLsKgIGllIHRoZSBQREYgZmls ZSBpY29uIHdlbnQgdG8gdGhlIGRlZmF1bHQgaWNvbi4NCj4gDQo+IEkgdHJpZWQgdG8gdW5p bnN0YWxsIHRoZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbiB3aXRoIHRoZSBpZGVhIG9mIGdvaW5nIGJhY2sgdG8g dGhlIA0KPiBvbGQgdmVyc2lvbiBpdCB3b3VsZCBub3QgdW5pbnN0YWxsLCB3aXRoIHRoZSBt ZXNzYWdlIEkgZG9uJ3QgaGF2ZSBhY2Nlc3MgDQo+IG9yIGNhbiBub3QgZmluZCBhIFRlbXAg ZmlsZS4NCj4gDQo+IEkgaGF2ZSBhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yIHByaXZpbGVnZXMsIGFuZCBoYXZl IGJlZW4gdXNpbmcgdGhpcyBzZXQgdXAgc2luY2UgDQo+IFdpbmRvd3MgMTAgY2FtZSBvdXQu DQo+IA0KPiBDYW4gc29tZSBvbmUgaGVscD8NCk9QIiBUaGUgZXhhY3Qgd29yZGluZyBvZiB0 aGUgZXJyb3IgaXM6DQoidGhlIHRlbXAgZm9sZGVyIGlzIG9uIGEgZHJpdmUgdGhhdCBpcyBm dWxsIG9yIGluYWNjZXNzaWJsZSwgZnJlZSB1cCANCnNwYWNlIG9uIHRoZSBkcml2ZSBvciB2 ZXJpZnkgeW91IGhhdmUgd3JpdGUgcGVybWlzc2lvbiB0byB0aGUgdGVtcCBmb2xkZXIiDQoN ClRoZXJlIGlzIG9ubHkgb24gZHJpdmUgb24gdGhpcyBjb21wdXRlciwgIEkgaGF2ZSBubyBp ZGVhIHdoZXJlIHRoZSB3aGljaCANCnRlbXAgZm9sZGVyIEkgZG8gbm90IGhhdmUgYWNjZXNz IHRvLg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 17 21:08:30 2023
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an automatic
    update. The new version appeared to install properly, but thing were
    messed up. ie the PDF file icon went to the default icon.

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to the
    old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't have access
    or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up since
    Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZ@21:1/5 to knuttle on Tue Oct 17 21:40:14 2023
    On 10/17/2023 9:13 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:08 PM, knuttle wrote:
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an automatic
    update.  The new version appeared to install properly, but thing were
    messed up.  ie the PDF file icon went to the default icon.

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to
    the old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't have
    access or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up
    since Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?
    OP" The exact wording of the error is:
    "the temp folder is on a drive that is full or inaccessible, free up
    space on the drive or verify you have write permission to the temp

    There is only on drive on this computer,  I have no idea where the
    which temp folder I do not have access to.

    Please try these:

    1. Your drive might be corrupt. Try use Windows to check for errors (Right-click on Drive C -> Properties -> Tools).

    2. Use Windows or third party drive cleaner program to clean up the
    drive(Press the Windows button on your keyboard. Type Disk Cleanup and
    choose Disk Cleanup App. Remember to scroll down to check "Temporary
    files". That should remove those Temp files.

    3. Install "Everything" to look for the file by typing in the filename,
    then you will know where that Temp folder is.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZ@21:1/5 to knuttle on Tue Oct 17 21:20:56 2023
    On 10/17/2023 9:08 PM, knuttle wrote:
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an automatic update.  The new version appeared to install properly, but thing were
    messed up.  ie the PDF file icon went to the default icon.

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to
    the old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't have
    access or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up since Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?

    So all you don't like is the icon?

