• InterBBS Oneliner (1/2)

    From will@21:1/126 to IBBS1LINE on Wed Dec 6 10:28:20 2023
    Author: will
    Source: |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS

    Oneliner: a
    |09 Soldan |08:|07 ­subi un pack de juegos nuevos para ZX Spectrum |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 rese¤a de algunos de esos! Entr  a The Vault pa |11 |08:|07 verlas!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 OldHippy |08:|07 Is there anybody out there?
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 Hello.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HSM |08:|07 Just nod if you can hear me
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Xcom |08:|07 Hello from the children of planet earth I'm jus |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 to explore, make amends with my phreaker pas |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 WoodenCD1993 |08:|07 my ROFLcopter goes
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 SWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSWOZSW |11 |08:|07 XD, The internet sucks nowadays. Get real, go b |11 |08:|07 past. Man I really need to go update my persona |11 |08:|07 website. How do you hit send on this? Sorry, i' |11 |08:|07 to this BBS, and i'm still getting used to it. |11 |08:|07 just type untill the line limit runs out?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Waddle on over to Penguin BBS Lots of doors, fi |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 and other items. mr.penguin.ddns.net:2023 |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Soldan |08:|07 where i can find new warez for the c64 and zx |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 spectrum?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Soldan |08:|07 subido programa para pasar imagenes epl copy a |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 una nueva romhack de sonic para nes
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Rolo |08:|07 Saludos a Pedro! que se inicia en esta magica a |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 de los BBS
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Toshi |08:|07 conectandome desde una pentium mmx 233mhz por C |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 like its 1998. funciona!!!! prontament saldr'a |11 |08:|07 articulo en 0x705h.com y maxima velocidad, 3840 |11 |08:|07 :O
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Go on, Toshi!!! Pentium MMX for the win!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 altyx |08:|07 first message on bbs!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 aNACHRONiST |08:|07 |10Straight outta aBSiNTHE
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 What's the good word?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Penguin poop
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 WoodenCD1993 |08:|07 Man BBS is awesome, It makes modern internet in |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 comparison BAD!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Word, bro!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dragonmaster |08:|07 Greatings from Leipzig, Germany :-)
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 The SysOp really knows his shit!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 wreath |08:|07 man i miss the older version of archaic binary |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Ian Newland |08:|07 hello there i'm a new User. this is a nice BBS. |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 moham |08:|07 boner
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 We got the doors you want. mrpenguin.ddns.net:2 |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Avalanche |08:|07 Greetings from the world! Ride bikes, drink bee |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 crime
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Visit the Nodebook BBS list, available only at |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 Hypernode. Connect to hype |11 |08:|07 your server! No sign-up needed. Available on th |11 |08:|07 matrix menu! <3
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Avon |08:|07 it blends
    |11 flupH |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 andor |08:|07 estoy loco! jajaja estoy loco!!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Indrid Cold |08:|07 Hello mates! Per tutti gli italiani: venite a t |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 su Miskatonic BBS >> timrouter.dns.army:2323 Ci |11 |08:|07 Paulie, you rock ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Hola amigos!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Hola, Meat!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 4 New BBS added this week to the Nodebook BBS l |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 Available on Hypernode.ddns.net matrix menu. Y |11 |08:|07 still call/add your bbs from the matrix menu wi |11 |08:|07 sign-up needed! Thank-You for your support!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Indrid Cold |08:|07 Thanks to u, MaxMouse, great idea keep in touch |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 I'm glad the scene is finding it useful. I stil |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 developing it and I plan to add more features. |11 |08:|07 keeping track of usage so i'd like to put up a |11 |08:|07 list based on amount of calls and session lengt |11 |08:|07 shold be in the new version later this month - |11 |08:|07 You for supporting !HYP & Hypernode -
    |11 |08:|07 hypernode.ddns.net
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Paulie420 makes me hard.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Soldan |08:|07 NUEVA DESCARGA EN TORRENT, LA SERIE DICIEMBRE 2 |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 ESTE LINK bit.ly/diciembre2001p2p AYUDA A SEE |11 |08:|07 SEAS LARVA do what you wante cause a pirate is |11 |08:|07 you are a pirate!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 m.att33 |08:|07 BBS ROCKS! love BBS
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 mM; please don't make IBBS posts with my handle |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 future.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 0zZ-U |08:|07 Handles, come and get. you get a handle , I get |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 handle Everybody gets a handle! Handle for me a |11 |08:|07 handle for you, I like handles like BigBrownSho |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Ignore that last message. no one saw anything.. |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 on. ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 IBBS pranks? What a time to be alive!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 WoodenCD1993 |08:|07 Anyone know of any DOS games that are so bad th |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 good?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Epic Pinball Comes to mind
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Epic Pinball is, at least for me, genuinely
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 enjoyable... ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 Afternoon, q Q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 how do you delete/backspace
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 delkey, or backspace, or possibly a function ke |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 delete
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 tControl and Backspace, thank you!!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 Thats my noob question out of the way, hows it |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 peeps!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 RedTyke75 |08:|07 Listened to the Retro Hour podcast. Dipping my |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 in! This looks great. Question is can I run |11 |08:|07 BBC Master.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 SchooledBySatan |08:|07 Glad you're doing this! Love it!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 daedalus |08:|07 Wow, I finally found a board I could logon to. |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 others wanted my physical address and name and |11 |08:|07 number.<blank>
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Daedalus You can try mine. mrpenguin.ddns.net: |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HSM |08:|07 I've elimiated all the addressed and questions |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07 bbsgametime, I always hated that as a user.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 cAn yOU hAndlE thAt?
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Let this be a lesson, dont flirt with MaxMouse |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 YOU MEAN IT
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Use SyncTerm. Everything just works.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 I agree with Hustler. Rip graphics too in ver 1 |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 Its cool!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Solaris |08:|07 SysopSolaris.com
    |11 Error 1202 BBS ! |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 I'm happier than a pig in shit. Everthing works |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 Syncterm! Even Full Screen on my Lubuntu box! |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Roon |08:|07 if it gets out, my Maximus/2 is fully interbbs |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07 :)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 @daedalus when a bbs asks for that, its usually |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 for nostalgia purposes, an |11 |08:|07 random info if you prefer. I would however reco |11 |08:|07 using a real email address, which is useful for |11 |08:|07 resetting your password if you ever forget it, |11 |08:|07 lots of people forget theirs =)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 Do you know the muffin man?
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 FoxkindedAggressor |08:|07 Greetings and happy timezones 2oFB!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 I ate the muffin man
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 donalduck |08:|07 let`s rock ! ))
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 donalduck |08:|07 hi all from Ukraine againe))
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dragonmaster |08:|07 Greeting from Leipzig, Germany :-)
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 hustler |08:|07 WOW! 132/37 mode is really nice! Try it!
