• sl*.*

    From Milos Bajer@2:423/81 to Allfix on Sun Mar 8 00:30:02 2020
    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-b20110320
    * Origin: ->> fido.bajer.cz / +420-233341039 ISDN/V90/HST <<- (2:423/81)
  • From BRoboCop 1:261/38@1:261/38 to Milos Bajer on Sat Mar 7 18:40:02 2020
    Following files were found:

    Directory: /comm/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slip.zip 940207 1318k 3 slip drivers
    slip_doc.zip 940525 5k 5 SLIP, Serial Line IP SLIP is a currently a de
    facto standard, commonly used for
    point-to-point serial connections running
    TCP/IP. SLIP has its origins in the 3COM UNET
    TCP/IP implementation from the early 1980's. It
    is merely a packet framing protocol. SLIP
    defines a sequence of characters that frame IP
    packets on a serial line, and nothing more. It
    provides no addressing, packet type
    identification, error detection/correction or
    compression mechanisms.

    Directory: /ads/adsstmod/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    SLEEP.LHA 010228 175k 6 MED-Module by Ukrainian Dreamer (ADS)

    Directory: /ads/adstext/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    SLTLKCTG.LHA 020516 14k 5 Results (and more) of 2002 Olympic games (ADS)

    Directory: /argus/argus_util/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    SLEEP.EXE 000119 294k 2 ôC¿½H¬¶ »¶ß¬áCH Cá¬: sleep <¬«½¿tÑßCó« ßѬ¶¡ñ>
    <ê¼n ½¿¡¿¿ Çaú¶ßá> äá ºá»¶ß¬áCH ¿º »«ñ ó«Ctñ«úá
    ¡áßCa«Ñ¡¡«ú« ¡á NO DIAL TONE ¿ ¶C¿½H ßñѽáÑC
    »á¶º¬ ó »a«ºó«¡¬Ñ
    SLEEP.RAR 000119 148k 2 ØCá »a«ª¬á ñ«½ª¡á ºá»¶ß¬áCHßn tÑaѺ ß«ígC¿Ñ ß
    áC«¼«¼ Input Watchdog Ext. App. NO DIAL TONE <
    c:\modem\argus\sleep.exe 600 Line_1 %Z âñÑ
    c:\modem\argus\ »¶CH ¬ »a«úaá¼¼Ñ sleep 600
    Cᬼá¶C ó »a«ºó«¡¬Ñ ÇóC«a f - î¿Cn â½áñg¤Ñó

    Directory: /bfds/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    sl-cut11.zip 981225 10k 1 CUT Version 1.1: CUT deletes characters from
    standard-input, similar to UNIX cut.
    sled11.zip 981225 32k 1 SLED and SLHED are small, fast text editors for
    the IBM PC designed for program, BATCH and data
    sled_pd.zip 980326 32k 4 Sam's Little EDitor, great DOS text editor is
    now declared Freeware! by its author, Sam
    Wilmott. Details in SLED.DOC. It's the same
    great editor, only the .DOC has changed.
    sleep.zip 981225 26k 1 Allows variable length pauses in batch files

    Directory: /camelot/lord2fil/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slvil20.zip 020520 20k 5 SandLand Village v2.00 LORD II IGM
    slvil21.zip 020625 21k 3 SandLand Village v2.10 LORD II IGM
    slvil22.zip 030620 68k 4 SandLand Village v2.2
    Lord II IGM
    Author: Max Larivée [FieldSoft IGMs]
    Email: cracktus@hotmail.com
    A nomadic camp set in the desert where
    everyday is a sunny day! Do your
    shopping, or stay with the locals to
    brawl for strength, learn to dance, and
    flirt at the Lemonade Stand.
    slvil23.zip 030709 68k 3 SandLand Village v2.3
    Lord II IGM
    Author: Max Larivée [FieldSoft IGMs]
    Email: cracktus@hotmail.com
    A nomadic camp set in the desert where
    everyday is a sunny day! Do your
    shopping, or stay with the locals to
    brawl for strength, learn to dance, and
    flirt at the Lemonade Stand.

    Directory: /cbm/6-modem/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slipdem2.sfx 991212 7k 1 slipdemo2 ; neue version von slip f. c64; new
    version of slip for c64
    slipdemo.sfx 991212 12k 1 slipdemo ; demo des slip-protokols f. c64 demo
    of slip-protocol f. c64

    Directory: /comm/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slip.zip 940207 1318k 3 slip drivers
    slip_doc.zip 940525 5k 5 SLIP, Serial Line IP SLIP is a currently a de
    facto standard, commonly used for
    point-to-point serial connections running
    TCP/IP. SLIP has its origins in the 3COM UNET
    TCP/IP implementation from the early 1980's. It
    is merely a packet framing protocol. SLIP
    defines a sequence of characters that frame IP
    packets on a serial line, and nothing more. It
    provides no addressing, packet type
    identification, error detection/correction or
    compression mechanisms.

    Directory: /epub/ep-ascii/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    sleep10.zip 921031 35k 0 gut. proj. 41. the legend of sleep hollow, by
    washington irving
    slman10.zip 970831 36k 0 p.g. 1017. the soul of man, by oscar wilde

    Directory: /fernwood/fwapps/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slovo020.zip 040420 773k 0 English to Russian dictionary/translator.
    60.000 words.

    File not found.
    Directory: /fernwood/fwsysutl/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    sl100wpi.zip 150513 214k 0 System Load v1.0.0 WPI.
    sl100src.zip 150513 444k 0 System Load v1.0.0 - sources
    sl102.zip 150701 271k 0 SystemLoad v1.0.2
    sl102src.zip 150701 529k 0 System Load v1.0.2 - sources
    sl102rpk.zip 150701 805k 0 System Load v1.0.2 repack
    sl102srk.zip 150615 529k 0 System Load v1.0.2 sources repack

    Directory: /fernwood/fwutils/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    sl106.zip 180802 341k 0 SystemLoad v1.0.6
    sl106src.zip 180802 606k 0 SystemLoad v1.0.6 SRC

    Directory: /tabletdev/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    SlyceMsg.zip 160802 350k 0 A messaging library for Android

    Directory: /lnx4apps/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    slnx209.zip 040427 554k 2 SYSLINUX is a collection of boot loaders for
    the Linux operating system which operates off
    MS-DOS floppies, network servers using PXE

    There are 366 additional lines not included to this report.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)