    I think you can change the default PDF file opener to Microsoft Edge,
    and then change it back to Adobe Reader DC. I believe that should get
    your Adobe Reader DC icon back in your PDF files. Please try.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 17 21:45:18 2023
    T24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjQwIFBNLCDwn5iOIE1pZ2h0eSBXYW5uYWJlIOKchSB3cm90ZToN Cj4gT24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjEzIFBNLCBrbnV0dGxlIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gT24gMTAvMTcv MjAyMyA5OjA4IFBNLCBrbnV0dGxlIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4+IFRoZSBvdGhlciBkYXkgSSBvcGVu ZWQgQWRvYmUgUmVhZGVyIERDIGFuZCBpdCB3ZW50IGludG8gYW4gYXV0b21hdGljIA0KPj4+ IHVwZGF0ZS7CoCBUaGUgbmV3IHZlcnNpb24gYXBwZWFyZWQgdG8gaW5zdGFsbCBwcm9wZXJs eSwgYnV0IHRoaW5nIHdlcmUgDQo+Pj4gbWVzc2VkIHVwLsKgIGllIHRoZSBQREYgZmlsZSBp Y29uIHdlbnQgdG8gdGhlIGRlZmF1bHQgaWNvbi4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IEkgdHJpZWQgdG8gdW5p bnN0YWxsIHRoZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbiB3aXRoIHRoZSBpZGVhIG9mIGdvaW5nIGJhY2sgdG8g DQo+Pj4gdGhlIG9sZCB2ZXJzaW9uIGl0IHdvdWxkIG5vdCB1bmluc3RhbGwsIHdpdGggdGhl IG1lc3NhZ2UgSSBkb24ndCBoYXZlIA0KPj4+IGFjY2VzcyBvciBjYW4gbm90IGZpbmQgYSBU ZW1wIGZpbGUuDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBJIGhhdmUgYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciBwcml2aWxlZ2VzLCBh bmQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIHVzaW5nIHRoaXMgc2V0IHVwIA0KPj4+IHNpbmNlIFdpbmRvd3MgMTAg Y2FtZSBvdXQuDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBDYW4gc29tZSBvbmUgaGVscD8NCj4+IE9QIiBUaGUgZXhh Y3Qgd29yZGluZyBvZiB0aGUgZXJyb3IgaXM6DQo+PiAidGhlIHRlbXAgZm9sZGVyIGlzIG9u IGEgZHJpdmUgdGhhdCBpcyBmdWxsIG9yIGluYWNjZXNzaWJsZSwgZnJlZSB1cCANCj4+IHNw YWNlIG9uIHRoZSBkcml2ZSBvciB2ZXJpZnkgeW91IGhhdmUgd3JpdGUgcGVybWlzc2lvbiB0 byB0aGUgdGVtcCANCj4+IGZvbGRlciINCj4+DQo+PiBUaGVyZSBpcyBvbmx5IG9uIGRyaXZl IG9uIHRoaXMgY29tcHV0ZXIswqAgSSBoYXZlIG5vIGlkZWEgd2hlcmUgdGhlIA0KPj4gd2hp Y2ggdGVtcCBmb2xkZXIgSSBkbyBub3QgaGF2ZSBhY2Nlc3MgdG8uDQo+IA0KPiBQbGVhc2Ug dHJ5IHRoZXNlOg0KPiANCj4gMS4gWW91ciBkcml2ZSBtaWdodCBiZSBjb3JydXB0LiBUcnkg dXNlIFdpbmRvd3MgdG8gY2hlY2sgZm9yIGVycm9ycyANCj4gKFJpZ2h0LWNsaWNrIG9uIERy aXZlIEMgLT4gUHJvcGVydGllcyAtPiBUb29scykuDQo+IA0KPiAyLiBVc2UgV2luZG93cyBv ciB0aGlyZCBwYXJ0eSBkcml2ZSBjbGVhbmVyIHByb2dyYW0gdG8gY2xlYW4gdXAgdGhlIA0K PiBkcml2ZShQcmVzcyB0aGUgV2luZG93cyBidXR0b24gb24geW91ciBrZXlib2FyZC4gVHlw ZSBEaXNrIENsZWFudXAgYW5kIA0KPiBjaG9vc2UgRGlzayBDbGVhbnVwIEFwcC4gUmVtZW1i ZXIgdG8gc2Nyb2xsIGRvd24gdG8gY2hlY2sgIlRlbXBvcmFyeSANCj4gZmlsZXMiLiBUaGF0 IHNob3VsZCByZW1vdmUgdGhvc2UgVGVtcCBmaWxlcy4NCj4gDQo+IDMuIEluc3RhbGwgIkV2 ZXJ5dGhpbmciIHRvIGxvb2sgZm9yIHRoZSBmaWxlIGJ5IHR5cGluZyBpbiB0aGUgZmlsZW5h bWUsIA0KPiB0aGVuIHlvdSB3aWxsIGtub3cgd2hlcmUgdGhhdCBUZW1wIGZvbGRlciBpcy4N Cj4gDQo+IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnZvaWR0b29scy5jb20vc3VwcG9ydC9ldmVyeXRoaW5nLw0K PiANCg0KT1A6ICBJIG5vdyBoYXZlIHJlbW92ZWQgdGhlIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQy4gIEkg ZGlkIGEgc2VhcmNoIG9uICJyZW1vdmUgDQpBZG9iZSBSZWFkZXIgREMgYWZ0ZXIgYSBmYWls ZWQgaW5zdGFsbGF0aW9uIiBhbmQgaXQgZGlyZWN0ZWQgbWUgdG8gDQpBZG9iZSdzIG93biBB ZG9iZSBSZW1vdmFsIHRvb2wuICAgSXQgcmVtb3ZlZCBBZG9iZSBjb21wbGV0ZWx5IHdpdGgg bm8gDQpxdWVzdGlvbi4NCg0KTk9XIEkgaGF2ZSB0byBkZWNpZGUgaWYgSSB3YW50IHRvIHRy eSBhbm90aGVyIGluc3RhbGxhdGlvbiBvZiBBZG9iZSBEQyANCm9yIHdhaXQgZm9yIGEgY291 cGxlIG9mIHdlZWtzIHRvIHNlZSBpZiBhIHBhdGNoIGlzIHJlbGVhc2VkLg0KDQoNCg0KDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZ@21:1/5 to knuttle on Tue Oct 17 21:57:03 2023
    On 10/17/2023 9:45 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:40 PM, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:13 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:08 PM, knuttle wrote:
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an
    automatic update.  The new version appeared to install properly,
    but thing were messed up.  ie the PDF file icon went to the default