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 thermalthrottle |08:|07 vv
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 thermalthrottle |08:|07 Hi Guys, Greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Rolo |08:|07 Hello guys and gals! Greetings from the cosmopo |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 Buenos Aires
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Scrogmaster |08:|07 Greetz from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia !
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 ajax |08:|07 Greetings from the US! q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 amosagregory |08:|07 Hi! Greetings from Colorado Springs! . q v 2 we |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 ..
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 donalduck |08:|07 Privet_lunatikam))
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Xandiraud |08:|07 Hi there everyone. Greetings from Dalby, Austra |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 amessyroom |08:|07 Happy 4th of July (for those that celebrate it) |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 Fort Bragg/Fort Liberty , NC USA
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Darkman Almighty |08:|07 Greetings Everyone!
    |11 oNyX bBs |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 amped |08:|07 Happy 4th from -=Houston=-
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Happy 4th Everyone. Waddle Waddle
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 espskog |08:|07 bbs.silverhawk.no:6400 30y uptime *NORWAY* *AMI |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 you!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 cybudo |08:|07 happy monday from LA
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Alright, ready to start this week out! Happy 4t |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 July to my US friends - lets have a great week! |11 |08:|07 w00t!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 nolageek |08:|07 splatter.haus:666 Keep repeating: It's only a B |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 It's only a BBS. It's only a BBS
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 IUSR |08:|07 Happy 4th of July!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mike |08:|07 Hello, new here. Came after watching the excele |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 documentary. I'm planning to revive an old c |11 |08:|07 do this more properly. FYI I'm 30 years old. Ho |11 |08:|07 I can integrate myself to the bbs rabit hole! C |11 |08:|07 Mike
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Noemia |08:|07 happy week :-)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 glynne |08:|07 whats up from northern ireland
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dyldyljkj19 |08:|07 Hey Mike, is the documentary you're referencing |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 to the bbs?" Hyjinx (doc's author) runs a board |11 |08:|07 complime (bbs.alsgeeklab.com) Hyjinx (doc's aut |11 |08:|07 runs a board to compliment it its pretty neat a |11 |08:|07 worth checking out imo.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 OpenSociety |08:|07 this is a trip... 29 years since i last dialed |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Woohoo TexTalk podcast new episode!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 https://rss.com/podcasts/t |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 I used to rule the world.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 olympic |08:|07 Boston calling to the faraway clowns
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mike |08:|07 v
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mike |08:|07 Yes that was the documentary I refered. I'm a b |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 confused of the reference because we are on |11 |08:|07 right now :D
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mike |08:|07 Also I'm now writing this on Windows 98. Going |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 memory lane as they say. I have a little req |11 |08:|07 anyone reading this: Would you please send me s |11 |08:|07 mail so I can get more used to the message syst |11 |08:|07 can be anything for example favourite BBS, dos |11 |08:|07 windows memory etc.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 AllegedVermin |08:|07 d s hello
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 itdepends |08:|07 Hi I recently saw the video from Al's Geek Lab |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 and then found this BBS. I hope to find peop |11 |08:|07 interested in wierd and obscure things about |11 |08:|07 computers. I have aspirations of creating a dem |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 truebool |08:|07 he336 every6ne!
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 truebool |08:|07 sorry, numlock was on. hello again!
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mike |08:|07 Hello all. @itdepends demo scene sounds interes |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 Any ideas?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 Hey all! I'm back! With the beaver hats and Ben |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 slacks
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 truebool |08:|07 Walter white what happened
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Hello! Call Hypernode BBS today! hypernode.ddns |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 Home of the Nodebook BBS list, (Accurate up to |11 |08:|07 BBS listings of active BBSs) Add your server to |11 |08:|07 the list and call others directly from the Node |11 |08:|07 No SignUp needed, all available from the Matrix |11 |08:|07 Whatttttt. IKR... hypernode.ddns.net
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 0zZ-U |08:|07 <tap> <tap> <tap> .. is this thing on?
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Nickeh30 |08:|07 3
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HSM |08:|07 Hello? McFly?
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 opus7 |08:|07 Once upon a time, there was a DOS based ChatGPT |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 client. It tried his best |11 |08:|07 But then there was this thing about... to be |11 |08:|07 continued.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 jas hud |08:|07 hey kids. will set you up on scinet this weeken |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Cybercirujas |08:|07 Probando desde la Vortex en el CCK!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Cybercirujas |08:|07 hola ! 1
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 guest |08:|07 Good morning sirs, you will never guess my pass |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Nickeh30 |08:|07 yooo
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Rainman |08:|07 Never Never Land BBs. neverneverlandbbs.com:23 |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 lives..
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 delial |08:|07 Man, paulie, what am I not doing up here? Fleei |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 crazy ass Texas politics, seeking affordable |11 |08:|07 healthcare, looking for not-crazy heat (115F is |11 |08:|07 hot for humans), smoking dank legal frop, and w |11 |08:|07 towards not funding uncle sam.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 mongrel |08:|07 How can anyone read history and still trust
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 politicians?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Oofa; different str0kes fer different f0lks, de |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 :P I certainly miss my home state. Yeeeeee haww |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 m.att33 |08:|07 Can't go back to fall, to everyone you ever kne |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 all-lil P33P 0_0 w-w .
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 m.att33 |08:|07 Is it 20$ 4 beers... ...or is it 24 beers?! ;3 |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 delial |08:|07 Greetings from a Texan in Vancouver! I hope the |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 isn't too bad wherever you are!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 m.att33 |08:|07 Smoke w33d every day ~u~
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Woah, delial - I'm a Texan in Portland... what |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 hell are we doing up here??? Get ready for the |11 |08:|07 r0ckstar!!! :P
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Nickeh30 |08:|07 on farts bro
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 y4lquzaq |08:|07 meow
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 hollowone |08:|07 oftenhide pc demo pack 003 just got released on |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 Absinthe. DL it!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 free stickers give-away - if you want some free |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 stickers then give qUAntUm |11 |08:|07 out for the "special message" =) limited free s |11 |08:|07 available so good luck to those who manage to b |11 |08:|07 some ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 pylogik |08:|07 My mother said I need to talk to real people |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 groundedAviation |08:|07 I'm real, I think.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Taleles |08:|07 Join the Pork Side >:)
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 New version of Nodebook @ HYPERNODE.DDNS.NET - |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 your BBS today
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 aNACHRONiST |08:|07 |10Nodebook? Sounds cool, I'll be by :)
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 RCO |08:|07 hello guys
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 galahad |08:|07 Hack the Planet!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Evoke was awesomeeeee
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 TheNewAutonomy |08:|07 I think my Commodore has become sentient
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 2oFB enj0ying all the users joining... come on |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 h1t the local msg bases; its a h00t!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 oper |08:|07 test
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 Hey guys
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 FoxkindedAggressor |08:|07 heya ppl! How is your day going?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Meh Been better. Bad day for Mr. and Mrs. Pengu |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Hey y'all, greetings from the UK. Hope everyone |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 having fUn!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 tetchey |08:|07 G'day from Australia. BBSing like it's 1989! |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 lognull |08:|07 Present day. Present time.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Present ARMS!
