• Talisman v0.24

    From apam@21:1/182 to All on Thu Jun 10 10:37:10 2021
    Talisman v0.24 has now been released & Hatched via FSXNet

    New is the event handler in servo.

    Fixed is page down did weird things when getting to the end of a list of messages etc.

    Fixed is file conferences you don't have access to were displayed in the
    full screen conference selector.

    Also, updated the documentation at talismandocs.com to cover the new
    stuff, as well as new stuff I forgot to write docs for (themes etc)


    |03Andrew Pamment |08(|11apam|08)
    |13Happy|10Land |14v2.0|08!|07

    --- Talisman v0.24-dev (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: HappyLand v2.0 - telnet://happylandbbs.com:11892/ (21:1/182)