From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.general
On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:59:44 -0600, dizzy wrote:
3497> Newsgroups: alt.bbs.general,comp.os.os2.advocacy
3497> "Dr. Alotta" Skr|+loos tholed:
What was allegedly endured while writing, dizzy?
3497> What does your question have to do with OS/2, Skr|+loos?
Classic evasion.
3497> On your part, Skr|+loos.
What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do
with OS/2, dizzy?
3497> Classic pontification.
What does your evaluation have to do with OS/2, dizzy?
3497> Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Skr|+loos?
What does your classic erroneous presupposition of a question have to do
with OS/2, dizzy?
Classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim.
On your part, dizzy.
Classic evasion.
On your part, dizzy.
How ironic.
Where is the alleged irony, dizzy?
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