From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.general
Particles! BBS
==============, telnet://, telnet://
Been around since 1992... which is like, an eternity in computer-time.
What Is It?
It's a BBS running Centipede on a Commodore 128D with message bases dedicated to old computer goodness.
[+] 1000s of files for the Commodore 64, Vic-20, 128, Plus/4, CP/M and GEOS [+] Over 90 file areas so far, still adding more
[+] 60+ online games (Empire, Nuke'Em, tons more)
[+] Lots of message bases
Runs PETSCII, ANSI, ASCII, 40 columns, 80 columns so connect with whatever you want.
Speaking of connecting, connect from the website at if
you don't have a terminal.
Useless Hardware Info:
Running on a Commodore 128D w/640K of RAM (which is enough for anyone)
Ports open at 38,400 so it flies. Ever seen an 8-bit transfer at 38.4K? Holy crap.
This is done with the magic of a Swiftlink RS232 adapter.
Punter, Multipunter, Ymodem, Xmodem xfers. Find one you like.
4GB CMD SCSI drive running off a Compact Flash card using a SCSI to CF adapter.
Fast. For 8-bit.
You can find us at Facebook also as
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