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Teno |08:|07 Hello all!!! Thanks GZalo for the help to make |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 works on th e Vortex86
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Roon |08:|07 keep on jumpin' folks!
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 pressure |08:|07 what in the world?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Connect to Hypernode BBS today @ HYPERNODE.DDNS |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 and explore the NodeBook BBS list, a list of a |11 |08:|07 servers curated by the community! Want to work |11 |08:|07 together? MaxMouse is looking to work with othe |11 |08:|07 developers and artists who are eager to support |11 |08:|07 scene and want to create together. Email
    |11 |08:|07 hyprnd@proton.me and lets chat! Thank-You for y |11 |08:|07 support.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 Greetz from The Underground .. hope all are wel |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Long live textmode!!!!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Mr.Penguin |08:|07 Waddle on over to Penguin BBS! mrpenguin.ddns.n |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 Oh, no! My computer is talking to me. What shou |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 do?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 fuck your mom and your hoes.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 You'll see how easily you'll disconnect. from |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 everything that's on your mind. -
    |11 |08:|07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=locvYM1fQO0
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Oderus |08:|07 Sure, I fought in the AT&T/BSD wars.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Networking on my Linux from Scratch install is |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 - yay!! Now to get wpa_supplicant and continue |11 |08:|07 biluilding!! w00t w00t.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Rolo |08:|07 Hello imaginary friends!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Hello to you Don Rolo! How are you? Long time n |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 pomerov |08:|07 PIII, DOS6.22, MTCP, 3COM ISA
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 DustCouncil |08:|07 I hear that Rudy Giuliani has a splendiferous a |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Ultra Magnus |08:|07 hello there y'all the french communication is a |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 hope that you have a great day
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Long live textmode!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 McDoob |08:|07 I was here but now I'm gone. I left this messag |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 turn you on.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Maxi |08:|07 n ` 22 3 4
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Blacksheep |08:|07 here to use bbs, see what this is about & meet |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 too
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Welcome Friend!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 watchfulfox |08:|07 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 SUCK IT GREEN BOI
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 boscutti939 |08:|07 This is cool have a great day
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Cybercirujas |08:|07 1 2 4 esa
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 undhund |08:|07 paulie420 - Is your LFS install in a VM or on b |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 metal?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 shandEE |08:|07 printf("Hello World!");
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 Fuck all the all Niggas liek ROOVIS also this i |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 oka song.. lets go.
    |11 |08:|07 https://youtu.be/gfk3QLU1x0E?feature=shared
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 opicron |08:|07 Hiya all! Check out the new vBase file browser |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 Paulie soon
    |11 |08:|07
    |11 |08:|07 MzzL!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Apologies to all that IBBS-onliners was misused |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 2oFB. :/ I've erased the msg locally (delete it |11 |08:|07 interbbs data)... YES: V-Base is live in the 2o |11 |08:|07 Archives! beta-testing a few issues but big tha |11 |08:|07 Opicron!! :P
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 undhund; I've done a few LFS installs. A Proxmo |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 VirtualBox - and my favorite/current runs on a |11 |08:|07 ThinkPad T430. I'm slowly building it up to a G |11 |08:|07 OS... networking & wifi currently.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 DaveW |08:|07 I just bought a Dell PowerEdge that i plan on |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 Installing Proxmox onto. P |11 |08:|07 VMs
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 I love proxmox, I use it on all my hypervisors. |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 onekw |08:|07 MuffinTerm for macos is great if you're using a |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 0zZ-U |08:|07 Hello all :) I like my keyboard
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 x1pepe |08:|07 Hello world XD
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Peron |08:|07 v
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Peron |08:|07 Quien quiera copiar que copie, quien quiera com |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 que compile
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Anthk |08:|07 Hello from OpenBSD
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Hello! Hola!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Q Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Good day
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 x1pepe |08:|07 Here we go
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CtLeft |08:|07 Good Afternoon, and good evening. Happy Friday! |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 **B0100000023be50 **B070000000067d4
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dev1ls |08:|07 hehehe :P
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Sovereign |08:|07 Sup Y'all
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Happy Sunday you all :)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 Sunday fun day!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Shibuya |08:|07 john duffle johnbag
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 mugsoul |08:|07 Happy Freaken Monday
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 onekw |08:|07 Autumns is coming...
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Long Live textmode... FlashParty 2023 is arrivi |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Q QQ Q /Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 mugsoul |08:|07 Turn off ya AC!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 DustCouncil |08:|07 You know what band I don't think I've ever had |11 Shibboleths |08:|07 conversation about, ever? The Outfield. Man, |11 |08:|07 a band I do not care about, and don't miss.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Roon |08:|07 enjoyed drawing ANSis in the past few weeks
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 The Vault is always adding something c00l - her |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 get my QSL Card!! :P w00t w00t.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 M.33 |08:|07 Smiles for miles, Fun in the sun. ;3
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 FlashParty is coming! Best demoparty ever ;) Oc |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 28 - 2023 ! - Don Epi will be in da house!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Just added a new game to TQW, it's a choose you |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 adventure style game, with |11 |08:|07 the user, and I'd love for some feedback if som |11 |08:|07 wants to try it =) doors menu `>` for page 2, t |11 |08:|07 to play.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 hyjinx |08:|07 I just called to say I love you.. and I mean it |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 the bottom of this BBS :)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 onesimus |08:|07 ? +++
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 onesimus |08:|07 +++
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer - have a listen on Yo |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 or Spotify! Absolutely ama |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Teno |08:|07 ­Saludos desde los confines del Cid Campeador! |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Love dialing into Al's Geek Lab - the YT gangst |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 our BBS w0rld. w00t w00t!!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Checs |08:|07 Hola mundo! Primera vez en un BBS :)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Tetra |08:|07 Saludos desde CĆ³rdoba (EspaƱa)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Huh?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 10/4
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HSM |08:|07 A little too much it seems...
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HSM |08:|07 And a Good Day to you sir!
