• Re: PT for Windows. Would this be a red flag to you?

    From Scott Lurndal@21:1/5 to micky on Tue Jul 16 16:56:06 2024
    XPost: alt.comp.os.windows-10, alt.home.repair

    micky <NONONOmisc07@fmguy.com> writes:
    So far I can't find the Acer Aspire premium laptop anywhere else, even
    at acer.com/us-en/laptops! Is premium just some Amazon advertizing
    word and they don't say what the model is? >https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D63QRTTK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2HR3WADFB8IU9&psc=1

    I wanted to find out how much it weighs, but now I also wonder why it's
    so hard to find.

    It was right there on the amazon listing. 3.5 pounds.

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