Hi All,
...Greets from my Telegram app!
President Putin wrapped up his annual Q&A session in around 3hrs 30mins..
..as he took questions from the Russian public on a huge range of topics. Around 2 million in total were sent in even before the start of the marathon session.
Here are some of the highlights:
??WW3 won't happen because the West won't win! Putin called the HMS Defender scandal in Crimea a "complex provocation" by the US and UK.
??On relations with the US - well, it's all down to Washington! The president said the reason Russia and the likes of China are getting hit by sanctions is largely down to the US being scared to lose its grip on the world.
??Facebook and Big Tech need to bend to Russian law - not the other way around!
??There will be no mandatory vaccines in Russia, but Putin backs local governors and mayors who want to oblige certain citizens and sectors to get a jab. (Putin mentioned he took Sputnik V)
??Russia's deep spiritual and cultural roots will help the diverse Russian people through any challenge.
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* Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)