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 m.att33 |08:|07 Foxtrot Unifrom Charlie Kilo :P
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07 ...,-+*+_{[33]}_+*+-,...
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 kopi |08:|07 hola amigoes qQ
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dumbgoy |08:|07 BBSES ARE NEAT! :D =) ;3
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 djatropine |08:|07 WAS SaP PeN ING
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dumbgoy |08:|07 They'd said!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Woohoo New episode of Zine radio podcast just d |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 at qUAntUm RaDio! come che |11 |08:|07 Beyond the scene: Fanedits with Bobson Dugnutt |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 FlashParty 2023 is coming, mfuckas!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 pyrewyrm |08:|07 If you are familiar with Go and want a nifty te |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 UI library checkout bubbletea.
    |11 |08:|07 https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 galactor |08:|07 Does anyone here play Riichi Mahjong?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Grizz |08:|07 Woooo Grizz in Da House!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 thekds224 |08:|07 can anyone see this?
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Cyberneticist |08:|07 Yes i can see this thekds224
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 grizzly |08:|07 I can't s/s /s q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Roon |08:|07 anyone can see this! :)
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Yep..We see all
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 tsunagari |08:|07 Hi
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 yessirnosir |08:|07 Hello flat universe, I love you
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 everybody see everything
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 tindugan |08:|07 nigga
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 thekds224 |08:|07 this is so cool... wtf im mad i im mad i missed |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 era
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 HusTler |08:|07 Don't be mad?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 grizzly |08:|07 text only webpage grizz.atwebpages.com
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 Greetz from www.theunderground.us:7771 SSH 1002 |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 Telnet BBS wasn't answering, we are now. Derp. |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 albedogobeep |08:|07 Beep :3
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 If anyone see's Guido, tell him to be afraid, b |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 afraid!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 deepthaw |08:|07 breakin' the law breakin' the law. Telemate 4ev |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MRgasNbullets |08:|07 Telemate?
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dark rebellion |08:|07 Stop by Wizard's Rainbow and play Automatic Adv |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 wizardsrainbow.com port 23...
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 "Let those who are in favour with their stars/ |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 public honour and proud titles boast,/ Whils |11 |08:|07 fortune of such triumph bars,/ Unlooked for joy |11 |08:|07 that I honour most;/ " (Shakespeare Sonnet 25) |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 ML: I saw Guido, he wasn't afraid -- yet.
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 opus7 |08:|07 These days, were things start being more uncert |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 they seemed for a while, c |11 |08:|07 vintage computer seems a save heaven
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 israel |08:|07 Greetings from Seoul! MSX+Obsonet
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Klapper |08:|07 BBS forever
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 alpha |08:|07 what's up 20ForBeers crew?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dante |08:|07 v
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Dunsen |08:|07 Had a very busy week, Alpha.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Thanks to all who joined in with the imprompty |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 last night, it was a lot o |11 |08:|07 again soon.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Teno |08:|07 Cu ntos hinchas de Boca usan BBS alrededor del |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Bucky |08:|07 Hello, world?
    |11 Dave's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 strawa |08:|07 Drinking beer, blues in background and amig 120 |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 wifi card!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 tito |08:|07 Saludos desde Espa¤a
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 I missed TGT - I won't miss it next time.. yeee |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 hawww!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 sadie711 |08:|07 The palmdb community is working on connecting t |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 very own bbs to use with p |11 |08:|07 out world ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Ac  un hincha de Boca que usa BBS, carajo
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Retronaut |08:|07 hello from muffinterm
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 meowmeowmeow |08:|07 Cool place!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 grimakis |08:|07 Hello
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 Uhg I missed TGT also. Where announced?
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 monacelli |08:|07 Here I sit, broken hearted...
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 @The_Godfather, I announced it in the matrix, t |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 where I will announce when |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Fissile Syntax |08:|07 When is the last time you had a nice meatball? |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Teno |08:|07 Cheers earthlings!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Okeanos |08:|07 Back again after god knows how many months...! |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 Cheers, Teno!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 paulie420 |08:|07 Hunting for softwarez @ 2oFB!! Video c0ming... |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 GreeTZ from 2o!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 deepthaw |08:|07 It took more blood sweat and tears than I wante |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 I'm in OS/2
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 bytor |08:|07 Got QMPro working in DOSBox-X for the ultimate |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 experience!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 captnhammer |08:|07 Howdy!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 aNACHRONiST |08:|07 |10Happy Thanksgiving from aBSiNTHE!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 dingle |08:|07 hai guys
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 crystalvoyager |08:|07 water can be anything it needs to be. it is nev |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 anything but. q ]q[
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 MaxMouse |08:|07 New Account signup available for a limited time |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 Hypernode. Sign-up today @ hypernode.ddns.net |11 |08:|07 HyperChat and more!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Sloop |08:|07 happy holidays!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 slider_on_the_black |08:|07 Hello there!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 grep |08:|07 hey
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Roon |08:|07 started to extend file areas with more dos and |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07 stuff
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Codefenix |08:|07 What's up, good people?
    |11 ConstructiveChaos BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 apam |08:|07 Hello World!
    |11 Smuggler's Cove |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Zajoc |08:|07 Hello folks!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 0zZ-U |08:|07 test test
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Invitado |08:|07 ASDF 1 2 3 10 ASDF S S S Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 CBM_Ba |08:|07 Hello from germany! I am connected with a Ccomm |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 MMF 9000 Commodore MMF9000 aka SuperPET.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 roguewielder |08:|07 Boppity bippity your breathing is now a conscio |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 activity.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 Don Epi |08:|07 CBM_Ba wow!! what about the ANSI//ASCII? does i |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 translate it fine?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 The Godfather |08:|07 This BBS is bad a$$! Come check it out
    |11 ConstructiveChaos BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 kx151010 |08:|07 pl4n3t_cr4wl3rs h2s 3nt3r3d th3 g4m3 q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 pogi |08:|07 hey everyone im from philippines
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 will |08:|07 hola soy dora v q Q Q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |09 will |08:|07 water
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Al's Geek Lab -=- bbs.alsgeeklab.com:2323 (21:1/126)
  • From lotusrubi@21:1/158 to IBBS1LINE on Tue Apr 23 04:34:05 2024
    Author: lotusrubi
    Source: |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14

    |11 |08:|07 MzzL!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 Apologies to all that IBBS-onliners was misused |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 2oFB. :/ I've erased the msg locally (delete it |11 |08:|07 interbbs data)... YES: V-Base is live in the 2o |11 |08:|07 Archives! beta-testing a few issues but big tha |11 |08:|07 Opicron!! :P
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 undhund; I've done a few LFS installs. A Proxmo |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 VirtualBox - and my favorite/current runs on a |11 |08:|07 ThinkPad T430. I'm slowly building it up to a G |11 |08:|07 OS... networking & wifi currently.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 DaveW |08:|07 I just bought a Dell PowerEdge that i plan on |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 Installing Proxmox onto. P |11 |08:|07 VMs
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 I love proxmox, I use it on all my hypervisors. |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 onekw |08:|07 MuffinTerm for macos is great if you're using a |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 0zZ-U |08:|07 Hello all :) I like my keyboard
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 x1pepe |08:|07 Hello world XD
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Peron |08:|07 v
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Peron |08:|07 Quien quiera copiar que copie, quien quiera com |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 que compile
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Anthk |08:|07 Hello from OpenBSD
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Hello! Hola!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Q Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Good day
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 x1pepe |08:|07 Here we go
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 CtLeft |08:|07 Good Afternoon, and good evening. Happy Friday! |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 **B0100000023be50 **B070000000067d4
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dev1ls |08:|07 hehehe :P
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Sovereign |08:|07 Sup Y'all
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Happy Sunday you all :)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dunsen |08:|07 Sunday fun day!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Shibuya |08:|07 john duffle johnbag
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 mugsoul |08:|07 Happy Freaken Monday
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 onekw |08:|07 Autumns is coming...
