• Retro AF: Al's Geek Lab

    From hyjinx@80:505/18 to All on Fri Sep 10 19:05:51 2021
    Here's a message to see if any of you peepz actually read this stuff! I'll write a one-off message about the board!

    -= bbs.alsgeeklab.com:2323 =-

    Anybody who replies to this message will get 'Friend for life' access all areas to Al's Geek Lab BBS!

    What's special about AGL BBS I hear you ask?
    - Hand curated lovingly with emphasis on being user friendly without being a 'PD' board, if you catch my drift ;)
    - Some kick-ass mods like my latest Crypto Coin mod, 'coininfo' which shows
    you real-time crypto currency details for the top10 coins, as well as RomHacker, Coronatracker from Phenom, xqtr's weather and time zone mods, as well as RCS last callers in a custom ANSI. Plus loads more I forgot to
    - MRC gets a separate line, because MRC chat is the best! Seriously, if
    you're not around for some MRC chatting, what the hell are you even doing on
    a BBS?! It's like IRC but for BBSes, and it operates across a growing number (circa 100) of BBSes.
    - Hand curated file area which stems from my YouTube channel. For example, I did a top10 of each year of the first decade of the IBM PC (1981-1991). Every game featured in the top10 videos is in a game pack for each year. None of
    your files without a description nonsense, it's all carefully set away in appropriate file areas for maximum ease of retrieval. There's also newer content on there too, not just games.
    - Message networks including, of course, RetroNet, but also FSXNet, Araknet
    and tqwNet. Loads of great conversations to be part of!
    - Nice ANSIs! Naturally!
    - A responsive Sysop, who is often around for chat, or requests for features
    - Part of Al's Geek Lab, the YouTube channel that brought you the documentary "Back to the BBS"

    What are you waiting for, give this exclusive board a try today!

    port 2323 (telnet) // port 2222 (ssh)

    hyjinx // Alistair Ross
    Author of 'Back to the BBS' Documentary: https://bit.ly/3tRINeL (YouTube) alsgeeklab.com

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Al's Geek Lab -=- bbs.alsgeeklab.com:2323 (80:505/18)