• Thunderbird version 115 has arrived! (And it sucks!)

    From Kenny McCormack@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 11 21:53:52 2023
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that
    has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    The randomly chosen signature file that would have appeared here is more than 4 lines long. As such, it violates one or more Usenet RFCs. In order to remain in compliance with said RFCs, the actual sig can be found at the following URL:

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Wed Oct 11 18:45:28 2023
    "Kenny McCormack" <gazelle@shell.xmission.com> wrote

    | Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    Go to archive.mozilla.org. All the versions are there.
    If you just uninstall it will leave your folders, so the older
    version should load normally.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Wed Oct 11 23:48:13 2023
    Kenny McCormack wrote:

    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    there is a way to "revert" a profile from v115 to v102

    thunderbird -profilemanager --allow-downgrade

    You'd have to investigate how to block it from getting upgraded again, I haven't been there.

    but you could look in a.c.s.thunderbird, those of us who have been
    running v115 for about 3 months have found ways to (mostly) make it like
    v102 used to be, not exact, but mostly there ...

    remember that v102 will no longer receive any security fixes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Kenny McCormack on Wed Oct 11 20:07:44 2023
    On 10/11/23 05:53 PM, this is what Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    Once you get 115 removed and an older version installed, note that you should not have your wi-fi turned on. The new
    'old' version may try to update.

    https://winaero.com/disable-updates-firefox-63-above/ explains in the 'alternate way' how to create a policies.json file
    in the program folder to stop TB Updates.

    PS. Windows update did not update thunderbird.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 11 23:47:03 2023
    "Kenny McCormack" <gazelle@shell.xmission.com> wrote

    Reading Big Al's post I realized TBird is updating itself.
    I knew later versions of FF were either forcing updates
    or nagging incessantly. I didnt know TBird does that.
    (I'm using TBird 52. I don't see any reason to update.)

    For versions after 60 of FF or TBird, create a folder
    named "distribution" in the program folder. In that folder,
    create a file named policies.json. Settings not made
    available, or that don't work in prefs settings, can
    be added as JSON gobbledygook in that file. There's
    also an option to do it via the Registry, though I
    haven't tried that.

    This design is intended t be Mozilla's way to accommodate
    corporate IT models. An average worker can't create the
    folder or file, so they can't control the setting.

    Link for the pile of crap you'll need to wade through for TBird:


    Link for Firefox, which explains it more clearly:


    The update setting seems to be the same for both FF and TBird.
    In policies.json add this:

    "policies": {
    "AppAutoUpdate": false,
    "DisableAppUpdate": true

    That's it. You can add any number of settings. In Firefox
    it causes a label in settings saying something like
    "Your administrator is controlling settings". Probably it
    does similar in TBird. You an still manually update, but
    the program will not update itself.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZ@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Thu Oct 12 01:39:34 2023
    On 10/11/2023 5:53 PM, Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    I use the portable version of Thundbird from PortableApps.com. I always compress the existing program folder into .7z or .zip file as a backup
    before I upgrade into a new version. If I don't like the upgrade, I can
    always decompress the backup into a new folder and keep using the
    existing version from there. You wouldn't have run into your problem if
    you have done that.

    The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version. I
    am using the new version of Thunderbird too for my email. I don't like
    it, but I am learning to adjust to the changes. You cannot avoid new
    things. You should learn to adjust to new way of doing things. I don't
    like Windows 11, but I am adjusting.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul@21:1/5 to Big Al on Thu Oct 12 04:23:15 2023
    On 10/11/2023 8:07 PM, Big Al wrote:
    On 10/11/23 05:53 PM, this is what Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is >> totally weird.  I remember reading something here a month or so ago about >> how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did.  And that >> has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    Once you get 115 removed and an older version installed, note that you should not have your wi-fi turned on.  The new 'old' version may try to update.

    https://winaero.com/disable-updates-firefox-63-above/ explains in the 'alternate way' how to create a policies.json file in the program folder to stop TB Updates.

    PS.  Windows update did not update thunderbird.




    bullwinkle@MINTBOX:~$ cat /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/policies.json
    "DisableAppUpdate": true

    In a Mozilla tool, do "about:policies" to see what policies are loaded.

    The alternative is to use Help:About to get the information.

    For Windows versions, it would go here. I would test the technique in
    Firefox first, as the about:policies is easy to get to there. With
    Thunderbird, they don't want us using the browser section.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\policies.json
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\policies.json

    Change "Mozilla Firefox" to "Mozilla Thunderbird", as needed, to
    fit policies.json to one of their products.

    I recommend installing policies.json , right after you run the install
    and have unticked the "start right away and screw with me" tick box.
    It's best if the program doesn't get to run, until you get your
    policies.json fitted. The upgrade install will blow away the last policies.json you installed -- it does not migrate them.

    You will need Administrator permission (a UAC equipped user), to mkdir
    the "distribution" folder and copy policies.json into it. It's quite
    possible, given the Program Files folder is actually owned by TrustedInstaller, that the file is "not really" stored in that folder. The real storage location is elsewhere (nfi.exe might discover where it is, or Agent Ransack).

    Microsoft does not want us copying shit into Program Files, neither
    do they like it if a pinball game stores the High Score file in
    the Program Files :-) That's why they invented their indirection


