• when i hate trees

    From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Wed May 12 23:20:00 2021

    The blackflies will descend (or emerge) upon us shortly. So
    yardwork that requires extended time outdoors, particularly
    when the evening hours are only available, is best to be done
    not much later than now.

    I have a problematic tree that was extending its topmost
    branches through the overhead phone line, and the middle
    (neutral) of the power feed. The upper branches were poised to
    reach the top high-voltage line shortly.

    I really hate that tree. I regret that I didn't manage my
    yardwork over the years the nip that sucker at the roots years
    ago. Well, a lot of things have happend over the years and that
    part of the property had low priority for me overall. So, I
    hate myself more.

    But, I decided to tackle the job. I got home from my shop at
    about 5p, grabbed my hand saw, and pole pruner and went at it.
    About 45 minutes later, here are the results:


    I left the resolution rather high so that zooming in can
    provide some details.

    I couldn't simply saw that tree down at the base because the
    upper branches were already weaving though the lower and middle
    wires. I used a combination of a pole-extension pruner (don't
    know the official term for those things - but you can spot it
    leaning against the tree near the handsaw and my gloves in a
    couple of the pictures) to snip the highest branches first, and
    then I used the handsaw to remove the lower ones when there
    wouldn't be problem of anything leaning into the wires.

    I have to be impressed with myself as I maneuvered all through
    its branches. I had to use the hand saw at the highest
    remaining spots in the picture. But I left some strategic
    branches for footing higher up for stability while holding on
    with one hand.

    Looking closely, the top part in t2 and t1 looks like a hand
    with a thumb and fingers.

    I have some "before" shots from a few months ago. I'll post
    those later for comparison if anyone is interested.

    I'm glad that's done. Now I can safely cut down the rest of it
    with a couple of single cuts near the bottom.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Mobile? Join CHAT here: https://tinyurl.com/y5k7tsla (1:153/757.21)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Thu May 13 09:52:00 2021
    ** On Wednesday 12.05.21 - 23:20, August Abolins wrote to All:

    But, I decided to tackle the job. I got home from my shop at
    about 5p, grabbed my hand saw, and pole pruner and went at it.
    About 45 minutes later, here are the results:


    APOLOGIES. It appears that the https:// in subdomains is not

    These ought to resolve better:

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Mobile? Join CHAT here: https://tinyurl.com/y5k7tsla (1:153/757.21)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to August Abolins on Thu May 13 16:36:17 2021
    Hi August,

    On 2021-05-13 09:52:00, you wrote to All:


    APOLOGIES. It appears that the https:// in subdomains is not

    My browser has no problems with them. When I move my cursor over the little padlock sign in the address bar it even says: "Verified by: Let's Encrypt" ...

    Bye, Wilfred.
    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.2 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu May 13 11:30:38 2021
    APOLOGIES. It appears that the https:// in subdomains is not

    My browser has no problems with them. When I move my cursor over the little padlock sign in the address bar it even says: "Verified by: Let's Encrypt"

    Thanks for the report. I don't recall it failing on my FF and Opera(XP)for previous links to my photos.kolico.ca subdomain. But it did fail this time. I hope it's not a permanent issue.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)