Hello Fratm!
On 02 Aug 2021, Fratm said the following...
It didn't send until I re-ran the mutil mailout.ini, should this be sending automatically, or do I need to set up a cronjob to run those commands?
Depending on the ./mystic -cfg --> Configuration --> Message Settings --> Create Semaphore, Mystic either creates a semaphore as soon as someone has written a message (MsgPost) or after the user has logged out (Logout).
If you want things to happen right away (MsgPost), you also need skip_online = false in your mailout.ini in the [ExportEchoMail] stanza.
Then you would need to enable an export+sending event in the Event Editor (./mystic -cfg --> Editors --> Event Editor --> "Send outbound echomail". Set it to:
Active: Yes
To ensure that exports are *not* running while mutil is doing other stuff (mutil.bsy present), or while another poll is already ongoing (fidopoll.bsy present for A46 or poll.bsy present for A47), and to prepare for any future newsmail usage (probably not common, but always nice to be prepared), you might want to adjust to:
Semaphore: (echomail.out|netmail.out|newsmail.out)!(mutil.bsy|fidopoll.bsy|poll.bsy)
Kill After: echomail.out|netmail.out|newsmail.out
Then it will simply wait until all is "quiet" before it runs the exporting and sending.
Then you probably want to have an hourly *poll* also -- to fetch mail in between the times when your hub possibly sends it to you directly depending on what you've agreed on -- and to fetch mail not only when you have written something yourself. That's the "Poll echomail" event. Adjust it to:
Active: Yes
...and one of:
a) If you *don't* have a "fidopoll" binary in your Mystic base directory: Semaphore: !poll.bsy
Shell: ./mis poll forced
b) If you *do* have a "fidopoll" binary in your Mystic base directory: Semaphore: !fidopoll.bsy
Shell: ./fidopoll forced
"fidopoll" was replaced with "mis poll" along the way in A47, but they do the same thing, so it depends on your version which command line and semaphore you should use.
Note that the command line does *not* need any "mutil import.ini" stuff in it, so we have removed that! This is because if you receive any mail, an echomail.in (both for echomail and netmail, actually!) and/or newsmail.in (for newsmail, if you use it) semaphore will be created by fidopoll or mis poll, and you should take advantage of that. You do that by enabling the "Toss incoming echomail" event and letting it handle all incoming mail automatically:
Active: Yes
...and adjust to:
Semaphore: (echomail.in|newsmail.in)!mutil.bsy
Kill After: echomail.in|newsmail.in
Depending on your Mystic version, the Shell line might differ.
In newer versions (some of the later A47 ones) g00r00 has introduced a way of specifying on the command line what stanzas/functions in mutil.ini that you want to run, to avoid the need of having X copies of mutil.ini customized for each task (export, import, daily maintenance...), so it doesn't actually point to a custom .ini file but rather tells mutil which stanzas/functions that should be executed.
On older (A46) versions, you have to make sure that you point mutil to the .ini file you want to use, like import.ini or similar, which should then have ImportEchoMail = true in it.
That should hopefully make exports, sending and imports automatic. As well as make you a little aware and prepared :-D for A47 and up. (One of the
things that you will need to do when upgrading to A47 will be to replace all occurrences of "fidopoll" with "mis poll", and replace any occurrences of fidopoll.bsy with poll.bsy.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/07/31 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)