From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.general
+ User FidoNet address: 1:275/91
The other night i had a weird dream about the bbs-scene, door games, and Pirates who sailed the Seven Seas. If i remember correctly, Captain Hood had
a ton of miscellanious pirate ansi art that he had collected for a decade.
I'm not sure, how Gryphon of Cyberia bbs got involed into this dream, because really, I don't remmebr. Maybe it was blackmail or just a twist of his arm... never-the-less, what happen next was a massive MPL door game project call [Black Flag].
The door game had carzy ansi art screens and a story line of expeditions to recover treasure buried, bloody battles and murder. It also because so
popular, it caused a mass migration of internet users to migrate into the telnet bbs-scene. To make a long story short, this went down in history as
the downfall of the internet and the start of the 2013 telnet stampede that encouraged many people back to the scene.
In a lucid dream, the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Needlees to say, i was one of the top players, and lived to tell my story.
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