• boldly go.. reflections on a life of awe and wonder

    From August Abolins@2:460/256 to All on Sun Nov 20 02:40:07 2022
    Hi All...

    boldly go.. reflections on a life of awe and wonder

    The opening paragraph from William Shatner's new book:

    "I heard a story once about a young John Lennon. In his school days, a teacher supposedly asked the class the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The teacher was likely expecting the usual range of answers answers: a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut, or even, heaven forbid, an actor. But ever precocious, young Johnny is said to have replied, ?Happy.? The teacher told him he hadn?t understood the assignment; according to Lennon, he replied that the teacher didn?t understand life.


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  • From John Dovey@4:920/1.1 to August Abolins on Tue Nov 22 19:49:16 2022
    Hi All...

    boldly go.. reflections on a life of awe and wonder

    The opening paragraph from William Shatner's new book:

    "I heard a story once about a young John Lennon. In his school days, a teacher supposedly asked the class the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The teacher was likely expecting the usual range of answers answers: a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut, or even, heaven forbid, an actor. But ever precocious, young Johnny is said to have replied, ?Happy.? The teacher told him he hadn?t understood the assignment; according to Lennon, he replied that the teacher didn?t understand life.

    If anyone ever doesn't understand what a split infinitive is, just point them to the most famous one of all "to boldly go"...

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  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to John Dovey on Tue Nov 22 20:37:00 2022
    boldly go.. reflections on a life of awe and wonder

    If anyone ever doesn't understand what a split infinitive
    is, just point them to the most famous one of all "to
    boldly go"...

    Apparently they are OK in conversation or spoken-word, as in
    the TV show's opening lines are spoken.

    But Shatner's book does not have the "To" in front of "Boldly


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