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The Simpsons predict Bitcoin Boon!
In a recent episode, The Simpsons once again made a prediction in the form of satire where they hinted that the price of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin would go up for infinity.
The 31-year-running animated comedy has gotten a reputation for getting predictions of the future right. Some examples are:
-Donald Trump becoming president.
-The Siegfried and Roy tiger attack
-The Ebola virus outbreak
-Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox
-Correctly predicting Super Bowl wins
-Correctly predicting Nobel Prize winners
-An infectious pandemic from China
-The NSA spying scandal
-And more!
Have they gotten it right, again?
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--- tg BBS v0.6.4
* Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)