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 11:16:46 2023
    8J+YjiBNaWdodHkgV2FubmFiZSDinIUgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIDEwLzExLzIwMjMgNTo1MyBQ TSwgS2VubnkgTWNDb3JtYWNrIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gUnVubmluZyBUQmlyZCBvbiBXaW5kb3dz IC0gdGhlIGxhc3QgdXBkYXRlIGJyb3VnaHQgaW4gdmVyc2lvbiAxMTUsIA0KPj4gd2hpY2gg aXMNCj4+IHRvdGFsbHkgd2VpcmQuwqAgSSByZW1lbWJlciByZWFkaW5nIHNvbWV0aGluZyBo ZXJlIGEgbW9udGggb3Igc28gYWdvIGFib3V0DQo+PiBob3cgaXQgd2FzIGNvbWluZyBhbmQg dGhhdCBwZW9wbGUgd291bGQgbm90IGxpa2UgaXQgd2hlbiBpdCBkaWQuwqAgQW5kIA0KPj4g dGhhdA0KPj4gaGFzIG5vdyBjb21lIHRvIHBhc3MuDQo+Pg0KPj4gSXMgdGhlcmUgYW55IHdh eSB0byByZXZlcnQgdG8gdGhlIHByZXZpb3VzIHZlcnNpb24gKGFuZCBzdGF5IHRoZXJlKSA/ DQo+Pg0KPiANCj4gDQo+IEkgdXNlIHRoZSBwb3J0YWJsZSB2ZXJzaW9uIG9mIFRodW5kYmly ZCBmcm9tIFBvcnRhYmxlQXBwcy5jb20uIEkgYWx3YXlzIA0KPiBjb21wcmVzcyB0aGUgZXhp c3RpbmcgcHJvZ3JhbSBmb2xkZXIgaW50byAuN3ogb3IgLnppcCBmaWxlIGFzIGEgYmFja3Vw IA0KPiBiZWZvcmUgSSB1cGdyYWRlIGludG8gYSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbi4gSWYgSSBkb24ndCBs aWtlIHRoZSB1cGdyYWRlLCBJIGNhbiANCj4gYWx3YXlzIGRlY29tcHJlc3MgdGhlIGJhY2t1 cCBpbnRvIGEgbmV3IGZvbGRlciBhbmQga2VlcCB1c2luZyB0aGUgDQo+IGV4aXN0aW5nIHZl cnNpb24gZnJvbSB0aGVyZS4gWW91IHdvdWxkbid0IGhhdmUgcnVuIGludG8geW91ciBwcm9i bGVtIGlmIA0KPiB5b3UgaGF2ZSBkb25lIHRoYXQuDQo+IA0KPiBUaGUgYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmUg Zm9yIHlvdSBub3cgaXMgdG8gbGVhcm4gdG8gYWRqdXN0IHRvIHRoZSBuZXcgdmVyc2lvbi4g SSANCj4gYW0gdXNpbmcgdGhlIG5ldyB2ZXJzaW9uIG9mIFRodW5kZXJiaXJkIHRvbyBmb3Ig bXkgZW1haWwuIEkgZG9uJ3QgbGlrZSANCj4gaXQsIGJ1dCBJIGFtIGxlYXJuaW5nIHRvIGFk anVzdCB0byB0aGUgY2hhbmdlcy4gWW91IGNhbm5vdCBhdm9pZCBuZXcgDQo+IHRoaW5ncy4g WW91IHNob3VsZCBsZWFybiB0byBhZGp1c3QgdG8gbmV3IHdheSBvZiBkb2luZyB0aGluZ3Mu IEkgZG9uJ3QgDQo+IGxpa2UgV2luZG93cyAxMSwgYnV0IEkgYW0gYWRqdXN0aW5nLg0KPiAN Cj4gDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gDQoNCkl0IHN1Y2tzLCBidXQgSSdtIHN0aWNraW5nIHdpdGggdGhl IG5ldyAoYW5kIGl0cyBwcmVmZXJlbmNlIGZvciBmbGFzaHkgDQpzaG93IG92ZXIgdXNlZnVs bmVzcykuDQpPbmUgdGhpbmcgYnVncyBtZSwgaG93ZXZlci4gV2hlbiBJIGhhdmUgaXRlbXMg aW4gdGhlIG91dGJveCwgbm8gDQppbmRpY2F0aW9uIGFwcGVhcnMuIFRoZSBwcmV2aW91cyB2 ZXJzaW9uIHVzZWQgdG8gc2hvdyBhIG51bWJlci4NCg0KRWQNCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Newyana2@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 08:20:19 2023
    "?? Mighty Wannabe ?" <@.> wrote

    | I use the portable version of Thundbird from PortableApps.com. I always
    | compress the existing program folder into .7z or .zip file as a backup
    | before I upgrade into a new version. If I don't like the upgrade, I can
    | always decompress the backup into a new folder and keep using the
    | existing version from there. You wouldn't have run into your problem if
    | you have done that.
    Every version of TBird and FF ever released is
    available at archive.mozilla.org, FTP-style. Just
    uninstall and reinstall. The setting and email are
    all in your App Data folder.

    | The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version.

    You don't HAVE TO adapt, just as you don't have
    to adapt to using a slot screwdriver as a phillips.
    Just get the right tool. Though in some cases that's
    more trouble than in others. But with software, options
    are part of the point. A lot of things in TBird can
    be customized. There are also extensions, like in FF.
    I have two installed. One allows me to arrange email folders
    as I like. The other provides a Message Pane button
    above message windows, so that I can toggle the email
    view open or closed and never open things I don't want
    to read.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Paul on Thu Oct 12 09:04:28 2023
    On 10/12/23 04:23 AM, this is what Paul wrote:
    On 10/11/2023 8:07 PM, Big Al wrote:
    On 10/11/23 05:53 PM, this is what Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is >>> totally weird.  I remember reading something here a month or so ago about >>> how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did.  And that >>> has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    Once you get 115 removed and an older version installed, note that you should not have your wi-fi turned on.  The new 'old' version may try to update.

    https://winaero.com/disable-updates-firefox-63-above/ explains in the 'alternate way' how to create a policies.json file in the program folder to stop TB Updates.

    PS.  Windows update did not update thunderbird.




    bullwinkle@MINTBOX:~$ cat /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/policies.json
    "DisableAppUpdate": true

    In a Mozilla tool, do "about:policies" to see what policies are loaded.

    The alternative is to use Help:About to get the information.

    For Windows versions, it would go here. I would test the technique in
    Firefox first, as the about:policies is easy to get to there. With Thunderbird, they don't want us using the browser section.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\policies.json
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\policies.json

    Change "Mozilla Firefox" to "Mozilla Thunderbird", as needed, to
    fit policies.json to one of their products.

    I recommend installing policies.json , right after you run the install
    and have unticked the "start right away and screw with me" tick box.
    It's best if the program doesn't get to run, until you get your
    policies.json fitted. The upgrade install will blow away the last policies.json
    you installed -- it does not migrate them.

    You will need Administrator permission (a UAC equipped user), to mkdir
    the "distribution" folder and copy policies.json into it. It's quite possible, given the Program Files folder is actually owned by TrustedInstaller,
    that the file is "not really" stored in that folder. The real storage location
    is elsewhere (nfi.exe might discover where it is, or Agent Ransack).