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to
    the old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't
    have access or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up
    since Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?
    OP" The exact wording of the error is:
    "the temp folder is on a drive that is full or inaccessible, free up
    space on the drive or verify you have write permission to the temp

    There is only on drive on this computer,  I have no idea where the
    which temp folder I do not have access to.

    Please try these:

    1. Your drive might be corrupt. Try use Windows to check for errors
    (Right-click on Drive C -> Properties -> Tools).

    2. Use Windows or third party drive cleaner program to clean up the
    drive(Press the Windows button on your keyboard. Type Disk Cleanup
    and choose Disk Cleanup App. Remember to scroll down to check
    "Temporary files". That should remove those Temp files.

    3. Install "Everything" to look for the file by typing in the
    filename, then you will know where that Temp folder is.


    OP:  I now have removed the Adobe Reader DC.  I did a search on
    "remove Adobe Reader DC after a failed installation" and it directed
    me to Adobe's own Adobe Removal tool.   It removed Adobe completely
    with no question.

    NOW I have to decide if I want to try another installation of Adobe DC
    or wait for a couple of weeks to see if a patch is released.

    I suggest you reinstall Adobe DC. If it happens again, then try the 3
    methods I showed you.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 17 21:41:32 2023
    T24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjIwIFBNLCDwn5iOIE1pZ2h0eSBXYW5uYWJlIOKchSB3cm90ZToN Cj4gY2hhbmdlIHRoZSBkZWZhdWx0IFBERiBmaWxlIG9wZW5lciB0byBNaWNyb3NvZnQgRWRn ZSwgYW5kIHRoZW4gY2hhbmdlIGl0IA0KPiBiYWNrIHRvIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQy4gSSBi ZWxpZXZlIHRoYXQgc2hvdWxkIGdldCB5b3VyIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQyANCj4gaWNvbiBi YWNrIGluIHlvdXIgUERGIGZpbGVzLiBQbGVhc2UgdHJ5Lg0KdHJpZWQgdGhhdCBkaWQgbm90 IHdvcmsNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ...winston@21:1/5 to knuttle on Wed Oct 18 03:25:40 2023
    knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:40 PM, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:13 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:08 PM, knuttle wrote:
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an automatic
    update.  The new version appeared to install properly, but thing
    were messed up.  ie the PDF file icon went to the default icon.

