From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.excalibur
I wonder if you could let your members know that we are running a
totally free scrabble tournament online through our Insight Media Excalibur BBS.
We have a strong band of Scrabble enthusiasts, and we are trying to tempt
some "new blood" onto our system who would enjoy playing against our users.
There is absolutely no charge whatsoever, we run the BBS purely as a hobby
and would like to improve our users enjoyment.
There is more info on the BBS and on website here where a copy of the rules is available to view online and is available for download online as a word document or in Adobe pdf format
There are also a video tutorials on Excalibur Scrabble here
The tournament starts on Friday 8th June 2007 and will take the form of knockout rounds to the eventual Final.
Games can be played either in real time or (more usually) each player calls
in and takes their turn when convenient.
I look forward to enjoying the company of some of your members in the near future.
Kindest regards,
Chris - Insight Media Excalibur BBS
(using the Excalibur Terminal)
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