    Microsoft does not want us copying shit into Program Files, neither
    do they like it if a pinball game stores the High Score file in
    the Program Files :-) That's why they invented their indirection

    Very nice Paul. Thanks.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 09:13:34 2023
    On 10/12/23 08:20 AM, this is what Newyana2 wrote:
    "?? Mighty Wannabe ?" <@.> wrote

    | I use the portable version of Thundbird from PortableApps.com. I always
    | compress the existing program folder into .7z or .zip file as a backup
    | before I upgrade into a new version. If I don't like the upgrade, I can
    | always decompress the backup into a new folder and keep using the
    | existing version from there. You wouldn't have run into your problem if
    | you have done that.
    Every version of TBird and FF ever released is
    available at archive.mozilla.org, FTP-style. Just
    uninstall and reinstall. The setting and email are
    all in your App Data folder.

    | The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version.

    You don't HAVE TO adapt, just as you don't have
    to adapt to using a slot screwdriver as a phillips.
    Just get the right tool. Though in some cases that's
    more trouble than in others. But with software, options
    are part of the point. A lot of things in TBird can
    be customized. There are also extensions, like in FF.
    I have two installed. One allows me to arrange email folders
    as I like. The other provides a Message Pane button
    above message windows, so that I can toggle the email
    view open or closed and never open things I don't want
    to read.

    I like the message pane toggle idea. TB 115 now allows you to rearrange the order of mail and news servers and local
    folders in the folder pane. It's kinda hidden but you move them in the account settings tab.
    I'm sure the latest 115 will be improved more and more as complaints hit the list. Remember, we're beta testers.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 10:35:06 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 01:39:34 -0400, ? Mighty Wannabe ? <@.> wrote:

    The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version. I
    am using the new version of Thunderbird too for my email. I don't like
    it, but I am learning to adjust to the changes. You cannot avoid new
    things. You should learn to adjust to new way of doing things. I don't
    like Windows 11, but I am adjusting.

    +1. This ^

    I've been following the progress of Supernova and the big problem is that
    it's a huge departure from previous versions.

    The first thing that happens when you upgrade is your configuration in
    the previous version carries over and proceeds to look like complete dog
    shit. You try to use the dog shit and get shit on. So I can understand
    the reactions.

    I can help anyone here set it up.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Thu Oct 12 10:31:45 2023
    On Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:53:52 -0000 (UTC), gazelle@shell.xmission.com
    (Kenny McCormack) wrote:

    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is >totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that >has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    I think it's awesome and will never revert. You're probably using it
    wrong. It's a very different approach. Try out the cards mode. If you set
    it up properly, there will be no need for a tool bar at all.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 10:45:59 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:16:46 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    It sucks, but I'm sticking with the new (and its preference for flashy
    show over usefulness).
    One thing bugs me, however. When I have items in the outbox, no
    indication appears. The previous version used to show a number.

    Okay, so that's an easy one to fix. On the folderpane, you should have a
    header that has a picture of a cloud with an down arrow, a "+ New
    Message" button, and three dots.

    Click on the three dots, check off show total message count.

    Voila! Numbers.

    If you *don't* have the folderpane header, this is where the new
    version's UI is kinda all over the place.

    Go to the hamburger menu on the right. View -> Folders, check "Folder
    Pane Header."

    Then proceed with the first instructions. Most of the important settings
    are right in the hamburger menu and, more importantly, for some reason
    aren't revealed on the settings page. So play with every option and
    familiarize yourself with them.

    Big departure. It looks like they're trying to deprecate the settings
    page in favor of a nested menu.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Big Al on Thu Oct 12 17:42:11 2023
    On 2023-10-12 15:13, Big Al wrote:
    On 10/12/23 08:20 AM, this is what Newyana2 wrote:
    "?? Mighty Wannabe ?" <@.> wrote

    | I use the portable version of Thundbird from PortableApps.com. I always
    | compress the existing program folder into .7z or .zip file as a backup
    | before I upgrade into a new version. If I don't like the upgrade, I can
    | always decompress the backup into a new folder and keep using the
    | existing version from there. You wouldn't have run into your problem if
    | you have done that.
       Every version of TBird and FF ever released is
    available at archive.mozilla.org, FTP-style. Just
    uninstall and reinstall. The setting and email are
    all in your App Data folder.

    | The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version.

       You don't HAVE TO adapt, just as you don't have
    to adapt to using a slot screwdriver as a phillips.
    Just get the right tool. Though in some cases that's
    more trouble than in others. But with software, options
    are part of the point. A lot of things in TBird can
    be customized. There are also extensions, like in FF.
    I have two installed. One allows me to arrange email folders
    as I like. The other provides a Message Pane button
    above message windows, so that I can toggle the email
    view open or closed and never open things I don't want
    to read.

    I like the message pane toggle idea.  TB 115 now allows you to rearrange
    the order of mail and news servers and local folders in the folder
    pane.  It's kinda hidden but you move them in the account settings tab.

    I just found this out today.
    I had a bunch of mail account, then news, then another mail account.
    Very weird. I tried to move it, no bulging. Till I read somewhere that
    they would move in the accounts tab.

    I'm sure the latest 115 will be improved more and more as complaints hit
    the list.  Remember, we're beta testers.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 17:49:28 2023
    On 2023-10-12 17:35, Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 01:39:34 -0400, ? Mighty Wannabe ? <@.> wrote:

    The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version. I
    am using the new version of Thunderbird too for my email. I don't like
    it, but I am learning to adjust to the changes. You cannot avoid new
    things. You should learn to adjust to new way of doing things. I don't
    like Windows 11, but I am adjusting.

    +1. This ^

    I've been following the progress of Supernova and the big problem is that it's a huge departure from previous versions.

    The first thing that happens when you upgrade is your configuration in
    the previous version carries over and proceeds to look like complete dog shit. You try to use the dog shit and get shit on. So I can understand
    the reactions.

    I can help anyone here set it up.

    Let's try if you know this one. :-)

    I have three panes: folders in a tall and narrow pane on the left, list
    of mails or news at the top pane, one mail below.

    Focus on top pane. I hit "N", the next mail displays in the bottom pane,
    but on the top pane the focus has gone out of sight, so some line out of
    sight beneath its bottom. I have to move the slider in the top pane with
    the mouse to find the slightly highlighted mail in the list.

    I can post photos if it is not clear enough.