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to
    the old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't
    have access or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up
    since Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?
    OP" The exact wording of the error is:
    "the temp folder is on a drive that is full or inaccessible, free up
    space on the drive or verify you have write permission to the temp

    There is only on drive on this computer,  I have no idea where the
    which temp folder I do not have access to.

    Please try these:

    1. Your drive might be corrupt. Try use Windows to check for errors
    (Right-click on Drive C -> Properties -> Tools).

    2. Use Windows or third party drive cleaner program to clean up the
    drive(Press the Windows button on your keyboard. Type Disk Cleanup and
    choose Disk Cleanup App. Remember to scroll down to check "Temporary
    files". That should remove those Temp files.

    3. Install "Everything" to look for the file by typing in the
    filename, then you will know where that Temp folder is.


    OP:  I now have removed the Adobe Reader DC.  I did a search on "remove Adobe Reader DC after a failed installation" and it directed me to
    Adobe's own Adobe Removal tool.   It removed Adobe completely with no question.

    NOW I have to decide if I want to try another installation of Adobe DC
    or wait for a couple of weeks to see if a patch is released.

    Adobe Reader comes in two flavors
    Continous and Classic.

    Which version are/were you using?
    - both version base installers are available, as well as the latest
    msp release to update the base install build number to the current
    released build(for Continous or Classic versions).

    The latest Continous Track is an optional update 23.006.20360 on Oct 17,
    2023 (fixed some bugs)
    The last Continous Track Planned Update was 23.006.20320 on Sept 12. 2023

    The latest Class Track Planned Update was 20.005.30524 on Sept 12, 2023.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From wasbit@21:1/5 to ...winston on Wed Oct 18 09:57:11 2023
    On 18/10/2023 08:25, ...winston wrote:

    snip <<

    Adobe Reader comes in two flavors
     Continous and Classic.

    Which version are/were you using?
     - both version base installers are available, as well as the latest
    msp release to update the base install build number to the current
    released build(for Continous or Classic versions).

    The latest Continous Track is an optional update 23.006.20360 on Oct 17,
    2023 (fixed some bugs)
    The last Continous Track Planned Update was  23.006.20320 on Sept 12. 2023

    The latest Class Track Planned Update was 20.005.30524 on Sept 12, 2023.

