• New Aminet Files available at AmigaXess (2020-08-28)

    From AmigaXess@39:170/400 to All on Fri Aug 28 21:30:12 2020
    _ _ __ __
    /_\ _ __ (_)__ _ __ _\ \/ /___ ______ Sysop \ Ingo Juergensmann
    / _ \| ' \| / _` / _` |> </ -_|_-<_-< BinkD \ ftn.amigaxess.de
    /_/ \_\_|_|_|_\__, \__,_/_/\_\___/__/__/ 2:2452/413 \ +49-5401-460094
    |___/ _____________________________________________________________________________


    FILES : Filelist of AmigaXess (22452413.LST)
    FILEZ : Filelist of AmigaXess, zipped (22452413.zip)
    AMINET : Full Index file of Aminet Mirror (INDEX)
    AMINETZ : Full Index file of Aminet Mirror gzipped (INDEX.gz)
    AMINETREC : Recently uploaded files of Aminet Mirror (RECENT)
    AMINETRECZ : Recently uploaded files of Aminet Mirror gzipped (RECENT.gz)

    Full Aminet mirror (>50GB of Amiga Files, Mods & Demos) freq'able! <=-
    -=> All 360+ Aminet directories available as fileechos <=- _____________________________________________________________________________

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filearea: aminet.dev.cross http://mirror.amigaxess.de/dev/cross Description: Cross development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Effectus.lha 10738k Action! cross-compiler using MADS (ppc-
    morphos; other)
    Effectus.readme 1k Readme for Effectus - http://aminet.net

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filearea: aminet.disk.misc http://mirror.amigaxess.de/disk/misc Description: Various disk related tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GoADF.lha 467k AIO software to handle ADF/ADZ/DMS/HFE
    (m68k-amigaos >= 2.0)
    GoADF.readme 3k Readme for GoADF - http://aminet.net/di

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filearea: aminet.game.actio http://mirror.amigaxess.de/game/actio Description: Action games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TilesSlide.lha 96k Align 3 tiles of the same colour on WB!
    TilesSlide.readme 5k Readme for TilesSlide - http://aminet.n

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filearea: aminet.gfx.edit http://mirror.amigaxess.de/gfx/edit Description: Paint programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BackdPattGener.lha 41k Create your own backdrop patterns on WB
    BackdPattGener.readme 2k Readme for BackdPattGener - http://amin


    // AmigaXess - the only Amiga-Box in Osnabrueck!!
    \X/ Call -=> binkd: ftn.amigaxess.de 2:2449/413 V.34
    * Origin: AmigaXess (39:170/400)