    In case it matters, I'm not using windows.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to robin_listas@es.invalid on Thu Oct 12 12:00:44 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 17:49:28 +0200, "Carlos E. R."
    <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:

    On 2023-10-12 17:35, Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 01:39:34 -0400, ? Mighty Wannabe ? <@.> wrote:

    The alternative for you now is to learn to adjust to the new version. I
    am using the new version of Thunderbird too for my email. I don't like
    it, but I am learning to adjust to the changes. You cannot avoid new
    things. You should learn to adjust to new way of doing things. I don't
    like Windows 11, but I am adjusting.

    +1. This ^

    I've been following the progress of Supernova and the big problem is that
    it's a huge departure from previous versions.

    The first thing that happens when you upgrade is your configuration in
    the previous version carries over and proceeds to look like complete dog
    shit. You try to use the dog shit and get shit on. So I can understand
    the reactions.

    I can help anyone here set it up.

    Let's try if you know this one. :-)

    I have three panes: folders in a tall and narrow pane on the left, list
    of mails or news at the top pane, one mail below.

    Focus on top pane. I hit "N", the next mail displays in the bottom pane,
    but on the top pane the focus has gone out of sight, so some line out of >sight beneath its bottom. I have to move the slider in the top pane with
    the mouse to find the slightly highlighted mail in the list.

    I can post photos if it is not clear enough.

    In case it matters, I'm not using windows.

    Just tested it on my machine. It sounds like the layout is "Classic
    View." I'm guessing the list pane is in "table" view, not cards.

    I marked a message waaay down my message list as unread, scrolled to the
    top, and hit N.

    Thunderbird immediately jumped to the message on the list pane. The
    message appears all the way on the bottom of the window, rather than at
    the top, but it's right there. Focus is highlighted.

    So problem here is "works for me." On Windows.

    I don't know what happened, unfortunately. It should work. Only thing I
    can suggest is see if you can reproduce and contact Bugzilla. Other thing
    I can suggest is try installing nightly or beta, configuring it, run a
    similar test, and see if it is a config/extension issue.

    If it is config, then it's an upgrade hiccup of some kind, and they did
    really bad at the migration this time. :^(


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 12:05:58 2023
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.



    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Slootweg@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Thu Oct 12 17:46:40 2023
    Kenny McCormack <gazelle@shell.xmission.com> wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    The rollback procedure has already been described.

    About the "and stay there" part: Several people have posted about
    that, but IMO their instructions were a bit vague, so let me try:

    - In folder

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\distribution


    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\distribution

    create a file policies.json with content

    "DisableAppUpdate": true

    - Exit and restart Thunderbird.

    - The 'About Mozilla Thunderbird' popup will now say something like:

    "Updates disabled by your system administrator"


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 19:02:02 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:16:46 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    It sucks, but I'm sticking with the new (and its preference for flashy
    show over usefulness).
    One thing bugs me, however. When I have items in the outbox, no
    indication appears. The previous version used to show a number.

    Okay, so that's an easy one to fix. On the folderpane, you should have a header that has a picture of a cloud with an down arrow, a "+ New
    Message" button, and three dots.

    Click on the three dots, check off show total message count.

    Voila! Numbers.

    If you *don't* have the folderpane header, this is where the new
    version's UI is kinda all over the place.

    Go to the hamburger menu on the right. View -> Folders, check "Folder
    Pane Header."

    Then proceed with the first instructions. Most of the important settings
    are right in the hamburger menu and, more importantly, for some reason
    aren't revealed on the settings page. So play with every option and familiarize yourself with them.

    Big departure. It looks like they're trying to deprecate the settings
    page in favor of a nested menu.

    Where the dickens is that "folderpane"?
    I can only get an outbox folder with an arrow pointing NE, and an icon
    that looks like the dashboard of a Fiat 500.
    No sign of a cloud and a down arrow.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 13:10:19 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:02:02 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:16:46 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    It sucks, but I'm sticking with the new (and its preference for flashy
    show over usefulness).
    One thing bugs me, however. When I have items in the outbox, no
    indication appears. The previous version used to show a number.

    Okay, so that's an easy one to fix. On the folderpane, you should have a
    header that has a picture of a cloud with an down arrow, a "+ New
    Message" button, and three dots.

    Click on the three dots, check off show total message count.

    Voila! Numbers.

    If you *don't* have the folderpane header, this is where the new
    version's UI is kinda all over the place.

    Go to the hamburger menu on the right. View -> Folders, check "Folder
    Pane Header."

    Then proceed with the first instructions. Most of the important settings
    are right in the hamburger menu and, more importantly, for some reason
    aren't revealed on the settings page. So play with every option and
    familiarize yourself with them.

    Big departure. It looks like they're trying to deprecate the settings
    page in favor of a nested menu.

    Where the dickens is that "folderpane"?
    I can only get an outbox folder with an arrow pointing NE, and an icon
    that looks like the dashboard of a Fiat 500.
    No sign of a cloud and a down arrow.

    The Folder Pane is a list of folders for each of your newsgroup servers
    and mail accounts, and then local folders. It is always a vertical strip
    on the left side in any layout, though it gets cut off by the preview
    window in Wide View.

    If you don't have one, hamburger -> layout -> check box next to Folder
    Pane. It can be turned off and you may have done so to save space.

    I feel the Folder Pane is pretty much necessary in 115, as it has the
    download new mail and new message buttons on it, and I think the best way
    to configure the UI is to kill the toolbar.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 13:12:28 2023
    My layout:


    Folder Pane on the left immediately to the right of the "spaces" bar.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 19:15:15 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:
    My layout:


    Folder Pane on the left immediately to the right of the "spaces" bar.

    I got it to show by enabling "Show total message count"; but at the cost
    of every folder displaying the same, and no compact view available.

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling
    a "spaces bar"?
    Do you speak English?



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Thu Oct 12 19:30:47 2023
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling
    a "spaces bar"?

    The spaces toolbar is viewed by clicking the "-->|" icon, either in the
    very bottom left of status bar, or in the first icon of the main toolbar
    (but I've disabled just that icon via CSS as it's superfluous)

    Do you speak English?

    It's not entirely clear to people what the proper names of all the
    screen areas within TB actually are ... someone might produce an
    annotated screenshot?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 19:25:41 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:

    I feel the Folder Pane is pretty much necessary in 115, as it has the download new mail and new message buttons on it, and I think the best
    way to configure the UI is to kill the toolbar.

    As we're seeing, opinions vary, and TB lets people choose.