    As far as I know there is no such word as continous.
    Presumably they mean continuous - or perhaps it's a deliberate
    corruption & they will trademark it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 18 13:05:15 2023
    T24gMTAvMTgvMjAyMyAzOjI1IEFNLCAuLi53aW5zdG9uIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBrbnV0dGxlIHdy b3RlOg0KPj4gT24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjQwIFBNLCDwn5iOIE1pZ2h0eSBXYW5uYWJlIOKc hSB3cm90ZToNCj4+PiBPbiAxMC8xNy8yMDIzIDk6MTMgUE0sIGtudXR0bGUgd3JvdGU6DQo+ Pj4+IE9uIDEwLzE3LzIwMjMgOTowOCBQTSwga251dHRsZSB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4+IFRoZSBv dGhlciBkYXkgSSBvcGVuZWQgQWRvYmUgUmVhZGVyIERDIGFuZCBpdCB3ZW50IGludG8gYW4g DQo+Pj4+PiBhdXRvbWF0aWMgdXBkYXRlLsKgIFRoZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbiBhcHBlYXJlZCB0 byBpbnN0YWxsIHByb3Blcmx5LCANCj4+Pj4+IGJ1dCB0aGluZyB3ZXJlIG1lc3NlZCB1cC7C oCBpZSB0aGUgUERGIGZpbGUgaWNvbiB3ZW50IHRvIHRoZSBkZWZhdWx0IA0KPj4+Pj4gaWNv bi4NCj4+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiBJIHRyaWVkIHRvIHVuaW5zdGFsbCB0aGUgbmV3IHZlcnNpb24g d2l0aCB0aGUgaWRlYSBvZiBnb2luZyBiYWNrIHRvIA0KPj4+Pj4gdGhlIG9sZCB2ZXJzaW9u IGl0IHdvdWxkIG5vdCB1bmluc3RhbGwsIHdpdGggdGhlIG1lc3NhZ2UgSSBkb24ndCANCj4+ Pj4+IGhhdmUgYWNjZXNzIG9yIGNhbiBub3QgZmluZCBhIFRlbXAgZmlsZS4NCj4+Pj4+DQo+ Pj4+PiBJIGhhdmUgYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciBwcml2aWxlZ2VzLCBhbmQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIHVz aW5nIHRoaXMgc2V0IHVwIA0KPj4+Pj4gc2luY2UgV2luZG93cyAxMCBjYW1lIG91dC4NCj4+ Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiBDYW4gc29tZSBvbmUgaGVscD8NCj4+Pj4gT1AiIFRoZSBleGFjdCB3b3Jk aW5nIG9mIHRoZSBlcnJvciBpczoNCj4+Pj4gInRoZSB0ZW1wIGZvbGRlciBpcyBvbiBhIGRy aXZlIHRoYXQgaXMgZnVsbCBvciBpbmFjY2Vzc2libGUsIGZyZWUgdXAgDQo+Pj4+IHNwYWNl IG9uIHRoZSBkcml2ZSBvciB2ZXJpZnkgeW91IGhhdmUgd3JpdGUgcGVybWlzc2lvbiB0byB0 aGUgdGVtcCANCj4+Pj4gZm9sZGVyIg0KPj4+Pg0KPj4+PiBUaGVyZSBpcyBvbmx5IG9uIGRy aXZlIG9uIHRoaXMgY29tcHV0ZXIswqAgSSBoYXZlIG5vIGlkZWEgd2hlcmUgdGhlIA0KPj4+ PiB3aGljaCB0ZW1wIGZvbGRlciBJIGRvIG5vdCBoYXZlIGFjY2VzcyB0by4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+ IFBsZWFzZSB0cnkgdGhlc2U6DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiAxLiBZb3VyIGRyaXZlIG1pZ2h0IGJlIGNv cnJ1cHQuIFRyeSB1c2UgV2luZG93cyB0byBjaGVjayBmb3IgZXJyb3JzIA0KPj4+IChSaWdo dC1jbGljayBvbiBEcml2ZSBDIC0+IFByb3BlcnRpZXMgLT4gVG9vbHMpLg0KPj4+DQo+Pj4g Mi4gVXNlIFdpbmRvd3Mgb3IgdGhpcmQgcGFydHkgZHJpdmUgY2xlYW5lciBwcm9ncmFtIHRv IGNsZWFuIHVwIHRoZSANCj4+PiBkcml2ZShQcmVzcyB0aGUgV2luZG93cyBidXR0b24gb24g eW91ciBrZXlib2FyZC4gVHlwZSBEaXNrIENsZWFudXAgDQo+Pj4gYW5kIGNob29zZSBEaXNr IENsZWFudXAgQXBwLiBSZW1lbWJlciB0byBzY3JvbGwgZG93biB0byBjaGVjayANCj4+PiAi