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Long Live textmode... FlashParty 2023 is arrivi |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Q QQ Q /Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 mugsoul |08:|07 Turn off ya AC!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 DustCouncil |08:|07 You know what band I don't think I've ever had |11 Shibboleths |08:|07 conversation about, ever? The Outfield. Man, |11 |08:|07 a band I do not care about, and don't miss.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Roon |08:|07 enjoyed drawing ANSis in the past few weeks
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 The Vault is always adding something c00l - her |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 get my QSL Card!! :P w00t w00t.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 M.33 |08:|07 Smiles for miles, Fun in the sun. ;3
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 FlashParty is coming! Best demoparty ever ;) Oc |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 28 - 2023 ! - Don Epi will be in da house!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Just added a new game to TQW, it's a choose you |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 adventure style game, with |11 |08:|07 the user, and I'd love for some feedback if som |11 |08:|07 wants to try it =) doors menu `>` for page 2, t |11 |08:|07 to play.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 hyjinx |08:|07 I just called to say I love you.. and I mean it |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 the bottom of this BBS :)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 onesimus |08:|07 ? +++
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 onesimus |08:|07 +++
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer - have a listen on Yo |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 or Spotify! Absolutely ama |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 ­Saludos desde los confines del Cid Campeador! |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 Love dialing into Al's Geek Lab - the YT gangst |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 our BBS w0rld. w00t w00t!!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Checs |08:|07 Hola mundo! Primera vez en un BBS :)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Tetra |08:|07 Saludos desde CĆ³rdoba (EspaƱa)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 HusTler |08:|07 Huh?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 10/4
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 HSM |08:|07 A little too much it seems...
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 HSM |08:|07 And a Good Day to you sir!
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 m.att33 |08:|07 Foxtrot Unifrom Charlie Kilo :P
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07 ...,-+*+_{[33]}_+*+-,...
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 kopi |08:|07 hola amigoes qQ
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dumbgoy |08:|07 BBSES ARE NEAT! :D =) ;3
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 djatropine |08:|07 WAS SaP PeN ING
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dumbgoy |08:|07 They'd said!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Woohoo New episode of Zine radio podcast just d |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 at qUAntUm RaDio! come che |11 |08:|07 Beyond the scene: Fanedits with Bobson Dugnutt |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 FlashParty 2023 is coming, mfuckas!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 pyrewyrm |08:|07 If you are familiar with Go and want a nifty te |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 UI library checkout bubbletea.
    |11 |08:|07 https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 galactor |08:|07 Does anyone here play Riichi Mahjong?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Grizz |08:|07 Woooo Grizz in Da House!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 thekds224 |08:|07 can anyone see this?
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Cyberneticist |08:|07 Yes i can see this thekds224
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 grizzly |08:|07 I can't s/s /s q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Roon |08:|07 anyone can see this! :)
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 HusTler |08:|07 Yep..We see all
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 tsunagari |08:|07 Hi
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 yessirnosir |08:|07 Hello flat universe, I love you
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 everybody see everything
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 tindugan |08:|07 nigga
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 thekds224 |08:|07 this is so cool... wtf im mad i im mad i missed |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 era
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 HusTler |08:|07 Don't be mad?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 grizzly |08:|07 text only webpage grizz.atwebpages.com
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Greetz from www.theunderground.us:7771 SSH 1002 |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 Telnet BBS wasn't answering, we are now. Derp. |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 albedogobeep |08:|07 Beep :3
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 If anyone see's Guido, tell him to be afraid, b |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 afraid!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 deepthaw |08:|07 breakin' the law breakin' the law. Telemate 4ev |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MRgasNbullets |08:|07 Telemate?
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dark rebellion |08:|07 Stop by Wizard's Rainbow and play Automatic Adv |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 wizardsrainbow.com port 23...
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dunsen |08:|07 "Let those who are in favour with their stars/ |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 public honour and proud titles boast,/ Whils |11 |08:|07 fortune of such triumph bars,/ Unlooked for joy |11 |08:|07 that I honour most;/ " (Shakespeare Sonnet 25) |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 ML: I saw Guido, he wasn't afraid -- yet.
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 opus7 |08:|07 These days, were things start being more uncert |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 they seemed for a while, c |11 |08:|07 vintage computer seems a save heaven
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 israel |08:|07 Greetings from Seoul! MSX+Obsonet
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Klapper |08:|07 BBS forever
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 alpha |08:|07 what's up 20ForBeers crew?
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dante |08:|07 v
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dunsen |08:|07 Had a very busy week, Alpha.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Thanks to all who joined in with the imprompty |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 last night, it was a lot o |11 |08:|07 again soon.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Cu ntos hinchas de Boca usan BBS alrededor del |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Bucky |08:|07 Hello, world?
    |11 Dave's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 strawa |08:|07 Drinking beer, blues in background and amig 120 |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 wifi card!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 tito |08:|07 Saludos desde Espa¤a
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 I missed TGT - I won't miss it next time.. yeee |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 hawww!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 sadie711 |08:|07 The palmdb community is working on connecting t |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 very own bbs to use with p |11 |08:|07 out world ;)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Ac  un hincha de Boca que usa BBS, carajo
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Retronaut |08:|07 hello from muffinterm
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 meowmeowmeow |08:|07 Cool place!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 grimakis |08:|07 Hello
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Uhg I missed TGT also. Where announced?