    I never liked the reply/forward/delete buttons in the message header
    toolbar that got added years ago, so I turn the message pane header
    toolbar off, and use the main program toolbar (repositioned below the
    menu bar)

    therefore I see no need for the get mail and new message buttons at the
    top of the folder pane, so I turn off the folder pane header, and turn
    off the message list header too, cleaner in my opinion.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Thu Oct 12 19:17:03 2023
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Where the dickens is that "folderpane"?

    there are some non-intuitive GUI options (where you need one thing
    enabled, in order to enable another thing)

    try these ...

    view/folders/folder pane header

    view/layout/message list header

    but generally just tinker in all the menu options under view

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fokke Nauta@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Thu Oct 12 21:29:26 2023
    On 11/10/2023 23:53, Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    Indeed, the last update is completely shit.
    I use a program named Macrium Reflect. It's free and I make an image of
    my Windows system every month. After updating Thunderbird, I was able to
    place an Windows image back from a month ago. Restoring the old
    Thunderbird. I can advice you to use Macrium Reflect. But I don't know
    how to restore TB now.

    Fokke Nauta

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Andy Burns on Thu Oct 12 20:34:43 2023
    Andy Burns wrote:
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    Where the dickens is that "folderpane"?

    there are some non-intuitive GUI options (where you need one thing
    enabled, in order to enable another thing)

    try these ...

    view/folders/folder pane header

    view/layout/message list header

    but generally just tinker in all the menu options under view

    I was walking through the woods, following a trail of M&Ms lying in the
    dirt, when I came to a clearing with a strange house in it. It was made
    of candy and chocolate; and two little kids were standing outside. I
    peered in through a window and saw an old woman stoking an old oven.
    "Get off back home, kids. It's dangerous here" I told them. "There's a
    feminist witch in there".

    They skedaddled back down the path; I followed shortly after, and all's
    well that ends well.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 15:28:31 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:25:41 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:

    I feel the Folder Pane is pretty much necessary in 115, as it has the
    download new mail and new message buttons on it, and I think the best
    way to configure the UI is to kill the toolbar.

    As we're seeing, opinions vary, and TB lets people choose.

    I never liked the reply/forward/delete buttons in the message header
    toolbar that got added years ago, so I turn the message pane header
    toolbar off, and use the main program toolbar (repositioned below the
    menu bar)

    therefore I see no need for the get mail and new message buttons at the
    top of the folder pane, so I turn off the folder pane header, and turn
    off the message list header too, cleaner in my opinion.

    Yup. You can use it any way you like. But the new design is made to kill
    the toolbar.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 15:32:53 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:15:15 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:
    My layout:


    Folder Pane on the left immediately to the right of the "spaces" bar.

    I got it to show by enabling "Show total message count"; but at the cost
    of every folder displaying the same, and no compact view available.

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling
    a "spaces bar"?
    Do you speak English?
    Okay, that's your first smart-ass comment. I'm laughing rn. One more and
    I'm bailing, though. You can help yourself to all the abuse you can dish
    out, but I'm not sitting around to watch.

    The three lines in the upper right of the window next to the "close,
    minimize, restore" buttons is commonly referred to as the "hamburger
    menu." They moved it to a very weird place on the UI this time. Though
    you might not have heard of this term, this is not an uncommon way to
    refer to it. It is, I assure you, English.

    That's what I mean by hamburger menu. It doesn't have Big Macs and
    Quarter Pounders on it; sorry bout that.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 16:21:05 2023
    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Carlos may have this same arrangement. I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up. I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it. And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth. This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 12 15:33:53 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:30:47 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Ed Cryer wrote:

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling
    a "spaces bar"?

    The spaces toolbar is viewed by clicking the "-->|" icon, either in the
    very bottom left of status bar, or in the first icon of the main toolbar
    (but I've disabled just that icon via CSS as it's superfluous)

    Do you speak English?

    It's not entirely clear to people what the proper names of all the
    screen areas within TB actually are ... someone might produce an
    annotated screenshot?

    Good idea. Problem is, everyone has a different setup because the program
    is so customizable. So I could annotate my setup, and another user could
    have several of the elements missing or very different.

    I can mark up my screenshot though if you think it would help.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to Big Al on Thu Oct 12 15:39:15 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Exactly. On the layout menu, that's called the "Classic View." I don't
    like the name. It's like they're calling it the "old-timey" view.

    It's a perfectly workable interface that way.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement. I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up. I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it. And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth. This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yeah. This may be a Linux thing. It may be distro specific, as various
    desktop environments use different UI libraries. Is yours KDE? It's been
    a long time since I've mucked around in Debian or Red Hat.

    If you can't get nightly or beta from your repo and try a fresh setup to
    test, it might be time to hit Bugzilla. They will probably ask you to try
    a fresh setup and test, though. ;^)


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 16:48:15 2023
    On 10/12/23 04:32 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:15:15 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:
    My layout:


    Folder Pane on the left immediately to the right of the "spaces" bar.

    I got it to show by enabling "Show total message count"; but at the cost
    of every folder displaying the same, and no compact view available.

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling
    a "spaces bar"?
    Do you speak English?
    Okay, that's your first smart-ass comment. I'm laughing rn. One more and
    I'm bailing, though. You can help yourself to all the abuse you can dish
    out, but I'm not sitting around to watch.

    The three lines in the upper right of the window next to the "close, minimize, restore" buttons is commonly referred to as the "hamburger
    menu." They moved it to a very weird place on the UI this time. Though
    you might not have heard of this term, this is not an uncommon way to
    refer to it. It is, I assure you, English.

    That's what I mean by hamburger menu. It doesn't have Big Macs and
    Quarter Pounders on it; sorry bout that.

    And some menus, even on android phones, are 3 dots and still referred to as hamburger or just menu. Same'o same'o.

    OT I know how to use css to change some of the icons and I made a hamburger looking 3 bars icon and replaced that.
    Didn't like it after a while and with a dark mode the medium brown buns and dark brown hamburger don't show well. Might
    do nice in a light mode. :-)
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 16:50:42 2023
    On 10/12/23 04:39 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Exactly. On the layout menu, that's called the "Classic View." I don't
    like the name. It's like they're calling it the "old-timey" view.

    It's a perfectly workable interface that way.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement. I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up. I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it. And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth. This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yeah. This may be a Linux thing. It may be distro specific, as various desktop environments use different UI libraries. Is yours KDE? It's been
    a long time since I've mucked around in Debian or Red Hat.