VGVtcG9yYXJ5IGZpbGVzIi4gVGhhdCBzaG91bGQgcmVtb3ZlIHRob3NlIFRlbXAgZmlsZXMu DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiAzLiBJbnN0YWxsICJFdmVyeXRoaW5nIiB0byBsb29rIGZvciB0aGUgZmls ZSBieSB0eXBpbmcgaW4gdGhlIA0KPj4+IGZpbGVuYW1lLCB0aGVuIHlvdSB3aWxsIGtub3cg d2hlcmUgdGhhdCBUZW1wIGZvbGRlciBpcy4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnZvaWR0 b29scy5jb20vc3VwcG9ydC9ldmVyeXRoaW5nLw0KPj4+DQo+Pg0KPj4gT1A6wqAgSSBub3cg aGF2ZSByZW1vdmVkIHRoZSBBZG9iZSBSZWFkZXIgREMuwqAgSSBkaWQgYSBzZWFyY2ggb24g DQo+PiAicmVtb3ZlIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQyBhZnRlciBhIGZhaWxlZCBpbnN0YWxsYXRp b24iIGFuZCBpdCBkaXJlY3RlZCANCj4+IG1lIHRvIEFkb2JlJ3Mgb3duIEFkb2JlIFJlbW92 YWwgdG9vbC7CoMKgIEl0IHJlbW92ZWQgQWRvYmUgY29tcGxldGVseSANCj4+IHdpdGggbm8g cXVlc3Rpb24uDQo+Pg0KPj4gTk9XIEkgaGF2ZSB0byBkZWNpZGUgaWYgSSB3YW50IHRvIHRy eSBhbm90aGVyIGluc3RhbGxhdGlvbiBvZiBBZG9iZSBEQyANCj4+IG9yIHdhaXQgZm9yIGEg Y291cGxlIG9mIHdlZWtzIHRvIHNlZSBpZiBhIHBhdGNoIGlzIHJlbGVhc2VkLg0KPj4NCj4+ DQo+Pg0KPj4NCj4gQWRvYmUgUmVhZGVyIGNvbWVzIGluIHR3byBmbGF2b3JzDQo+ICDCoENv bnRpbm91cyBhbmQgQ2xhc3NpYy4NCj4gDQo+IFdoaWNoIHZlcnNpb24gYXJlL3dlcmUgeW91 IHVzaW5nPw0KPiAgwqAtIGJvdGggdmVyc2lvbiBiYXNlIGluc3RhbGxlcnMgYXJlIGF2YWls YWJsZSwgYXMgd2VsbCBhcyB0aGUgbGF0ZXN0IA0KPiBtc3AgcmVsZWFzZSB0byB1cGRhdGUg dGhlIGJhc2UgaW5zdGFsbCBidWlsZCBudW1iZXIgdG8gdGhlIGN1cnJlbnQgDQo+IHJlbGVh c2VkIGJ1aWxkKGZvciBDb250aW5vdXMgb3IgQ2xhc3NpYyB2ZXJzaW9ucykuDQo+IA0KPiBU aGUgbGF0ZXN0IENvbnRpbm91cyBUcmFjayBpcyBhbiBvcHRpb25hbCB1cGRhdGUgMjMuMDA2 LjIwMzYwIG9uIE9jdCAxNywgDQo+IDIwMjMgKGZpeGVkIHNvbWUgYnVncykNCj4gVGhlIGxh c3QgQ29udGlub3VzIFRyYWNrIFBsYW5uZWQgVXBkYXRlIHdhc8KgIDIzLjAwNi4yMDMyMCBv biBTZXB0IDEyLiAyMDIzDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gVGhlIGxhdGVzdCBDbGFzcyBUcmFjayBQbGFu bmVkIFVwZGF0ZSB3YXMgMjAuMDA1LjMwNTI0IG9uIFNlcHQgMTIsIDIwMjMuDQo+IA0KPiAN ClVua25vd24gdG8gbWUgdGhlIGRvd25sb2FkIGZ1bmN0aW9uLCBkb3dubG9hZGVkIGFuZCBp bnN0YWxsZWQgdGhlIA0KY29tYmluZWQgbmV3IGludGVyZmFjZSBhbmQgdGhlIG9sZCBvbmUg aW4gb25lIGZpbGUuICBZb3UgY291bGQgY2hhbmdlIA0KYmV0d2VlbiB0aGVtLiBXaGVuIEkg Y2hhbmdlZCB0aGF0IGlzIHdoZW4gdGhlIGZ1biBiZWdhbi4NCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to knuttle on Wed Oct 18 17:22:34 2023
    On 10/18/2023 1:05 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/18/2023 3:25 AM, ...winston wrote:
    knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:40 PM, 😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅ wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:13 PM, knuttle wrote:
    On 10/17/2023 9:08 PM, knuttle wrote:
    The other day I opened Adobe Reader DC and it went into an automatic update.  The new version appeared to install properly, but thing were messed up.  ie the PDF file icon went to the default icon.