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 monacelli |08:|07 Here I sit, broken hearted...
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 @The_Godfather, I announced it in the matrix, t |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 where I will announce when |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Fissile Syntax |08:|07 When is the last time you had a nice meatball? |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Cheers earthlings!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Okeanos |08:|07 Back again after god knows how many months...! |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Cheers, Teno!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 Hunting for softwarez @ 2oFB!! Video c0ming... |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 GreeTZ from 2o!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 deepthaw |08:|07 It took more blood sweat and tears than I wante |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 I'm in OS/2
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 bytor |08:|07 Got QMPro working in DOSBox-X for the ultimate |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 experience!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 captnhammer |08:|07 Howdy!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 aNACHRONiST |08:|07 |10Happy Thanksgiving from aBSiNTHE!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dingle |08:|07 hai guys
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 water can be anything it needs to be. it is nev |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 anything but. q ]q[
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MaxMouse |08:|07 New Account signup available for a limited time |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 Hypernode. Sign-up today @ hypernode.ddns.net |11 |08:|07 HyperChat and more!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Sloop |08:|07 happy holidays!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 slider_on_the_black |08:|07 Hello there!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 grep |08:|07 hey
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Roon |08:|07 started to extend file areas with more dos and |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07 stuff
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Codefenix |08:|07 What's up, good people?
    |11 ConstructiveChaos BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 apam |08:|07 Hello World!
    |11 Smuggler's Cove |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Zajoc |08:|07 Hello folks!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 0zZ-U |08:|07 test test
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Invitado |08:|07 ASDF 1 2 3 10 ASDF S S S Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 CBM_Ba |08:|07 Hello from germany! I am connected with a Ccomm |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 MMF 9000 Commodore MMF9000 aka SuperPET.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 roguewielder |08:|07 Boppity bippity your breathing is now a conscio |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 activity.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 CBM_Ba wow!! what about the ANSI//ASCII? does i |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 translate it fine?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Codefenix |08:|07 Testing... TESTING... 1 2 3!!!
    |11 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 webby |08:|07 i love it here! Fuck Gavin Newsome! hell yea! |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 w00h00 - bbSing in 2o24; lets g00000! None
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 2o fOr beeRS testing IBOL for foul-mouth posts. |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Maxmouse |08:|07 FUCK THAT!
    |11 The Ruins |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MrAureliusR |08:|07 BBSing in 2024 indeed... gotta find the good bo |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 tho I wish there was a bet |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me an |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 Hoping y'all have a wonder |11 |08:|07 the best year yet!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 StackFault |08:|07 Happy holidays to everyone! Do not forget to tr |11 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 Bottomless Abyss Holidays contest. For a wh |11 |08:|07 you can have a lot of fun by solving challenges |11 |08:|07 playings games! Give it a try!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Zarnock |08:|07 Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new |11 The Zone BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 unixl0rd |08:|07 Merry Xmas y'all!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 mididump |08:|07 merry christmas eve eve. was gonna see eyes wid |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 at the new beverly today but got into a fight a |11 |08:|07 decided to mope around at home. hope everyones |11 |08:|07 is better :3c
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Merry Christmas from The Underground!
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Merry Christmas! Greetings from Argentina!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 TheVaultBBS.ddns.net (2323)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Codefenix |08:|07 |02Merry Christmas |15from |09ConChaos|15!
    |11 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 howardplayzoa |08:|07 Merry Christmas! Do you want to know about Jesu |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 Christ and what has he done to our sins? Well, |11 |08:|07 me via i2p: itshowardplayzoa@mail ds or
    |11 |08:|07 howkertree@icloud.com.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Xanth |08:|07 Happy Yule to all!
    |11 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Maxmouse |08:|07 Jesus Christ died for all your sins, was buried |11 The Ruins |08:|07 then ressurected 3 days later, according to scr |11 |08:|07 Just accept the gift of salvation, its free! On |11 |08:|07 believe you are sealed with the holy spirit and |11 |08:|07 saved forever. You dont have to 'become religio |11 |08:|07 'change your life' else Jesus died for nothing, |11 |08:|07 believe! (JOHN 3:16). #OSAS
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 hollowone |08:|07 Jesus Christ did it for fun. And as we all know |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 There is no laughter without a slaughter!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 SoDa7 |08:|07 Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everone o |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 roman |08:|07 Welcome to new Gopher gopher://shibboleths.org/ |11 The Ruins |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Pingvin Pingvin |08:|07 Merry Christmas and Happy new year for everyone |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Arlequin |08:|07 Jesus Christ was an underpaid ascii artist
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Happy New Year for those not online this weeken |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Feliz a¤o para todos, que 2024 sea lleno de amo |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 prosperidad!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Que los reyes magios escolten a pap  Nuel y que |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 mover el sulqui tirado por sus camellos con tot |11 |08:|07 libertad mientras el conejo de cuaresma le pone |11 |08:|07 pastito al faso
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Felicidades!! Happy new year! // New Epimundo i |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 Mode Video is arriving....... stay tuned.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 New HPM artpack! (Hermanas del Perro Magnetico |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 ANSI, ASCII, PETSCII - Download it now!
    |11 |08:|07 thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323 - Hermanas HQ
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Krull |08:|07 Happy new year, hermanos! :)
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 HPM is Fuego puro!
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Anachronist |08:|07 |10 Greets from aBSiNTHE!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Utopian Galt |08:|07 Inland Utopia BBS * Still around in 2024. Damn |11 Inland Utopia |08:|07 29 years of a BBS in some form or another.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 SSH on port 45022 is now working again over her |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 woohoo. Thanks to ZIP for |11 |08:|07 suggestion/advice/patience.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 george |08:|07 telnet really is telnet
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 friskermcelligot |08:|07 hello world friskermcelligot hello
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Al |08:|07 I failed math so many times at school, I cant e |11 The Rusty MailBox |08:|07 count.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Codefenix |08:|07 I bought a pair of shoes from a drug dealer. I |11 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 know what he laced them with, bu |11 |08:|07 all day.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Roon |08:|07 just released my first aGU4RD ansi pack! woooho |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 Where at, roon? I l00ked on 16colo.rs - you sho |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 upload it there too!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Rolo |08:|07 Somewhere in time it's 01/20/2024... Nice year |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 that!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Hey, who reincarnated Mr. Don Rolo!? I must te |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 Guido
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Hello there! Connecting from a Raspberry Pi Zer |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 syncterm OTG -> ethernet -> tethering -> Linux |11 |08:|07 The Vault BBS!!! Adding more nerd to my soul!!! |11 |08:|07 Cheers!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Wow, Teno...