    If you can't get nightly or beta from your repo and try a fresh setup to test, it might be time to hit Bugzilla. They will probably ask you to try
    a fresh setup and test, though. ;^)

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it on a menu. Where is it, I'd like to try it?
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Big Al on Thu Oct 12 22:52:33 2023
    On 2023-10-12 22:21, Big Al wrote:
    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it
    looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Yes, that's what I have, in other colours.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement.  I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue.
    Like this message. It's way too far down the list to get to the header,
    as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up.  I
    can get to the message only by hitting 'next unread' and the next
    message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I
    can't scroll down in the headers to see it.  And worse, I don't see who
    you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth.  This is how my issue
    works, maybe it's his too.

    Yes, or at least very related.

    Look at these two photos. The focus is at the message window pane,
    bottom right.


    Then I press "N", and I get this:


    Notice that the message window displays your post to which I'm replying
    now, because that was the next unread message, but that message line is
    not displayed at the top pane, it is somewhat down, not visible. The
    highlight has gone out of sight.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Thu Oct 12 22:54:31 2023
    On 2023-10-12 22:39, Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Exactly. On the layout menu, that's called the "Classic View." I don't
    like the name. It's like they're calling it the "old-timey" view.

    It's a perfectly workable interface that way.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement. I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up. I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it. And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth. This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yeah. This may be a Linux thing. It may be distro specific, as various desktop environments use different UI libraries. Is yours KDE? It's been
    a long time since I've mucked around in Debian or Red Hat.

    I use XFCE.

    If you can't get nightly or beta from your repo and try a fresh setup to test, it might be time to hit Bugzilla. They will probably ask you to try
    a fresh setup and test, though. ;^)

    First I try to find out if other people have the same problem.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Big Al on Thu Oct 12 17:02:33 2023
    On 10/12/23 04:50 PM, this is what Big Al wrote:
    On 10/12/23 04:39 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Exactly. On the layout menu, that's called the "Classic View." I don't
    like the name. It's like they're calling it the "old-timey" view.

    It's a perfectly workable interface that way.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement.  I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue.  Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up.  I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it.  And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth.  This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yeah. This may be a Linux thing. It may be distro specific, as various
    desktop environments use different UI libraries. Is yours KDE? It's been
    a long time since I've mucked around in Debian or Red Hat.

    If you can't get nightly or beta from your repo and try a fresh setup to
    test, it might be time to hit Bugzilla. They will probably ask you to try
    a fresh setup and test, though. ;^)

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it on a menu.  Where is it, I'd like to try it?
    I've reported it. If they know and it will be fixed in version 128,000 then I'll get the update one day. I can live
    with it, I just want them to know it's there.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Carlos E. R. on Thu Oct 12 17:06:53 2023
    On 10/12/23 04:52 PM, this is what Carlos E. R. wrote:
    On 2023-10-12 22:21, Big Al wrote:
    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Yes, that's what I have, in other colours.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement.  I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the
    list to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up.  I can get to the
    message only by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list
    and I can't scroll down in the headers to see it.  And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce
    that from the preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth.  This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yes, or at least very related.

    Look at these two photos. The focus is at the message window pane, bottom right.


    Then I press "N", and I get this:


    Notice that the message window displays your post to which I'm replying now, because that was the next unread message,
    but that message line is not displayed at the top pane, it is somewhat down, not visible. The highlight has gone out of

    Yep. TB won't focus the current message being displayed in the center of the header pane. It only happens on
    ridiculously long threads.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ...winston@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Fri Oct 13 02:20:06 2023
    Kenny McCormack wrote:
    Running TBird on Windows - the last update brought in version 115, which is totally weird. I remember reading something here a month or so ago about
    how it was coming and that people would not like it when it did. And that has now come to pass.

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    TBird 115.0 was released in July 2023.

    The latest update 'brought in' 115.3.2
    - the 11th released 115 version

    V 115.0 had 27 new items
    V 115.1 to 115.3.2 - had 8 combined new and changes


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Carlos E. R. on Fri Oct 13 08:49:41 2023
    Carlos E. R. wrote:

    Look at these two photos. The focus is at the message window pane,
    bottom right.


    Then I press "N", and I get this:


    Notice that the message window displays your post to which I'm replying
    now, because that was the next unread message, but that message line is
    not displayed at the top pane, it is somewhat down, not visible. The highlight has gone out of sight.

    I used to get bad scrolling in v115.0, but it was fixed pretty quickly,
    it had some interaction with the smooth scrolling option, does that
    alter anything for you?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Big Al on Fri Oct 13 08:46:43 2023
    Big Al wrote:

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it
    on a menu.  Where is it, I'd like to try it?

    to switch between table view and cards view, you first have to ensure
    you have enabled view/layout/message list header

    then you should have a display options icon at the extreme right (looks
    a bit like a cine film frame)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Andy Burns on Fri Oct 13 11:56:58 2023
    On 2023-10-13 09:49, Andy Burns wrote:
    Carlos E. R. wrote:

    Look at these two photos. The focus is at the message window pane,
    bottom right.


    Then I press "N", and I get this:


    Notice that the message window displays your post to which I'm
    replying now, because that was the next unread message, but that
    message line is not displayed at the top pane, it is somewhat down,
    not visible. The highlight has gone out of sight.

    I used to get bad scrolling in v115.0, but it was fixed pretty quickly,
    it had some interaction with the smooth scrolling option, does that
    alter anything for you?

    I just tried; no effect. I'll leave it disabled for a while to test it.

    I also just ticked "use autoscrolling". I don't know what it does, but
    doesn't help with this problem.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ed Cryer@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Fri Oct 13 10:19:57 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:30:47 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Ed Cryer wrote:

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling >>> a "spaces bar"?

    The spaces toolbar is viewed by clicking the "-->|" icon, either in the
    very bottom left of status bar, or in the first icon of the main toolbar
    (but I've disabled just that icon via CSS as it's superfluous)

    Do you speak English?

    It's not entirely clear to people what the proper names of all the
    screen areas within TB actually are ... someone might produce an
    annotated screenshot?

    Good idea. Problem is, everyone has a different setup because the program
    is so customizable. So I could annotate my setup, and another user could
    have several of the elements missing or very different.

    I can mark up my screenshot though if you think it would help.