    I tried to uninstall the new version with the idea of going back to the old version it would not uninstall, with the message I don't have access or can not find a Temp file.

    I have administrator privileges, and have been using this set up since Windows 10 came out.

    Can some one help?
    OP" The exact wording of the error is:
    "the temp folder is on a drive that is full or inaccessible, free up space on the drive or verify you have write permission to the temp folder"

    There is only on drive on this computer,  I have no idea where the which temp folder I do not have access to.

    Please try these:

    1. Your drive might be corrupt. Try use Windows to check for errors (Right-click on Drive C -> Properties -> Tools).

    2. Use Windows or third party drive cleaner program to clean up the drive(Press the Windows button on your keyboard. Type Disk Cleanup and choose Disk Cleanup App. Remember to scroll down to check "Temporary files". That should remove those Temp

    3. Install "Everything" to look for the file by typing in the filename, then you will know where that Temp folder is.


    OP:  I now have removed the Adobe Reader DC.  I did a search on "remove Adobe Reader DC after a failed installation" and it directed me to Adobe's own Adobe Removal tool.   It removed Adobe completely with no question.

    NOW I have to decide if I want to try another installation of Adobe DC or wait for a couple of weeks to see if a patch is released.

    Adobe Reader comes in two flavors
      Continous and Classic.

    Which version are/were you using?
      - both version base installers are available, as well as the latest msp release to update the base install build number to the current released build(for Continous or Classic versions).

    The latest Continous Track is an optional update 23.006.20360 on Oct 17, 2023 (fixed some bugs)
    The last Continous Track Planned Update was  23.006.20320 on Sept 12. 2023 >>

    The latest Class Track Planned Update was 20.005.30524 on Sept 12, 2023.

    Unknown to me the download function, downloaded and installed the combined new interface and the old one in one file.  You could change between them. When I changed that is when the fun began.

    Adobe had one bug in the installer previously, where it ended up
    that the workaround, was to "make mspaint the default app for .ico files".
    The MSPaint icon, having replaced the Acrobat Reader icon. How that
    works as a solution, not a clue. Adobe left that bug in, for more than
    a year, despite people whining about it in the Adobe forum.

    When an icon goes blank, you can either try making the application
    the default again, or you can delete the iconcache.db and friends.
    The best way to do that, is probably from Linux, as the Windows script
    for that, involves killing Explorer.exe among other steps. And the
    Windows procedure needs a reboot (as it was a script, and they can't
    exactly ask you to start Task Manager and manually reload explorer.exe) .

    In an unelevated Powershell (as the user needing the changes)

    # "Listing all the COM automation PROGIDs". I am using Findstr on the end, to reduce output.
    # You can try Adobe, Acro, or DC as a string to search for.

    dir REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID -include PROGID -recurse | foreach {$_.GetValue(“”)} | findstr DC

    # That returned "Acrobat.Document.DC" as a useful hit.
    # And I can see that choice, used here. That's my current association.

    Hash Reg_SZ[string] abcd1234= <=== involves crypto, cannot hand-hack this with copy/pasta
    ProgId Reg_SZ[string] Acrobat.Document.DC

    # A way to do it without the GUI, is a third-party application.
    # This generates the Hash, which is also near that key area.

    SetUserFTA.exe .pdf Acrobat.Document.DC

    It would be interesting to see what is bound to yours right now.

