• WEATHER Expiration WARNing #1

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Daryl Stout on Fri Apr 3 18:59:28 2020
    To: Daryl Stout, 1:19/33
    CC: wx1der@gmail.com

    WARNing 1 of 4: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: WEATHER Group: FIDO

    TITLe: National Weather Network

    This echo is to be used for the studies and forecasting of
    the weather surrounding the planet. We will take a look at weather in the
    past, present, and what the future holds for us. What causes tornadoes?
    How is hail made? How high does our atmosphere go? These and other
    issues will be studied, and current statistical information will be used
    to keep you informed about the weather around you. This echo is to be used
    for the studies and forecasting of the weather surrounding the planet. We
    will take a look at weather in the past, present, and what the future
    holds for us. What causes tornadoes? How is hail made? How high does our
    atmosphere go? These and other issues will be studied, and current
    statistical information will be used to keep you informed about the
    weather around you.

    RULEs: {Not Found}

    MODerator: Daryl Stout, 1:19/33
    Email: wx1der{at}gmail.com
    COMODerator1: Daryl Stout, 1:19/33
    Email: wx1der{at}gmail.com

    VOLume: 1,500/month

    ORIGIN: 1:2320/105

    RESTrictions: /REAL

    DISTribution: May not be gated without moderator permission

    From: Daryl Stout, 1:19/33
    Email: wx1der{at}gmail.com

    Updated on: 2019/03/25 and valid till 2019/09/30

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)