    I'd appreciate knowing how to show number of items in outbox without
    having to tick total message count, which shows for all folders.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Carlos E. R. on Fri Oct 13 12:19:19 2023
    On 2023-10-13 11:56, Carlos E. R. wrote:
    On 2023-10-13 09:49, Andy Burns wrote:
    Carlos E. R. wrote:

    Look at these two photos. The focus is at the message window pane,
    bottom right.


    Then I press "N", and I get this:


    Notice that the message window displays your post to which I'm
    replying now, because that was the next unread message, but that
    message line is not displayed at the top pane, it is somewhat down,
    not visible. The highlight has gone out of sight.

    I used to get bad scrolling in v115.0, but it was fixed pretty
    quickly, it had some interaction with the smooth scrolling option,
    does that alter anything for you?

    I just tried; no effect. I'll leave it disabled for a while to test it.

    I also just ticked "use autoscrolling". I don't know what it does, but doesn't help with this problem.

    Ah. One trick to find the message is hitting "M" (to mark it as new
    again") then "B" to go back one message, then move the message list well
    past the assumed position of the message. Down, that is. Then hit "N".
    The list then moves automatically up and positions itself correctly.

    It can go up automatically, just not down.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Andy Burns on Fri Oct 13 07:40:13 2023
    On 10/13/23 03:46 AM, this is what Andy Burns wrote:
    Big Al wrote:

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it on a menu.  Where is it, I'd like to try it?

    to switch between table view and cards view, you first have to ensure you have enabled view/layout/message list header

    then you should have a display options icon at the extreme right (looks a bit like a cine film frame)
    Wow, talk about hidden. I had that turned off for more space. THanks. now I can follow along with you guys.
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Carlos E. R. on Fri Oct 13 12:19:48 2023
    Carlos E. R. wrote:

    Ah. One trick to find the message is hitting "M" (to mark it as new
    again") then "B" to go back one message, then move the message list well
    past the assumed position of the message. Down, that is. Then hit "N".
    The list then moves automatically up and positions itself correctly.

    It can go up automatically, just not down.

    What are you sorted by, and ascending or descending?

    I generally pick "order received" but it randomly selects other orders :-(

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Andy Burns on Fri Oct 13 13:38:07 2023
    On 2023-10-13 13:19, Andy Burns wrote:
    Carlos E. R. wrote:

    Ah. One trick to find the message is hitting "M" (to mark it as new
    again") then "B" to go back one message, then move the message list
    well past the assumed position of the message. Down, that is. Then hit
    "N". The list then moves automatically up and positions itself correctly.

    It can go up automatically, just not down.

    What are you sorted by, and ascending or descending?

    I generally pick "order received" but it randomly selects other orders :-(

    Sorted by date, most recent below. But in threads.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From s|b@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Fri Oct 13 14:41:36 2023
    On Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:53:52 -0000 (UTC), Kenny McCormack wrote:

    Is there any way to revert to the previous version (and stay there) ?

    You made a backup of your Profile folder before upgrading to 115.* ,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 13 08:37:21 2023
    On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:19:57 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:30:47 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Ed Cryer wrote:

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling >>>> a "spaces bar"?

    The spaces toolbar is viewed by clicking the "-->|" icon, either in the
    very bottom left of status bar, or in the first icon of the main toolbar >>> (but I've disabled just that icon via CSS as it's superfluous)

    Do you speak English?

    It's not entirely clear to people what the proper names of all the
    screen areas within TB actually are ... someone might produce an
    annotated screenshot?

    Good idea. Problem is, everyone has a different setup because the program
    is so customizable. So I could annotate my setup, and another user could
    have several of the elements missing or very different.

    I can mark up my screenshot though if you think it would help.

    I'd appreciate knowing how to show number of items in outbox without
    having to tick total message count, which shows for all folders.

    Okay. Screenshot:


    Do you have that header at the top of your message list (List Pane)? You
    may have turned it off, because "why have it" under most circumstances.
    It now contains the quick filter button and message count, so that's why
    I have it.

    It shows number of messages, as circled. That's the only other way I know
    how to do it.

    If that works for you, the special sauce is:

    Hamburger menu: View -> Layout, (+) Message List Header

    Otherwise, I'm outta ideas.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Ed Cryer on Fri Oct 13 10:40:22 2023
    Ed Cryer wrote:

    I'd appreciate knowing how to show number of items in outbox without
    having to tick total message count, which shows for all folders.

    The issue seems to be "the number of what"?

    In most folders, the counter is the number of unread messages, if I go
    offline and send a message to myself, it is in the outbox, but the
    counter doesn't show.

    If I highlight the unsent message and do "Mark/unread" then the counter
    shows 1

    So I suggest the counter needs to display the number of unsent, rather
    than unread. Do you know for sure this this worked properly in v102.x ?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to Big Al on Fri Oct 13 08:46:30 2023
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:50:42 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 04:39 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    For reference, this is what my UI configuration looks like.


    You have the horizontal arrangement and cards at least that's what it looks like..
    This is my tb. https://i.postimg.cc/137NRshp/TB115.png

    Exactly. On the layout menu, that's called the "Classic View." I don't
    like the name. It's like they're calling it the "old-timey" view.

    It's a perfectly workable interface that way.

    Carlos may have this same arrangement. I think it's the default.
    With that arrangement I too have the same jumping out of sight issue. Like this message. It's way too far down the list
    to get to the header, as you scroll down, at some point the list starts jumping back up. I can get to the message only
    by hitting 'next unread' and the next message shows in the preview pane, but the header is off the list and I can't
    scroll down in the headers to see it. And worse, I don't see who you replied to, even though I can deduce that from the
    preview pane.

    I'm not trying to put words in Carlos' mouth. This is how my issue works, maybe it's his too.

    Yeah. This may be a Linux thing. It may be distro specific, as various
    desktop environments use different UI libraries. Is yours KDE? It's been
    a long time since I've mucked around in Debian or Red Hat.

    If you can't get nightly or beta from your repo and try a fresh setup to
    test, it might be time to hit Bugzilla. They will probably ask you to try
    a fresh setup and test, though. ;^)

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it on a menu. Where is it, I'd like to try it?

    LOL. I didn't even know it was there. Luckily, I knew it was promised, so
    I went a'looking for it.

    If you have a header on your message list, next to Quick Filter there is
    this weird little icon that looks like a film strip with a scroll bar
    next to it. Tooltip is: "Message List Display Options." Click it, choose
    Cards View, done.