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Kornnugget |08:|07 Don't Trust Atoms. They make up everything.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 thE grAvY trAIn Is ArrIvIng tOnIght At 20:00 Ut |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 mrc! swIng bY And sAY h0wd |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 hello connecting from gameboy guts inside an ol |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07 grind shoes" shoe box plugged into a hairdryer |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Rolo |08:|07 Hello my fellow Camaradas! Greetings from the d |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 The Vaults
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 crystalvoyager, without pic theres no truth.... |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 mikethemac |08:|07 It's true, I was the Game Boy.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 hahaha... now Im a believer!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 crystalvoyaer! wow man! Now I need a hairdryer |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 GameBoy!!!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 decipher 3305 769930 1774 71173
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Mmmhhh, crystalvoyager... leet gossip ??? leet |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 that ?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 not leet.
    |11 bbs.pLANETcARAVAN.org|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Now I can't sleep
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Guilius |08:|07 CrystalVoyager well its not a Caesar cipher shi |11 |11C|03onstructive|11C|03haos|09BBS|08:|07 or +2
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 it was used commonly in the early 90s.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Happines is to connect to The Vault BBS from Ee |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 Devices (??) Eexotic Devices (??) Cheers!!!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Ragnarok |08:|07 La lucha continua!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 The 1st 2oFB DOOM NetPlay meetup went really we |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 youtu.be/j8_G0IJnb-Q?si=aQhtum2zPbu1vRVR Join u |11 |08:|07 month on o3/o2/24 @ 9PM EST!!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Long live Doom!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 howardplayzoa |08:|07 This week in California: raining, mudslides, et |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 devastating th e state, the Commie sat---- stat |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 toshi |08:|07 holamanolas a todo el undergr0und
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Omnibrain |08:|07 aaaaaaa
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 krull |08:|07 bbbbbbb
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Are you trying to buffer overflow the one-liner |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Kornnugget |08:|07 I just found out what a NABU PC is today.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 DOOMER1994 |08:|07 Using DOSBOX telemate for connection.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Gunnerman1994 |08:|07 I am gunnerman, lost account. Call me for a dea |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 SchooledBySatan |08:|07 Happy 2024.
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Dunsen |08:|07 Hello. :-)
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 amosagregory |08:|07 Make the most of the day!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Kornnugget |08:|07 Happy New Year! Now hit the gym!!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Gunnerman1994 |08:|07 Le 2024
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 roguewielder |08:|07 You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 miss 100% of the shots you do take because y |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 voidstar |08:|07 Yeehaw! Connected at 57600 baud on a Pentium l |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 using ZOC with OS/2. 80x25 FTW!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Kornnugget |08:|07 I don't trust atoms. They make up everything. |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 ivanrr |08:|07 Happy new year!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 cheese |08:|07 v q
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 vgiamp10 |08:|07 https://youtu.be/mSF5seOaBZk?si=O8fb7JeEC5dWQtB |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 frosty |08:|07 i cant belive bb's is still up in 2024! great j |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 finding thi -s whoever you are netrunner, yo |11 |08:|07 discovered an ancient piece of technology q
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 vutt |08:|07 Hi!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 AjaxIronside |08:|07 Hi there! It says I need to email the sysop, bu |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 what email?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 RCO |08:|07 happy new year
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 pengo |08:|07 girls being chip planted without them knowing i |11 Dave's BBS |08:|07 aware of gay men cult and israel state is testi |11 |08:|07 drugs on lolis and planting chips when they can |11 |08:|07 it ladies in danger so far know as 1. lolis and |11 |08:|07 nymphets 2. rhythmic gymnasts 3.mother-goddess |11 |08:|07 followers and girls who look like that 4.promin |11 |08:|07 subculture leaders 5. daughters of ladies who f |11 |08:|07 those criterea. Inform your friends and family! |11 |08:|07 of danger pools fit centers clinics saunas etc |11 |08:|07 palms feets and buttocks for roundy red dots an |11 |08:|07 stripes.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 International BBS Day - Friday February 16th 20 |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 Join me in MRC to celebrat |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Fissile Syntax |08:|07 I agree with Pengo, except Freemasons.
    |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 shitty |08:|07 I like sovereignty. Globalism kills.
    |11 Shibboleths |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Volvimoooos
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Bob Worm |08:|07 That pengo post was so good I shared screenshot |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 with my non-BBS friends! |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Still try to figure out what 3305 769930 1774 7 |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 means... Damn!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Having trouble building the latest version of |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 SyncTERM? head over to htt |11 |08:|07 up-to-date instructions. Also there's an auto-i |11 |08:|07 script for Debian/Ubuntu and Arch distros
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 If you find your SyncTERM hangs when trying to |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 SSH, edit the address book |11 |08:|07 Key to "No". This will then allow SSH to work a |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 My SyncTERM auto-installer script now also work |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 RedHat/Fedora OSes, I'd sa |11 |08:|07 |10curl -s https://erb.pw/get-syncterm.sh|bash| |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 mL You rock, thank you! I just built a new PC |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07 auto- installer is super helpful!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 You're welcome The Godfather, glad it helped! |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Slinky |08:|07 *tap* *tap* is this thing on? Just checking if |11 |15<> |14 |08:|07 working.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Slinky |08:|07 Well, that tagline was the most boring ever. Le |11 Slinky's Place |08:|07 an even MORE boring one :-)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 We got you here at The Underground Slinky
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Charlatan |08:|07 Happy Baud Day! (3/12/24)
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 FuZioN |08:|07 Hellooooo BBS land!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 xbit |08:|07 hax0r's do it @ the "X" :D
    |11 The X-BIT BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Happy monday, bunch of weirdos!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 John Polka |08:|07 Baud Day is coming! 3/12/24. southernamis.com/b |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 flatearthdisciple |08:|07 In 1997, Steve was chopping wood.
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 GigaG |08:|07 Hello, new here. Just getting into BBSing to be |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 honest.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 romieo |08:|07 helloo
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 romieo |08:|07 how active is this board any ol
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Just modified InterBBS One-liner to work with 1 |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 columns as well as 80 colu |11 |08:|07 columns and wants the code let me know and I wi |11 |08:|07 it up for you to grab
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 StephaneF |08:|07 Sorry I was supposed to introduce myself to the |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 but I did something wrong and didn't send it |11 |08:|07 don't know how to do it
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 StephaneF you are at the "inter bbs oneliners", |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 sharing your message with a lot of other boards |11 |08:|07 cool, isnt it?