    it's possible your Program Files folder has two executables in it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From knuttle@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 18 22:00:08 2023
    T24gMTAvMTcvMjAyMyA5OjEzIFBNLCBrbnV0dGxlIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBPbiAxMC8xNy8yMDIz IDk6MDggUE0sIGtudXR0bGUgd3JvdGU6DQo+PiBUaGUgb3RoZXIgZGF5IEkgb3BlbmVkIEFk b2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQyBhbmQgaXQgd2VudCBpbnRvIGFuIGF1dG9tYXRpYyANCj4+IHVwZGF0 ZS7CoCBUaGUgbmV3IHZlcnNpb24gYXBwZWFyZWQgdG8gaW5zdGFsbCBwcm9wZXJseSwgYnV0 IHRoaW5nIHdlcmUgDQo+PiBtZXNzZWQgdXAuwqAgaWUgdGhlIFBERiBmaWxlIGljb24gd2Vu dCB0byB0aGUgZGVmYXVsdCBpY29uLg0KPj4NCj4+IEkgdHJpZWQgdG8gdW5pbnN0YWxsIHRo ZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbiB3aXRoIHRoZSBpZGVhIG9mIGdvaW5nIGJhY2sgdG8gDQo+PiB0aGUg b2xkIHZlcnNpb24gaXQgd291bGQgbm90IHVuaW5zdGFsbCwgd2l0aCB0aGUgbWVzc2FnZSBJ IGRvbid0IGhhdmUgDQo+PiBhY2Nlc3Mgb3IgY2FuIG5vdCBmaW5kIGEgVGVtcCBmaWxlLg0K Pj4NCj4+IEkgaGF2ZSBhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yIHByaXZpbGVnZXMsIGFuZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4g dXNpbmcgdGhpcyBzZXQgdXAgc2luY2UgDQo+PiBXaW5kb3dzIDEwIGNhbWUgb3V0Lg0KPj4N Cj4+IENhbiBzb21lIG9uZSBoZWxwPw0KPiBPUCIgVGhlIGV4YWN0IHdvcmRpbmcgb2YgdGhl IGVycm9yIGlzOg0KPiAidGhlIHRlbXAgZm9sZGVyIGlzIG9uIGEgZHJpdmUgdGhhdCBpcyBm dWxsIG9yIGluYWNjZXNzaWJsZSwgZnJlZSB1cCANCj4gc3BhY2Ugb24gdGhlIGRyaXZlIG9y IHZlcmlmeSB5b3UgaGF2ZSB3cml0ZSBwZXJtaXNzaW9uIHRvIHRoZSB0ZW1wIGZvbGRlciIN Cj4gDQo+IFRoZXJlIGlzIG9ubHkgb24gZHJpdmUgb24gdGhpcyBjb21wdXRlcizCoCBJIGhh dmUgbm8gaWRlYSB3aGVyZSB0aGUgd2hpY2ggDQo+IHRlbXAgZm9sZGVyIEkgZG8gbm90IGhh dmUgYWNjZXNzIHRvLg0KDQpGaXJzdCBzb21lb25lIG1lbnRpb25lZCBhIENvbnRpbnVvdXMg dmVyc2lvbiBvZiBBZG9iZSBSZWFkZXIuICBXaGlsZSBJIA0KZGlkIG5vdCBzZWUgaXQgbGlz dGVkIG9uIHRoZSBBZG9iZSBzaXRlLCB3aGVuIGl0IGlzIGluc3RhbGxpbmcgdGhlIA0KaGVh ZGVyIGlzIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBDb250aW51b3VzLg0KDQpFdmVyeXRoaW5nIEkgbWVudGlv bmVkIGFib3V0IGluc3RhbGxpbmcgQWRvYmUgZmFpbGVkLiAgIEkgZmluYWxseSBnYXZlIA0K dXAgZG93bmxvYWRlZCB0aGUgTVMgbWVkaWEgQ3JlYXRpb24gdG9vbCwgc2VsZWN0ZWQgaW5z dGFsbCBzYXZlIG15IA0KcHJvZ3JhbXMgYW5kIGRhdGE7ICBhbmQgbGV0IGluIHJlaW5zdGFs bCBXaW5kb3cgMTAuDQoNCk9uY2UgY29tcGxldGUgYWxsIG9mIG15IHByb2dyYW1zIGV4Y2Vw dCBXaW5kb3cgNyBnYW1lcyB3b3JrZWQuICAgQWxsIG9mIA0KbXkgZGF0YSB3YXMgaW50YWN0 LCBhbmQgbW9yZSBpbXBvcnRhbnRseSBJIGRvd24gbG9hZGVkIHRoZSBmdWxsIGluc3RhbGwg DQpmaWxlIGFuZCB3YXMgYWJsZSB0byBpbnN0YWxsIEFkb2JlIFJlYWRlciBEQyBzdWNjZXNz ZnVsbHkuDQoNClRoYW5rcyBmb3IgYWxsIG9mIHRoZSBoZWxwDQoNCg0KDQoNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ...winston@21:1/5 to Paul on Thu Oct 19 06:41:33 2023
    Paul wrote:

    Adobe had one bug in the installer previously, where it ended up
    that the workaround, was to "make mspaint the default app for .ico files". The MSPaint icon, having replaced the Acrobat Reader icon. How that
    works as a solution, not a clue. Adobe left that bug in, for more than
    a year, despite people whining about it in the Adobe forum.

    Maybe lucky, haven't seen that *.ico file bug.

    I set ico file types to Irfanview, nothing has ever changed that, even
    an install of Adobe Reader DC after associating to IV. Nor an upgrade
    from 10 Pro to 11 Pro.

    How long ago was that bug. I've used Adobe Reader and all released versions(iirc since v4 or v5).


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)