    If you don't have the header:

    Hamburger Menu: View -> Layout, (+)Message List Header

    Then you can finally click on the weird-ass filmstrip icon and choose
    Cards View.

    Then you can get rid of the header if it annoys you, but Quick Filter is
    in it, so you might not want to.

    This one took some work on my part when I first upgraded. It's not in the
    view menu when you press ALT. It's not in the hamburger menu. AFAIK, it's
    just that weird little icon.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Big Al@21:1/5 to this is what Zaghadka on Fri Oct 13 09:51:57 2023
    On 10/13/23 09:37 AM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:19:57 +0100, Ed Cryer <ed@somewhere.in.the.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 19:30:47 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Ed Cryer wrote:

    These hamburgers you mention aren't here; neither is anything resembling >>>>> a "spaces bar"?

    The spaces toolbar is viewed by clicking the "-->|" icon, either in the >>>> very bottom left of status bar, or in the first icon of the main toolbar >>>> (but I've disabled just that icon via CSS as it's superfluous)

    Do you speak English?

    It's not entirely clear to people what the proper names of all the
    screen areas within TB actually are ... someone might produce an
    annotated screenshot?

    Good idea. Problem is, everyone has a different setup because the program >>> is so customizable. So I could annotate my setup, and another user could >>> have several of the elements missing or very different.

    I can mark up my screenshot though if you think it would help.

    I'd appreciate knowing how to show number of items in outbox without
    having to tick total message count, which shows for all folders.

    Okay. Screenshot:


    Do you have that header at the top of your message list (List Pane)? You
    may have turned it off, because "why have it" under most circumstances.
    It now contains the quick filter button and message count, so that's why
    I have it.

    It shows number of messages, as circled. That's the only other way I know
    how to do it.

    If that works for you, the special sauce is:

    Hamburger menu: View -> Layout, (+) Message List Header

    Otherwise, I'm outta ideas.

    It kinda looks like any folder with 0 items just doesn't show the count. You draft folder is probably empty and has no
    count. I just turned on the count column and saw I had an archive item with count 1, so I deleted it and the counter
    Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carlos E. R.@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Fri Oct 13 16:56:00 2023
    On 2023-10-13 15:46, Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:50:42 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 04:39 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:
    On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:21:05 -0400, Big Al <Bears@invalid.com> wrote:

    On 10/12/23 01:05 PM, this is what Zaghadka wrote:

    I've seen reference to card view, but for the life of me I can't find it on a menu. Where is it, I'd like to try it?

    LOL. I didn't even know it was there. Luckily, I knew it was promised, so
    I went a'looking for it.

    If you have a header on your message list, next to Quick Filter there is
    this weird little icon that looks like a film strip with a scroll bar
    next to it. Tooltip is: "Message List Display Options." Click it, choose Cards View, done.

    If you don't have the header:

    Hamburger Menu: View -> Layout, (+)Message List Header

    Then you can finally click on the weird-ass filmstrip icon and choose
    Cards View.

    Then you can get rid of the header if it annoys you, but Quick Filter is
    in it, so you might not want to.

    Maybe there is a hot key to get the quick filter when needed :-?

    This one took some work on my part when I first upgraded. It's not in the view menu when you press ALT. It's not in the hamburger menu. AFAIK, it's just that weird little icon.

    Carlos E.R.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Fri Oct 13 16:02:27 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:

    Big Al wrote:

    I've seen reference to card view

    LOL. I didn't even know it was there. Luckily, I knew it was promised, so
    I went a'looking for it.
    What do people like about card view?

    To me it looks like table view where all the useful columns have been
    removed and replaced with numerous copies of the message header pane
    toolbar ...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 13 11:09:16 2023
    On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 16:02:27 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    Zaghadka wrote:

    Big Al wrote:

    I've seen reference to card view

    LOL. I didn't even know it was there. Luckily, I knew it was promised, so
    I went a'looking for it.
    What do people like about card view?

    To me it looks like table view where all the useful columns have been
    removed and replaced with numerous copies of the message header pane
    toolbar ...

    It's basically the way most email clients list mails these days,
    definitely webmail clients, and it makes vertical view *way* more
    practical. It's a modernization. Thunderbird was looking
    long-in-the-tooth. You may like it, but the previous design probably
    turns off new adopters.

    I was using vertical view in the first place, so I am very happy with
    cards as they take up a third of the space that table view did. I can
    switch to table view easily when I need its features. I agree with you
    about missing very useful things like a spam column, turning threading on
    and off, star, read/unread, etc. The right click menus can do it, but it
    is unwieldy. I had to learn some keyboard commands.

    I think the cards are very crude for now, but a welcome addition. I've
    sent a feature request to Bugzilla to improve them.

    I am very glad they kept the "classic" modes around, for the sake of
    those who want it. I am concerned that "classic" means, "soon to be
    deprecated when we get sick of supporting it."

    YMMV, but that's why.


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zaghadka@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 13 12:01:09 2023
    On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:28:08 +0100, Andy Burns <usenet@andyburns.uk>

    I agree with you about missing very useful things like a spam column,
    turning threading on and off

    It seems to show a single level of indent, not full thread levels

    This too. Yes. This is one thing I don't like about most modern mail
    clients and web clients. It's a casualty of this specific UI choice.

    It is definitely not Usenet friendly. It works well enough for email. I
    use Agent or Pan for Usenet though. There are a lot more things about the
    way Tbird handles Usenet that I don't like.

    That said, it's possible the people writing the general software have no
    clear idea what Usenet is, and the Usenet maintainer is probably a single
    coder at this point. We are an old, weird branch of the Internet at this


    No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had
    spent more time alone with my computer.' ~Dan(i) Bunten

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to Zaghadka on Fri Oct 13 17:28:08 2023
    Zaghadka wrote:

    Andy Burns wrote:

    What do people like about card view?

    It's basically the way most email clients list mails these days,
    definitely webmail clients, and it makes vertical view *way* more

    OK, I hadn't looked at three-column mode together with card view, it
    looks slightly better.

    I agree with you about missing very useful things like a spam column,
    turning threading on and off

    It seems to show a single level of indent, not full thread levels

    I am very glad they kept the "classic" modes around, for the sake of
    those who want it. I am concerned that "classic" means, "soon to be deprecated when we get sick of supporting it."

    Let's hope not.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)