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 nelgin |08:|07 Ribbit! Nice job. Would be nice if there was a |11 End Of The Line BBS |08:|07 forward/backward type viewer. Keep up the great |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Hawk |08:|07 Like WOW Man!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 ­Hola! ­Saludos desde Huayra Linux 6.5! Viva el |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 software libre y la democratizaci¢n de las
    |11 |08:|07 comunicaciones ­carajo!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Bo Holt |08:|07 Making retro tech videos on my YouTube channel! |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07 at: youtube.com/bollingholt
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 anpy |08:|07 Hey, I'm testing this BBS thing!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 the godfather |08:|07 Ahoy BBS land!
    |11 Smuggler's Cove |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Automatic Jack |08:|07 Saludos desde las redes empresariales de la PYM |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 grande del pais!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Presidentofzambia |08:|07 is anyone still here?
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Nitron |08:|07 No
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Adiee5 |08:|07 Wow, interesting
    |11 End Of The Line BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 FuZioN |08:|07 Hello from Retro32 BBS calling via Wormhole. :) |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 New QSL card design! Visit TheVaultBBS.ddns.net |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 and request your digital card (with "jgs" artwo |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 claudio |08:|07 Hello! This is the great Claudio speaking! Chee |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 you all!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 RustyLasagna |08:|07 Back from that thing called life. Hope you're a |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 doing well. :)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 paulie420 |08:|07 I love the new Vault BBS ANSi!! OMG!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Henry |08:|07 420!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Xumsixle |08:|07 Hello, This place seems nice
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dlurker |08:|07 add line to sentence or add sentence to paragra |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 suck is life a
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 dlurker |08:|07 hello sanket did you learn angular yet :)
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 John Polka |08:|07 Baud Day is coming! 3/12/24
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 John Polka |08:|07 Hey Baud, where you going with that modem in yo |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07 hand? Gonna Dial up a BBS. Because Baud Day is |11 |08:|07 planned! 3/12/24!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 f0rbid |08:|07 exit ;;;;;
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 long live textmode!!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 John Polka |08:|07 Happy Baud Day!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 slacker |08:|07 Happy Baud Day
    |11 Dave's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 El_fede |08:|07 Hola manga de pelotudi q Q
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 stern |08:|07 happy baud day
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 John Polka |08:|07 Baud Day was awesome!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 DENN |08:|07 Awe Buad day is over :(
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 akacastor |08:|07 Every day is baud day here!
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 henry |08:|07 a1bbs.ddns.net A1 BBS! OLD SCHOOL!
    |11 |10Al's Geek Lab |15BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 olympic |08:|07 bump
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Utopian Galt |08:|07 A BBS without 16 bit door games feels rather na |11 Inland Utopia |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 austin |08:|07 forknife
    |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 jas hud |08:|07 hey bro. will set you up on scinet this weekend |11 BBS GameTime |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 FuZioN |08:|07 Hey all!!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Slinky |08:|07 This hasn't updated for a couple of days, is th |11 |15Slinky's Place |08:|07 still working? (asking for a friend)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 mrchameleon |08:|07 ryan and colin were here the proof is in the pu |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07 always trust your crazy ideas stressed is desse |11 |08:|07 spelled backwards
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 Getting you here at The Underground Slinky!
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 crystalvoyager |08:|07 stop boiling chicken breasts.
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Viouxdoo |08:|07 Stop grilling lime jello.
    |11 |15Slinky's Place |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Happy textmode sundays!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Rolo |08:|07 Today is a GOOD day for BBsing. Like yesterday. |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 tomorrow...
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Roon |08:|07 keep on jumpin'
    |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 I hear a train in the distance... could it real |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 The Godfather |08:|07 A Gravey Train? All in! When? Where?
    |11 The Underground BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Yessir! When? Friday @ 20:00 UTC/4pm EST, where |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 MRC of course =)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 foxagg |08:|07 LET THE SECOND DAY OF REVISION... ...BEGIN!!!! |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 buckshot |08:|07 The Truth Is (Still) Out There
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 buckshot |08:|07 keep on keepin' on
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Bo Holt |08:|07 New Tandy 1000 video youtube.com/bollingholt - |11 Roon's BBS |08:|07 Micros
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 foxagg |08:|07 Hello, people of the UndergroundNET!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 TheNewAutonomy |08:|07 Still hanging out on BBS systems
    |11 After Hours BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Denn |08:|07 Hello peoples of the old dial-up tech.
    |11 After Hours BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Havok |08:|07 |11Those were the days, 24 to 48 calls a day ov |11 After Hours BBS |08:|07 14.4 modems!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 olympic |08:|07 posting from ssh
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Utopian Galt |08:|07 I want to be a positive role model.
    |11 Inland Utopia |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Rolo |08:|07 What! is Sunday and you are NOT bbsing? What a |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 on you!
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 hereward |08:|07 Greetings to the elders of the internet
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Arcanum_Obscura |08:|07 Love the fact that this secret BBS dimension st |11 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07 exists! The primeval origins of the interne |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 nestalert |08:|07 I will always remember, when the BBS was king. |11 The Bottomless Abyss BBS|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Stu Miller |08:|07 This is still one of the more secure means of |11 |15Slinky's Place |08:|07 communications. I don't figure too many people |11 |08:|07 intercepting FidoNet packets or selling BBS dat |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 apam |08:|07 BBSes are anything but secure. Obscure maybe, b |11 HappyLand! |08:|07 definitley not secure.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Lets settle it: "Obsecure"
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 I'll buy that Don Epi!
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MeaTLoTioN |08:|07 Come join us in MRC tonight at 20:00 UTC for th |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07 trAIn! Or watch online at |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Soldan |08:|07 aqui saludando desde una laptop toshiba portege |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 pentium 2 usando telnet a pelo desde cmd, levan |11 |08:|07 joya
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 Saludos Soldan!!! Goedenacht!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 myl |08:|07 ooga booga
    |11 Archaic Binary |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 your momma used to say that tonight, myl
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Slinky |08:|07 Greetings to all the cool kids on the BBS this |11 |15Slinky's Place |08:|07 evening.
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Come and see our new TV menues! -
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07 thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323 Six channels! - New a |11 |08:|07 - New collections! The Vault TV (first textmode |11 |08:|07 television)
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Cybercirujas |08:|07 cybercirujas was here
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 MASTERHIT |08:|07 420 !
    |11 2o fOr beeRS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 Go Boca Juniors!!
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Teno |08:|07 What is Cyberciruja?
    |11 The Vault BBS |08:|07
    |08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |13 Don Epi |08:|07 This board rocks! TQW for the win
    |11 |11t|03hE |11q|03UAntUm |11w|03OrmhOlE|14|08:|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (21:1/158)