FSX_GAMING - Games/Gaming Chat
Avon@21:1/100 to
All on Tue May 25 21:57:22 2021
Hi All,
This echomail area FSX_GAMING was created on 25 May 2021 in fsxNet
FSX_GAMING - Anything gaming related is on-topic here. From electronic to
board games, action, adventure and role-playing, to simulations,
strategy, sports and puzzles. This forum covers everything gaming
related including MUDs, first-person shooters, real-time strategy,
massively multiplayer online games, console wars, hints, tips and
tricks and more.
Best, Paul.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: Agency + Risa HUB - Dunedin, New Zealand (21:1/100)